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Field trip cancelled today, idiot people Gah!

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SO I had planned to take dd4 and the 2 kids I am watching today to the seasonal opening of the museum in the next town. They have blacksmiths, buggy rides etc going on. I had the mom leave the kids car seats here so I can take them. I just tried to buckle the 4 year old's seat and one side of the crotch buckles will not go in, there is something stuck in there. So I called the mom to ask what she has been doing to make it click in. She tells me they stopped using that buckle when they drive because it wouldn't snap and not to worry about it. WHAT??!! Um no I do not drive with kids only half snapped into car seats. Then she says "Oh and she has been climbing out of her seat while we drive so if she does make sure you kit the breaks hard, she flies forward and will sit nicely the rest of the time." This is highway driving, so 110Km/hr, I am not going to hit the breaks and make a child fly through the air to teach her a lesson. Perhaps if he carseat were buckled properly that would not be an issue. At 4 this child should know not to stand in her car seat (she starts Kindy in the fall so she is nearly 5) but the mom is being an idiot about how she is handling it.


The parents are supposed to be back at 3pm, so I guess our fieldtrip is cancelled until then because I sure as heck am not driving kids without safe restraints in my car.


Some parents are flipping nuts. This is the newest issue with the car seats, in the past I have talked to her about driving with them having no liner in them(just the plastic shell), driving with the straps super twisted adn loose, driving with winter coats etc on in already loose straps etc. This is a friend and former co-wrker not just a random daycare parent so I feel fine confronting her on safety but this is getting ridiculous. I even offered to give her the money to buy a new one if the problem was money (not that have enough to spare but would find it to protect a child), but she refused stating she was buying a new one soon. THat was a year ago.


I am glad this thing at the museum goes until 5pm so I can still take dd when these kids go.


I just have to shake my head and wonder why on earth so much of this has to be spelled out to this woman.

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I so completely understand. My sil and step mil both did this with my niece. They were so lackadaisical with the car seat stuff. I actually printed out the law in my state and gave them a copy, but they still drove her around without any car seat at all on many occasions. I used to watch her full time for 2 years, and I just ended up buying an extra carseat for my car for her. I wasn't going to drive without proper restraints, either.

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SO I had planned to take dd4 and the 2 kids I am watching today to the seasonal opening of the museum in the next town. They have blacksmiths, buggy rides etc going on. I had the mom leave the kids car seats here so I can take them. I just tried to buckle the 4 year old's seat and one side of the crotch buckles will not go in, there is something stuck in there. So I called the mom to ask what she has been doing to make it click in. She tells me they stopped using that buckle when they drive because it wouldn't snap and not to worry about it. WHAT??!! Um no I do not drive with kids only half snapped into car seats. Then she says "Oh and she has been climbing out of her seat while we drive so if she does make sure you kit the breaks hard, she flies forward and will sit nicely the rest of the time." This is highway driving, so 110Km/hr, I am not going to hit the breaks and make a child fly through the air to teach her a lesson. Perhaps if he carseat were buckled properly that would not be an issue. At 4 this child should know not to stand in her car seat (she starts Kindy in the fall so she is nearly 5) but the mom is being an idiot about how she is handling it.


The parents are supposed to be back at 3pm, so I guess our fieldtrip is cancelled until then because I sure as heck am not driving kids without safe restraints in my car.


Some parents are flipping nuts. This is the newest issue with the car seats, in the past I have talked to her about driving with them having no liner in them(just the plastic shell), driving with the straps super twisted adn loose, driving with winter coats etc on in already loose straps etc. This is a friend and former co-wrker not just a random daycare parent so I feel fine confronting her on safety but this is getting ridiculous. I even offered to give her the money to buy a new one if the problem was money (not that have enough to spare but would find it to protect a child), but she refused stating she was buying a new one soon. THat was a year ago.


I am glad this thing at the museum goes until 5pm so I can still take dd when these kids go.


I just have to shake my head and wonder why on earth so much of this has to be spelled out to this woman.


When we were doing foster care I had a social worker come to pick up a 10 month old for a parent visit. I carried the little guy to the car and.....!!!!!...... there wasn't a car seat!!!!! I asked the SW how she planned on transporting the child without a car seat and she told me she would simply sit him on the front seat beside her and watch him. WATCH HIM DO WHAT??? FLY THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD IF SHE HAD TO HIT THE BRAKES?


I was steaming! I told her to wait just a moment and I would go get the car seat out of my car for her to use. By the time we got it in and she was on her way SHE was major irritated.:tongue_smilie:


If I would have be caught doing that I would have lost my lic. She should have lost her job.

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You know, you can probably find the manual online and see what the manufacturer recommends for buckle cleaning. I know mine allows it to be rinsed with warm water.


I didn't look it up but I did clean out the buckles and got them working again. I also rethreaded the tether belt so it could actually be used. Given the number of knots and tangles in it, it was obvious it could not. I took the 3 kids to the fieldtrip in the end. I met the mom at her work for the 5 yr old to be picked up for a b-day party and very loudly and clearly announced the buckle was fixed. Then drove the 4 year old home to her dad and also informed him it was fixed. I told both of them there was no reason to not use it.


As for the child climbing out of her seat, and her telling me I don't have to use the buckles, I told her what I tell all my kids when they think it is optional. If they do not wear their buckles they are breaking the law and I will have to take them to the police. I also had her reciting "wear your buckles or get arrested" everytime we got back in the car. I heard her say it to her dad when I was leaving their house (he was putting her right into his truck to go to gramma's house). May seem mean for some families but since there is a seat belt law here I make it clear to mine (and any that ride with me) that I will not break the law. She never tried to climb out of her seat at all, and after the first time telling me I don't have to buckle her she never suggested it again.


Hopefully her parents use it properly again now that I fixed it. I brought up ds8's accident again, about the problems he is having with the leg that was broken again (he thought he could jump on a trampoline 3 days ago, he can't, he has been in pain ever since with his limp pronounced). For most people hearing his story makes them redouble their seatbelting efforts, but it doesn't seem to work as well with this family. I keep hoping though. We are coming up on 1 year since the accident and he is still having this much trouble. I said to the mom "Thank God you guys were never in an accident with her buckles not done her leg would have snapped like ds8's" Followed by "with the buckle now fixed I will sleep so much better knowing she is safely buckled from now on"


Her response "why would you not be sleeping well over that?"


Hmm maybe because the sheer thought of picturing this little girl laying broken in a ditch like my son was scares the crap out of me.


On the exciting part of it all, the 3 little kids had their picture taken for the newspaper at the museum so they are eager to see their picture printed. We got there over an hour after the time I had planned due to the car seat issue but I would rather get there late with everyone safe than be on time with car seats improperly used.

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When we were doing foster care I had a social worker come to pick up a 10 month old for a parent visit. I carried the little guy to the car and.....!!!!!...... there wasn't a car seat!!!!! I asked the SW how she planned on transporting the child without a car seat and she told me she would simply sit him on the front seat beside her and watch him. WATCH HIM DO WHAT??? FLY THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD IF SHE HAD TO HIT THE BRAKES?


I was steaming! I told her to wait just a moment and I would go get the car seat out of my car for her to use. By the time we got it in and she was on her way SHE was major irritated.:tongue_smilie:


If I would have be caught doing that I would have lost my lic. She should have lost her job.


WOW. I really think I would have had to report that.:001_huh:

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Or how about the parent that allows their 12-14 yr old sit on the wheel hub in the truck bed heading down the interstate at 70 miles an hour! :confused: I just saw this last Thursday and called the police to report it once I got the plate number. It would have taken one quick movement of that vehicle and that child would have been sent flying.

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