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Evening Primrose in Pregnancy

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I mentioned in an earlier thread that I was taking this for mood...stabilization? LOL Anyway, several people mentioned that it's used to help bring on labor, soften the cervix, etc. I googled, & they were totally right. I emailed my mw, who had rec'd it, & I'm pasting her response below for those who are interested.


"Hopefully I talked with you in a little more detail about EP before I suggested it. There is no evidence that it can cause preterm labor that I know. It IS used to "soften the cervix" AT TERM. It is a hormonal precursor. As I understand it that means it stimulates your body to hormonal balance. It takes a lot to kickstart a labor and I have never had anyone in my care complain that takng it seems to cause contractions. However if you think that it might be causing contractions, stop taking it and see if it resolves. It seems to be so effective for so many people for hormonal mood stuff and it does not seem to cause contractions, so I have become comfortable recommending it over a long period of time.

Has it helped with your mood do you think? Do you feel that it might have caused you any side effects?"


Fwiw, I *haven't* noticed any side effects. Except that it does help my mood noticeably.


Ok, now for the disclaimer. I'm not a dr, etc. Ask yours before proceeding. HTH!

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Well yes, my mw the first time (a long time ago, 9 years, hehe!) had me take it to help prepare the cervix. Didn't start labor, was just supposed to be part of a myriad of things she wanted me to do to "get ready". She also had some herbal formulas that I think are commonly used by midwives. I don't know that I'll take those things this time, even if she wants me to. Had too much going on with my health and I don't need herbs messing around with me. As far as the EPO, I think my body was so deficient at the time (9 years ago) that I wasn't taking enough to get the effect anyway. (When she checked me, she asked if I had been taking it, making it sound like it didn't give any evidence of having worked.) Mercifully, birth still worked just fine, lol.


Actually, if you want to get gross and REALLY into tmi, I've been pondering whether I "have" to do perineal massage this time or whether I could get away without. I suppose it's not worth the chance, skipping it, but it sure ain't fun! Or maybe we were doing something wrong? ;)

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Love the disclaimer. I always heard EP used for menopause symptoms. Would you get same calm effect from chamomile or lavender in a diffuser.


But I dont know because I am not a midwife. LOL.



Sorry, I love midwifes. Had one for mine.

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Well, I mentioned that it works great for preparing my cervix for labor. It didn't start labor. Having said that my doctors absolutely "forbid" me to start it before 37 wks. It has the same chemical effect as having a teacher-parent conference would, and we know how many docs and mwives suggest that to prepare for labor. ;)


I'm sure it is mild, but if you were suspectible to early labor for other reasons this wouldn't be the thing to add to your system, kwim?



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Well yes, my mw the first time (a long time ago, 9 years, hehe!) had me take it to help prepare the cervix. Didn't start labor, was just supposed to be part of a myriad of things she wanted me to do to "get ready". She also had some herbal formulas that I think are commonly used by midwives. I don't know that I'll take those things this time, even if she wants me to. Had too much going on with my health and I don't need herbs messing around with me. As far as the EPO, I think my body was so deficient at the time (9 years ago) that I wasn't taking enough to get the effect anyway. (When she checked me, she asked if I had been taking it, making it sound like it didn't give any evidence of having worked.) Mercifully, birth still worked just fine, lol.


Actually, if you want to get gross and REALLY into tmi, I've been pondering whether I "have" to do perineal massage this time or whether I could get away without. I suppose it's not worth the chance, skipping it, but it sure ain't fun! Or maybe we were doing something wrong? ;)



I've never used EPO for softening the cervix, & I've never done perineal massage. So I'm thinking you could be fine w/out it. (Oh, & my births are fast.)

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Well, I mentioned that it works great for preparing my cervix for labor. It didn't start labor. Having said that my doctors absolutely "forbid" me to start it before 37 wks. It has the same chemical effect as having a teacher-parent conference would, and we know how many docs and mwives suggest that to prepare for labor. ;)


I'm sure it is mild, but if you were suspectible to early labor for other reasons this wouldn't be the thing to add to your system, kwim?




Sure, but thanks for the heads-up.

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Aubrey, how much EPO are you taking?


I took it with ds1 and my birth was SUPER FAST. I was induced, though, so it sure didn't kick start labor. Wish it would have.


With ds2, I read alarmist stuff about it causing PROM (premature rupture of membranes) so I quit taking it. (Would have rather had my water break *before* I went to the hospital. I let them "augment" my labor, so it might as well have been an induction).


I'm thinkin' if I get knocked up again I will take the stuff in the last trimester, but I'm not sure on dose and don't think I have access to a MW with herbal knowledge. (Planning to use a MW this time, but not sure about the local one's herbal skills).

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Aubrey, how much EPO are you taking?


I took it with ds1 and my birth was SUPER FAST. I was induced, though, so it sure didn't kick start labor. Wish it would have.


With ds2, I read alarmist stuff about it causing PROM (premature rupture of membranes) so I quit taking it. (Would have rather had my water break *before* I went to the hospital. I let them "augment" my labor, so it might as well have been an induction).


I'm thinkin' if I get knocked up again I will take the stuff in the last trimester, but I'm not sure on dose and don't think I have access to a MW with herbal knowledge. (Planning to use a MW this time, but not sure about the local one's herbal skills).


I'm taking about 1000mg/day, but the side of the bottle says I can take much, much more.


I took EPO w/ #3 sporadically, & honestly, it's been pretty sporadic this time, too. But I've had nothing close to preterm labor w/ any of mine. My water broke w/ #3 just before she was born (same as w/ the 1st 2), on her due date, lol, & fwiw, she was my longest labor at 4hrs.


Does that answer your question?

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It seems like EPO has the same effect as Red Raspberry Leaf. My OB this time around (I've only had midwives before this one) told me that it won't put me into labor unless I'm READY and maybe not even then, but may help my body get ready. She also told me I could drink it throughout my pg. I'm going to ask her about EPO at my next appt in a week and a half. Anyway...I drank the RRLT in both my other pgs (3rd trimester only) and have had VERY fast labor/deliveries. I don't know if it contributed or that's just me. We'll see as I haven't had any this pg. We're going on vacation when I'm 34-35 weeks and I don't want to take any chances. I will plan on drinking RRLT when I get home though. I wonder if I can have both supplements at the same time?


Sounds like you have a great midwife!

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to prepare the cervex you actually used it more like a suppository. A friend said she pierced the gel cap and squirted it up. . .well you get the picture. . . where the sun doesn't shine. :blushing: I have never thought to ripen the cervex one would take it orally.


Yes, most women I have known who have used EPO to soften the cervix have used it internally rather than taking it orally. However, Susun Weed (in Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year) suggests taking 3 capsules orally per day for up to a week. She also suggests squeezing the oil onto your fingers and massaging it onto the cervix. She doesn't mention potential problems with taking it and most things that can cause early labor or PROM she discusses those issues.

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I took EPO with all 3 of my pregnancies; however, it was only with the last one that I took it both orally and vaginally. I would take one (orally) in the morning, starting about 6 weeks before my due date. Then at 3 weeks before my due date, I would take one orally in the morning, one orally at bed time, and insert one at bed time as well (punctured before inserting).


I tried doing the p. massage by opening a capsule and using the oil, but I got tired of doing it after a few days.


All 3 of mine came early (DD1 came 7 days early, DS came 5 days early, and DD2 came 9 days early). Is it because of the EPO? Who knows! But, I'll do it again if I have another child!


Good luck!

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