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I pulled out my oldest two today.


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It's such a relief. I don't even know why we kept them in so long. They're in 5th/6th Transition & 8th grade. We put them in school to take some workload of me, they also we're very reluctant to school work and just needed to be held accountable to someone else besides me.


It was not the answer.


There's been so many issues but I was just done when my 11 year old daughter called me sobbing because some girls we're calling her the B & C word and threatening to beat her up. After several days of nothing being resolved and talking to the principal and superintendant (sp?). I pulled them both out.


Not worth it, at all. We we're expecting some negatives but nothing like this. We'll be spending the summer getting back everything we lost, which was more than just school wor. My 11 year old went through a lot emotionally and I feel horrible about it. The only good thing I see coming out of this is they will be more thankful for being homeschooled!


*Disclaimer: In no way is this about all public schools, just our experience with this school.

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It's such a relief. I don't even know why we kept them in so long. They're in 5th/6th Transition & 8th grade. We put them in school to take some workload of me, they also we're very reluctant to school work and just needed to be held accountable to someone else besides me.


It was not the answer.


There's been so many issues but I was just done when my 11 year old daughter called me sobbing because some girls we're calling her the B & C word and threatening to beat her up. After several days of nothing being resolved and talking to the principal and superintendant (sp?). I pulled them both out.


Not worth it, at all. We we're expecting some negatives but nothing like this. We'll be spending the summer getting back everything we lost, which was more than just school wor. My 11 year old went through a lot emotionally and I feel horrible about it. The only good thing I see coming out of this is they will be more thankful for being homeschooled!


*Disclaimer: In no way is this about all public schools, just our experience with this school.

I'm sorry that happened.


I sent my oldest to a highly regarded charter and I have not been happy with some of the social stuff, by any means.

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I know where you are coming from! I just pulled my 12yo (7th grade) dd out of school a few weeks ago. Many people said, "There are only a few weeks of school left, why not just let her finish the year?". It was just becoming too much for her (lots of reasons) and there didn't seem to be a reason to let her continue to suffer.


While I work on curriculum for next year, she has been on Cloud 9 playing tea party with her little sister, reading for pleasure (gasp!), taking knitting lessons, and reconnecting with her homeschool friends. In a nut shell...de-stressing :001_smile:


Good Luck!!

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Absolutely. We didn't have any bullying problems. But my middle two are just so done with school. They have to finish out the year because we're leaving to go to Cincinnati with our youngest for her surgery next week. So I wouldn't have the time to teach them now. If they were being bullied that would be a different issue.


But I guess my point is , my oldest went to private school last year , didn't this year because the school closed their 7th and 8th grades. And my middle two are done after 'serving' two years, and they can't wait to be home. They definitely are way more appreciative of homeschooling now then they ever were. That , I think "the grass is greener on the other side" thinking is now gone.


I can't wait to have all my girls home again.

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For some reason, at least in my experience, the emotional stress really comes out in the last 2-3 weeks of school. It's almost like they realize they won't see each other for awhile and need to get the digs in before school ends.


Sorry that your dd had to go through this. Not all schools are like this, but it's unfortunate that it happened at the expense of your dd's emotional well being. Imagine how the kids feel who have no one to talk to, to help them through this...


Wishing you a relaxing summer:)

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I'm so sorry this happened to your dd. But thank you for sharing. I keep looking at that nice green grass where someone else teaches my children, and I needed the reminder about all the other issues that go along with public school--especially middle school.

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