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I can't say we've started formal Logic, but I've never been unhappy w/ Critical Thinking Press. We've used Building Thinking Skills, Mind Benders, Red Herrings, etc and I bought the entire Kindergarten package when my current 2nd grader was 4. He loved it! And I'm reusing several of the books w/ my current K'er. Is there a specific age you're looking for?

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I started "pre logic" when dc reached about 4th or 5th grade. We started with logic puzzles like Mindbenders.


I now have a 7th and 6th grader doing "informal logic" via Fallacy Detective. I may also do Teaching Toolbox and/or Art of Argument.


We'll move into 'formal logic' with Traditional Logic (or Introductory Logic) hopefully next year.



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GRADE K-3 = Critical Thinking



- Building Thinking Skills Book 1 (gr. 2-4)

- Critical Thinking Activities in Pattern, Image, Logic (gr. 1-3)

- Logic Safari (book 1 = gr. 2-3; book 2 = gr. 3-4)

- Lollipop Logic (gr. K-2)

- Primarily Logic (gr. 2-4)

- Connections series (by grade level)


solo puzzle books:

- Gifted and Talented series (K-4 gr.) (by Amerikander, or others)

- Puzzlemania series (gr. 1-5)



- Logic Journey of the Zoombinis (by grade level)

- Revenge of the Logic Spiders (by grade level)

- Crazy Contraptions series (gr. 3+)

- Operation: Neptune (gr. 3-6)

- Mission: T.H.I.N.K. (gr. 2-6)



- Set

- Duo

- Secret Door

- Blokus

- Scan (old Parker Brothers game, usually available on ebay)

- Clue


solo logic activities:

- Logix

- Scramble Squares

- Tangrams

- Rush Hour Junior




GRADE 4-6 = Prep for Logic


logic books:

- Dandylion Logic series (Logic Countdown = gr. 3-4; Blastoff with... = gr. 4-5; Orbiting with... = gr. 5-7)

- Logic Safari series (book 2 = gr. 3-4; book 3 = gr. 5-6

- Connections series (by grade level)



- Mindbenders

- Plexers

- Puzzlemania series (gr. 1-5)

- Dr. Funster Thank-A-Minutes, and other Critical Thinking Press books



- Logic Journey of the Zoombinis (by grade level)

- Revenge of the Logic Spiders (by grade level)

- Crazy Contraptions series (gr. 3+)

- Operation: Neptune (gr. 3-6)

- Mission: T.H.I.N.K. (gr. 2-6)



- Mastermind

- Amazing Labrynth

- 221 B. Baker Street

- Checkers

- Chess

- Boggle

- Scrabble

- Quarto


puzzle pages:

- mazes

- crosswords, word jumbles, anagrams

- codes, cryptograms

- sudoku puzzles



GRADE 7-8 = Intro to Logic

- Art of Argument (Larson/Hodge)

- Fallacy Detective (Bluedorn)

- Thinking Toolbox (Bluedorn)



GRADE 9-12 = Formal Logic

- Introductory Logic; Intermediate Logic (Wilson/Nance)

- Traditional Logic (Cothram)

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I will be using Mindbenders for fifth grade next year (have used it before with an older child). I will be buying the series of books I'm going to use from Rainbow Resource Center.


I already own Thinking Toolbox (haven't used before) and Fallacy Detective (older son used in a coop setting a little). I will be moving into those with younger ds for sixth grade.


I will probably do Introductory Logic (formal) with ds beginning in seventh. My older son did this program and had fewer problems with the language in it than did I. Maybe something better will come along before then.....


I also still own Traditional Logic I and II, which older son also used. I think this is better left to high school.


I believe I've gotten all of these from RRC.



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