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Kindle and mysteries

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In addition to the library, there's ereaderiq. Many of the books are indie (not from a known publishing house), so you kind of have to be picky. While there is some real garbage, there are also some enjoyable reads. You can sort by genre to find mysteries. Books on the Knob is a blog that list free ebooks and bargains.


Also, are you Amazon Prime members? Prime members who own a Kindle can read one book per (calendar) month for free from the Kindle Owners Lending Library. If you don't have Prime for the shipping, it's not worth the cost just for the free books, but if you have it, it's a nice perk. You must actually choose the book you want to borrow from your Kindle. It's not something you can do on a computer. This insures that only owners of Kindle devices can access the books.

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Dd14 and I love mysteries too. Agatha Christie is our favorite--not free except for a couple. But there are some similar authors who we like that are free.


Anna Katharine Green

Mary Roberts Rinehart


They are both old fashioned but good mysteries. Supposedly Christie's Marple was copied from AKGreen's Amelia Butterworth.

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