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Better late than never...Flypeople! How'd we do today?

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I am happy with my progress even though I forgot to shine my sink last night. I did it this morning instead and forgave myself :) I did actually forget because I was watchin tv with the kids in my room, and then went to sleep.

I am still not back to where I have been with Flylady before, but I am doing better than I was recently. Shoes, hair, clothes, laundry, dishes...basic routine is going well enough. I haven't decluttered for a couple of days, but I have got off my butt when getting sucked into the computer and done a basic room pick up before allowing myself to blob.

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I wonder why FLYlady is SOOOOOOOOOOO much easier this time around? I'm enjoying it so much. I wake up, the house is CLEAN. I can think of projects, not just barely managing to keep the house looking half decent.


I rearranged the livingroom AGAIN. I love it.


I think I hear my daughter. She wants to exercise early today.

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I'm not sure why it's easier this time. I do know you guys are helping by meeting me here everyday. I've been avoiding the hot spots in my school room because it's pretty much a cluster of hot spots holding hands. This is the last day of VBS, so I'm looking forward to next week and really kicking some clutter butt! char044.gif

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This is really helping me as well!


My Mt. Washmore is dwindling. I think I only have 2 loads in the waiting, and all the clean clothes are FOLDED. I have one basket to put away (the kids were in bed before I got it done), and a little pile to iron.

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Still going here. Yesterday I cleaned out the refrigerator because it was trash day and enjoyed looking at my progress around the house. We have another load ready to donate to the flood victims. My linen closest looks kinda bare, but so organized again.:001_smile: Those bag boogies work good in all kinds of places.


I'll be popping in at Kelly's missions today. Keep going on the baby steps. Those minutes really add up.


I'm mildly considering the basement as a project. :confused: It falls well into the category of hot spot. Heck, it's nearly burning up down there.

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I think I did pretty well if I do say so myself. We had a home blessing hour yesterday and between myself and the kids I think we did quite a lot. I also got rid of one hot spot - I put a picture of it in my weekly report on my blog. I'm feeling pretty good, even though I'm not exactly going through the steps perfectly yet. I thought that today I'd get my routines down on paper and put up some sticky notes.

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This is the first time that we're a few days before my mom is coming that I don't feel like we have an entire house to super-clean.


I do have one question though. I have one light switch that I just can't get clean. I tried nail polish remover and that got the stuff off the buttons themselves, but I can't get the top of the switch plate clean. Any other ideas?


In other news, we've completely dusted, picked up 2 hot spots in the office, straightened up the stockpile and laundry room, cleaned bathrooms, etc.


Now I'm hoping not to get flamed on another thread. LOL

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