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I called the police on my neighbor

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Ugghh, sounds like a lot of other stuff going on there. Stuff like this usually does not come out of nowhere. Who knows what is happening in his life - not to make an excuse for his behavior. This goes beyond a man behaving ill-mannered to a woman...

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Agreed, i think i will stick to LoF questions and Boy Scout Qs

Probbably im in the minority on almost every idea on here. (im Libertarian)

Dont worry i took a :chillpill: 3x


Sadly, some of my arguements were not as good as i hoped. I will let this thread go back to the 35 year old women instead of the 15 year old teen boy. I sorta did not quite follow my accounts namesake.

Sorry if i offended anyone.


Keep reading, this place is great for honing your debate skills, regardless of your age. :D


Just don't bring up shopping carts, crock pots, or wearing shoes in the house. Hot Topics!!!


Yes, he's been posting on the curriculum boards recently. :)

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The guy is a criminal. How is that assault that is tresspassing. Assualt is not tresspassing. Verbal assualt maybe but not assault.


What is assault, then? Can you tell me? I like to learn new things. You can infer I am speaking of assault as a legal term, specifically criminal, from my previous reference to it.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Um, am I the only one who thinks that this isn't the place for a 15 year old boy to hang out??


There are other teenagers that post here. I happen to think it's great that he's posting his opinion here and that he seems willing to have it debated and challenged.


I also happen to think he's got a point. I think the OP was completely justified in calling the police but that there may have been factors like stress, mentall illness or grief that contributed to his breakdown. Good people do stupid things all the time.


The OP did the right thing in calling the police. BrotherAtticus did the right thing in reminding us that one post on a message board might not provide enough info to judge the man involved beyond this one incident.


I also think it revealed some logical fallacies at play here - the discounting of his opinion not on the merits of his argument but because he's 15/not experienced/not a woman.

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Agreed, i think i will stick to LoF questions and Boy Scout Qs

Probbably im in the minority on almost every idea on here. (im Libertarian)

Dont worry i took a :chillpill: 3x


Sadly, some of my arguements were not as good as i hoped. I will let this thread go back to the 35 year old women instead of the 15 year old teen boy. I sorta did not quite follow my accounts namesake.

Sorry if i offended anyone.


I'm 38, not 35. ;)


I think your age is irrelevent. It's the quality of your arguments that matter and the only way to improve that is to do just what you've done, jump in and debate. Ignore those who get too hot under the collar and engage with those who can graciously and politely dissect your argument, even if they completely destroy it. :D Those folks are the ones you'll learn a lot from.

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Weird. Sounds to me like he probably wasn't thinking at all. Either impaired, nuts, or he had a body in the trash can and lost his cool seeing you out there.




if you do not have one, get a gun


irrational behavior is the start some some really serious stuff; and other not so serious "I am just a jerk" too -- be safe

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This happened last night but I am still shaking.


My dog ate a bird yesterday (gross) so she had to make an emergency visit to the front lawn at 10pm.


My neighbor is dragging his trash can down his driveway to the curb. Me and the dog are standing on the top steps (outside the door) waiting for him to finish. We can't see him because of bushes/tree that separate my lawn from his driveway.


The dog starts barking at him. She then pulls me to the lawn for her puppy emergency.


The neighbor appears around the bushes and starts screaming at me. I'm standing there in my pajamas dumbfounded. Then he starts cursing at me (profanities flying left and right) and starts approaching me (on my lawn) with his arm outstretched. I hightail it with the dog into the house and call 911. It took me several tries because my hands were shaking so.


I go back outside and he is dumping my trash (from the trash can at the curb) all over the sidewalk.


What the !!!????


Three police cars arrive and he starts screaming at the cop. The cop threatens to arrest him twice before he backed down.


They talked to me, they talked to him, they talked to me some more. About an hour later they left and now I have to go pick up my police report.


I'm still dumbfounded. I just don't understand how any man thinks its okay to talk to a women like that. He has a wife and a daughter. I just don't get it.


I'm thinking of a taking a self defense class. :001_smile:


That is really scary. I can't imagine any of my neighbors acting like that. I think I would have to move or definitely get another dog...big and scary looking. Definitely take a self-defense class. I feel sorry for his wife and child.

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I also think it revealed some logical fallacies at play here - the discounting of his opinion not on the merits of his argument but because he's 15/not experienced/not a woman.

I discount his opinion primarily because of the merits (or lack of) of his argument. His age/lack of experience shows in his posts.

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