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I think she did you an enormous favor. She showed you her crazy BEFORE you were entangled in it. It would have been much worse if you had started a group that included her and then had to fight her for control of it. Now you know she has social problems and you are not involved yet. Win for you!




AMEN and AMEN!! :iagree:

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I'd so up-one her.


"And my new group will have free pony rides. American Girl Doll giveaways. Fifty dollars cash for the first five families to respond. Gluten Free desserts. Barbecues and dancing. I'm installing a heated spa tub and underground pool. And a Koi Pond. And a darkroom, each girl gets a brand new Nikon D90. And ...and..."




I'm be flippin' ticked.

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You are not being petty in any way! After something like that I would probably not even associate with her.

Go ahead with your plans to start a group but I do suggest going with an established organization. Parents will be more comfortable and it is always good to have back up, training, official materials and recognized awards that look really good on college apps. There are plenty of organizations to choose from that you can find the one that works for you.

Girl Scouts

Spiral Scouts (co-Ed)

American Heritage Girls

Camp Fire (co-Ed)

Frontier Girls

And I am sure I am missing some.

I have been a Girl Scout leader for 6 years and have really enjoyed it. If I was just starting out today I would probably do Frontier Girls or Spiral Scouts.

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Ok, I am still upset, but feeling a little better that I am not upset for no reason AND being a b***h. At this point, I figure I will just have to bite the bullet and let my girls participate, but she has switched it to evenings and that is just a no-go for us. Unfortunately, we are both drawing from the same pool of girls, so I guess it makes no sense to continue on with my group. She got tons of interest right away for hers.....grrrr. My hubby is adamant that our girls not be involved with her group. This is not the first time she has been a less than stellar friend. Big surprise, huh? Apparently I am a slow learner....


Go ahead and have your group - let folks know it is not the same, being a day time group that includes service projects ...and that you had invited the other mom's kid's to it BEFORE she made her announcement as "Great minds think alike!" (then let the other parents figure out who stole from whom...if this is the other mom's typical move they will be on to her soon if they aren't already).

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Go ahead and have your group - let folks know it is not the same, being a day time group that includes service projects ...and that you had invited the other mom's kid's to it BEFORE she made her announcement as "Great minds think alike!" (then let the other parents figure out who stole from whom...if this is the other mom's typical move they will be on to her soon if they aren't already).


:iagree: What a horrible thing to do! You have every right to be angry!

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I agree this was a horrible thing for her to do - and how can she claim they are not the same? Incredible!

I seriously doubt this woman's group will last long (if it even starts at all). This wasn't her idea, so she isn't really vested in the plan. Once she actually has to put work into it, then it will fizzle.

Definitely don't join her group. It would just be a frustrating experience all around. Continue with plans for your group and make sure the pool of participants knows about it. Even if your group is small at first, keep posting updates about what it has done (I was going to say "is doing" but you don't want her to steal your ideas again). Anyway, as her group fizzles or as she offends members of her group, they will come join yours.

I think I like the ideas of pp about saying "I had a similar idea that I shared with X, but I wanted to meet during the day as that is more convenient for our schedule. I will post more details on my FB/email you with details. Please let me know if you are interested."

Sorry she did this to you.

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