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Ways to make life easier the first few weeks post-partum...

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I made sure we had a several-month supply of non-perishables. TP, dish soap, laundry detergent, canned goods, shampoo, soap, and so on. That way, we were less likely to have to do an emergency trip to the store, and shopping was easier because it was just the food that needed to be purchased. I know not everyone can afford to lay in supplies like that, but if you can, it can make life run more smoothly.

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  • Hire a maid service to clean the bathrooms, and the floors once a week
  • Freeze a months worth of dinners now - takes about 2 days to accomplish - there are plenty of websites to help.
  • Use lots of paper plates and plastic utensils and paper towels
  • Buy double your normal amount of pantry staples so you don't have to run to the store so soon
  • Lots of extra diapers
  • Invest in netflix streaming and design a study course of videos for a month
  • Teach the littles (6+) some home ec. now by showing them how to do the laundry - and then let them do it when the baby is here
  • Ecourage dh to take the littles to the park or out for a looooong walk every other evening and on the weekends to give you time to rest with the baby
  • On the evenings and weekend days dh doesn't have the other littles, have him push the baby around the block while you read and cuddle the other littles or maybe get a shower or a nap or something

Good luck.:grouphug:

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If you can afford it, get a maid to come in once a week for a month or so. That was a lifesaver for me when our 3rd was born.


Streamline as much as possible. Freeze dinners, but also other foods. I like to make big batches of muffins. They make a good breakfast or snack, especially when you're nursing and never seem to have time to make anything!


Figure out what your other kids are going to do. If you have little ones, put together fun activities they can do fairly independently (or with your older children). Having new things can be a great way to keep them busy! I imagine similar ideas would work with older kids, too.

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I always take a big shopping trip at TJoe's or BJ's to buy large quantities of easy-to-make foods like frozen ravioli that I can just add pasta sauce to. I also make and freeze many meals.


My husband goes by the library every week during that time and checks out books and educational dvds.

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:iagree: with everybody.


Also stay in bed with baby as much as possible for 2 weeks. The only trip out of bed is to the bathroom/shower ect. Everything else can be brought to you, food, diapers ect. I did this with my last and I felt better so much sooner. Yes my kids watched a ton of netflix. Yes we has lots of spaghetti for a month but then I could bounce back and make fun meals.


I also loved EmergenC for a pick me up afterwards.

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