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Poll: What was your exposure to drugs as a teen/young adult?

What was your exposure to drugs as a teen?  

  1. 1. What was your exposure to drugs as a teen?

    • Public School- very prevalent/the norm for many kids
    • Public School- it was there, but you had to go looking for it
    • Private Religious School- Very prevalent/norm for many kids
    • Private Religious School- it was there but not with most kids
    • Private Secular School- very prevalent/norm
    • Private Secular School- not prevalent
    • Homeschooled- prevalent
    • Homeschooled- not prevalent
    • I never knew it existed in my school or homeschool that I knew of
    • Other

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I was in high school in the mid 90's and there were drugs around, but how open it was depended on the group you hung out with. Mostly weed, alcohol, and some mushrooms and LSD - I never heard of students doing things like cocaine or heroin (though in the same schools those things were around when my parents attended.) I can remember some of the billets at a model UN passing joints around and things like that when different groups of students hung out together, that was about the level of most of the drug use. If I'd wanted those kinds of drugs I could have got them pretty easily, I'd have known who to ask even though it wasn't my group of friends.


It was a mostly middle class school although with some poor kids mixed in. They weren't particularly the drug users though.

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I went to public school. It was very prevalent. Back then we had a designated smoking door and more often than not it was not cigarettes being smoked there. My best friend ran acid. I spent most of grade 10 and 11 hangin out with the users and dealers but never tried any myself. They knew my views on it and would never even think to offer any to me. Looking back given who I was friends with I actually am surprised that I never tried any.

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"Private Religious School- it was there but not with most kids" ~ Catholic all-girl high school.


Actually, I should have voted "other" because it was not at our school at all. There weren't even cigarettes any where near the school, even though it was legal when I was in high school. The local public school had a smoking section. When I would hang out with my neighborhood friends, sometimes one of their other friends might say they had tried something; but, really, there was nothing present. Looking back, it's hard to believe I never had exposure to drugs, other than cigarettes and alcohol, until I graduated from college. :lol:

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I went to a good NY public school in the '80's. Drugs were available but not prevalent. I had a couple of friends who smoked pot on occasion, but another friend who had asthma and couldn't be in the room with smoke. So I was able to use the, "I'm going to keep M..... company outside," excuse to avoid any use and no one ever pressured me. None of the friends who used became druggies. I think they all grew out of it in university.

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I went to a public girls' school. I really wasn't consciously aware of any drug use, although in retrospect, I can guess which kids would have been experimenting. I was never exposed to anything personally. But I also never went looking.

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Oh my gosh! I had no idea how prevalent drugs were for the average kid! These replies are disturbing. I went to high school in an upper middle class suburb of Salt Lake City. I didn't know a soul who did drugs in high school (that I knew of). I wouldn't have had a clue where to get some if I had been interested.

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