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Age appropriate books on time travel for kids?


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My 6 yo would like a scientific book that discusses time travel. All the books I have found are way beyond his level. Beyond my level, to be honest. Is there a book that discusses the possibility of time travel in a coherent way for kids, and maybe discusses the history of it? :cheers2: (my son chose this icon!)

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Dh read this book and it sounded really accessible and interesting, but probably still way above a 6 yo.


Is there a time travel chapter in that pop science book about the real science behind Star Trek?


Good thought. He's been watching Star Trek with Dad, so that might grab him, if I can find it.


To be honest, he's hell-bent on building his own time travel machine, and wants guidance. I explained that if it were that easy, time machines would already exist :tongue_smilie: but he isn't deterred. I am going to look at your link.

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Ds 12 is currently reading the StarTrek physics book. He really likes it. Seems to be learning some new things too!:001_smile:


Do you have a link? This sounds like something that would be a huge hit in my house also!

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This looks interesting! Our usually amazing library system doesn't have this. Would you say it's worth the $16 purchase from amazon?


So hard to say. It is a good book. I have it in paperback, and paid a fair price. Now I would probably go for buying a used copy though, for less. I wish they would produce these in paperback again. Then we could do the 4/3 deal and they would be a veritable steal at that price.

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Did no one else marry the kid who was convinced that he was going to invent the time machine? DH is truly flummoxed some days when he realizes that he's approaching 40, and it still hasn't happened yet. In his theory, he would have done it by going back in time and telling himself how to do it, but he suspects he would have done that back in his 20s so I think he's moving on. ;)


DD and I tease him about this all the time, and she loves physics as much as he does. I think I need to get them both that book for his birthday next week!

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I woke up this morning to the sound of my son watching a documentary on time travel on Netflix! It was a series called The Universe and the episode was on time travel! Enjoy science nerds! (I use that term lovingly, as I consider myself a literature and grammar nerd - so please no flames for derogatory language ;)

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