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Let's play: What's the worst slip-of-mind you've had while pg?

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I'll go first:


1. Walking to the train station w/ dc while pg w/ #3. My purse slipped off my shoulder & was swinging between my hand & dd's hand. We stopped at a gas station, & I realized I didn't have it, had no recollection of where it was, nothing. Looked at dd (3 at the time), desperately asking, "Where's my purse?" just as a man comes in w/ it. It was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the gas station. When I claimed it, you should have seen the look on his face. "It was just sitting there," he said. Yeah, I know.


2. In the mall the other day, walking w/ dd5 at my side, pushing stroller w/ dd1 in it. Ds w/ dh. Suddenly completely PANIC--have NO IDEA where I left dd1. At least 10 seconds go by before I realize the stroller I'm pushing actually has a baby in it.


That's all I'm admitting to. What about you?

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I'll go first:


1. Walking to the train station w/ dc while pg w/ #3. My purse slipped off my shoulder & was swinging between my hand & dd's hand. We stopped at a gas station, & I realized I didn't have it, had no recollection of where it was, nothing. Looked at dd (3 at the time), desperately asking, "Where's my purse?" just as a man comes in w/ it. It was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the gas station. When I claimed it, you should have seen the look on his face. "It was just sitting there," he said. Yeah, I know.


2. In the mall the other day, walking w/ dd5 at my side, pushing stroller w/ dd1 in it. Ds w/ dh. Suddenly completely PANIC--have NO IDEA where I left dd1. At least 10 seconds go by before I realize the stroller I'm pushing actually has a baby in it.


That's all I'm admitting to. What about you?


When I was pg with #5, I was in a complete panic because I couldn't find ds#4. Um...I was carrying him.

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I'll go first:



2. In the mall the other day, walking w/ dd5 at my side, pushing stroller w/ dd1 in it. Ds w/ dh. Suddenly completely PANIC--have NO IDEA where I left dd1. At least 10 seconds go by before I realize the stroller I'm pushing actually has a baby in it.


That's all I'm admitting to. What about you?


I actually do this one quite often and my closest pregnancy was 2.5 years ago. The most embarrassing one is when one of my middles would ride in the back of the cart and I look wildly for them and start asking the others "Where's ____?" and they point and say "That one?"

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I'll go first:


1. Walking to the train station w/ dc while pg w/ #3. My purse slipped off my shoulder & was swinging between my hand & dd's hand. We stopped at a gas station, & I realized I didn't have it, had no recollection of where it was, nothing. Looked at dd (3 at the time), desperately asking, "Where's my purse?" just as a man comes in w/ it. It was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the gas station. When I claimed it, you should have seen the look on his face. "It was just sitting there," he said. Yeah, I know.


2. In the mall the other day, walking w/ dd5 at my side, pushing stroller w/ dd1 in it. Ds w/ dh. Suddenly completely PANIC--have NO IDEA where I left dd1. At least 10 seconds go by before I realize the stroller I'm pushing actually has a baby in it.


That's all I'm admitting to. What about you?


I've done #2 more times than I care to admit.


Once while pregnant I went to pick up DH at the airport. I took my keys out of my pocket, put them in the little basket, went through the metal detector, and kept walking. Did not pick my keys back up.

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One time I was at my sisters house and was frantically looking for my baby and couldn't figure out they were looking at me weird. Then I realised said baby was on my hip. :lol:


Then when I was pregnant with Hannah I used to sleep in long john pants and along T shirt. One day I got up to go for my walk, changed my shirt, put on my socks and shoes and headed out the door. I got to the bottom of the stairs before I figured it out LOL


I am sure there are many more :D

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Where we lived before their was a corner store about 5 houses a way from the house.... I was 9 mos preg with #5, and didn't want to get everyone ready to go get something at the store. I waited until the 2 littles ( 3 and 2) were taking their afternoon nap, and left DD11 in charge, along with ds 9....

I get to the store... ummmm no money.... walk home...

Go home get the diaper bag... dd tells me we need milk... Walk back to the store.... um... no wallet in the diaper bag... Walk home.. Find the wallet on the bookshelf.. walk back to the store... pick up gallon of milk.. walk home.. DD reminds me that I went to the store in the first place to get bread... Walk back to the store... stand in the doorway for a minute.... oh yeah.. bread... get bread.. prepare to pay... The guy behind the counter asks.. "Is that your diaper bag?" It was next to the soda case..... me "YES!!! Thank you" Then I stood beside the soda case for about 2 minutes trying to remember what I could have possibly needed that my bag was there....walk out paying for the bread.. . Came home and told big kids... " I am tired now.. I am just going to lie down for a minute".... just as the 3 year old walks out of the room.. "Morning momma" :) :) :)

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Nine months pregnant with DS (#1) and forgot I was preg, until I went to do a backflip on the trampoline. ROFL My pride took the biggest hit! Also proved I could do the splits and got stuck. Big belly touched the floor and DH had to help me get back up.


Oh. my. goodness. I'm LOL!!


I was at the bookstore a mo. or so ago, obviously pg, & I forgot, too. The lady said something about when baby comes, & I looked at her completely dumbfounded.


I'd forgotten that one. Heh heh. I guess it's a pretty decent pg if you can forget it, huh? Thanks for the laugh!

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I still cringe over this one. I was about 7 months pregnant with my twin sons at the time. I was in a mad rush to get to an O.B. appointment and on my way out the door I grabbed a natural soda and a granola bar to tide me over.


I set both items on the hood of my car. My neighbor was walking by after her morning jog and stopped to say hi. She kept looking at the top of my car and I had a moment of shame about the natural soda, because I hadn't given up soda entirely while pregnant. She left in a hurry and I didnt' think much about it since I had the appointment to get to.


As I grabbed my snacks off the hood of my car, I realized much to my horror that I hadn't grabbed a soda, I had grabbed one of my husband's BEERS! I wanted to just die. No wonder she kept looking at it! Nothing like drinking and driving to your O.B. appointment while pregnant eh?


My husband is fond of the story, I'm still mortified.

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This was actually a few weeks after baby #3 was born, so I had 4 year old, a 18 month old, and a new baby that I was breastfeeding. Two incidents: backing out of the garage without opening the garage door; forgetting to put the car in park when I picked up my son from preschool, thereby rolling up on the sidewalk when I leaned back to help him buckle. Thank goodness we had pulled down the parking lot to let the other cars pick up and no children were in the way.

Ah, the joys of motherhood!

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Well I have driving issues while I am preggies, with my youngest son I forgot I was driving and not in park and ran into the side of the garage. Yep it was a rental $200 later good as new. With my 2nd child I ran into a tree again trying to park.


Also with number 3 I was trying to potty train #1, it was a failed attempt but anyway. We were doing the wear nothing under your dress so you can't just pee into your underwear. So I lean down to put her into the shopping cart and yep no underwear on at all:001_huh: Did I mention it was failed attempt?




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Can I play if the slip of the mind didn't happen while I was pregnant? ;)


My younger ds was inside my neighbor's house playing with her little girl. Ds was 2.5-3 at the time. Older ds was outside playing with older neighbor child. I knew where younger ds was but I totally blanked out that he was inside neighbor's house. I came running outside (after a few minutes) looking for him and some older neighbor kids started searching the neighborhood for him! sigh.

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Well I have driving issues while I am preggies, with my youngest son I forgot I was driving and not in park and ran into the side of the garage. Yep it was a rental $200 later good as new. With my 2nd child I ran into a tree again trying to park.


Also with number 3 I was trying to potty train #1, it was a failed attempt but anyway. We were doing the wear nothing under your dress so you can't just pee into your underwear. So I lean down to put her into the shopping cart and yep no underwear on at all:001_huh: Did I mention it was failed attempt?





Well, I can top this, but...no, wait. I *was* pg! LOL


Anyway, last summer when we were trying to buy a house, I had to go meet a guy to look at a foundation. The new house was 25min away from home. I told the kids to go get in the car, got my purse & keys, & drove to new house.


Get out, kids follow, & 6yo ds is in a t-shirt & undies. And shoes. That's *it.* Now, at that age, I consider that *his* fault, but still. You'd think I would have noticed.


He said, "You told us to get in the car." :rolleyes:

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I forgot George Bush was president! My dh, very patiently asked, "Who was pres before Clinton." My answer- Regan. He said, but after him??? He looked at me in horror and said, "I want my smart wife back!" He actually went to the obygyn on the next visit! For almost a year afterward if I did something ditzy he would whisper, "Bush. Bush." I had sworn him to secrecy so of course the kids were all about figuring out what "Bush. Bush." meant.


I can't believe the back flip on the tramp. Did this induce labor?!

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