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All Dr Who fans...

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Sorry! We just wait for Netflix to release them (no TV service here). It's a pain but I don't know if I could go week to week, its better for me to watch all at once.


I know this doesn't answer your question, but my two dc love to build the TARDIS out of those big diaper boxes. We all love Dr. Who around here!

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I think she is Donna's Daughter and maybe Doctor Who's ward or by a real long shot the Doctor's daughter with Donna.... but I doubt they will tell us this time round. My boys love Doctor Who and are on pins and needles wanting to see tonight episode NOW :D This really the only non-educational tv show we watch. Unless I count Chuck Jones cartoons :001_rolleyes: which dh and the boys loved to watch together.

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Did you watch last Fridays episode...where they were in the Library.


I have a question....


Who do you think River Song is?


Can't wait till tonight's episode to see if all is revealed. I'm trying really hard not to Google who she may be.






I am not sure who River Song is... she acts like more than an acquaintance, that's for certain. She has a sonic screwdriver, similar to Capt. Jack H. Could she be an evil nemesis? Could she be the Doctor's mother? The Doctor's future companion? A love interest?


Regardless, this past episode was intriguing for me, and I am looking forward to seeing its second half tonight.


I have only followed the Doctor for the most recent years. I have a good friend who has watched since he was a child, and he can spout off all kinds of Doctor lore. With a series running that long, I figure I'll never get all the ins and outs of the series, but I certainly have been enjoying it.

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I'm thinking that she must be an acquaintance from the future.


Dr. Who started before I was born. I always remember my dad saying that he used to hide behind the couch on a Saturday night when it came on.


I have a big Dr. Who encyclopedia that I'm trying to work my way through. It get a bit confusing at times. All the doctors and villains.

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I do too, I'm married to him :)




I have not seen the new season either (no cable) but my girls already know who *she* is and have told me....it's interesting!


I am really looking forward to this season!

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I figured she was his wife or girlfriend from the future (his personal future, that is). My other guess was that she is a future self, who has introduced herself to him--but can't Dr.'s only regenerate 10 times or something?


We love Dr. Who! Though I'm already missing Torchwood... sigh.

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How did they find out?

If you were asking how my girls found out - they read it online, I am not sure where.


They have been watching the new season online (I disapprove but my husband thinks it is no big deal - oh well...) and I think they discuss it at some site. I am not asking because I don't want to know anymore than I already do :glare:

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I'm thinking that she must be an acquaintance from the future.


That's what we think, also, a companion from his personal future but before he meets her in the library for her.


My dh got us involved with the present DW when it first started. I was hooked after the 2nd episode. :001_smile: We also like Torchwood (and currently are suffering from withdrawal :D) and dd LOVES the Sarah Jane Adventures.

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My dh has watched it for years, including this whole season. I have never seen a whole show before. But, he said that last week's episode was really good, so I watched the rerun tonight, plus the new show. It was so much fun! I'm hooked. ;)

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