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s/o -bedtime read alouds- multiple kids


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I'm wondering how you all approach bedtime read alouds with multiple kids. I like the idea of everyone all together for the family aspect. However, I also like the individual time for each kid to read a book at their level and also to have time to connect one on one with that child. I usually read to the twins together (sometimes dd5 joins) and then read to dd5. However, we are going to switch rooms and move dd2 twin in with dd5 which will disrupt dd5's usual one on one attention time. Looking for thoughts on this. How do you handle bedtime when they are sharing a room? I feel like dd5 is going to miss out on "our" time together and neither of my girls will get that one-on-one time with me at night. I could spin this positively and say that they will get shared bonding time with each other and me which is awesome too, but I'm still not sold. ;)


What do you do?

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Well mine are close in age so they still enjoy the same types of books. My 2yo just wanders off when he loses interest. I usually start by reading some books the baby has chosen (always fire engines LOL) and then read higher level books he either stays for or plays in the room.


When DD started being interested in chapter books but the other 2 weren't I would just read them all picture books together then go into DD's room and read her a chapter of a book. Now DS1 is getting interested in chapter books so he sometimes listens or just goes off to bed if he is bored.


I don't worry to much about individual time at bedtime. I read to the 2yo on his own lots during the day - he also has his own special "school time".

Same with DS1 and DD.


Night time is mostly shared reading. We always read way more then just one book so everybody gets their choice and the other's are free to wander off or listen in - mostly they listen in.


Because DD likes girly chapter books I often read to her alone after the boys are in bed. Often the 2yo will get up and come into her room but he knows to be quiet or I will put him to bed -he usually just lays on the floor and plays with his cars. I still feel like that is ok for individual time with DD because the focus is all on her even though a sibling is in the room.


Edited to add -even though my DD has her own room she likes to sleep in the boys room a lot. When she does I just put the boys to bed and read to her on the couch in the lounge. Maybe you could try that.

Edited by sewingmama
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Dh and I divide and conquer...


We have two kid rooms. Ds8 and ds6 share one, ds3 and ds1 share the other. The baby gets read to by himself (older boys sometimes join in voluntarily or do the reading themselves) at his bedtime (7:00-7:30). He gets all of the fun board books. I love Sandra Boynton! He is a good sleeper and is asleep within 5 mins after I leave the room.


Then the big boys get read to at 7:30. Ideally, ds3 gets his own with dh and I read to ds6 and ds8. Often ds3 wants to be with his brothers, so I just take turns reading at each boys' level. In that case, dh will usually handle the baby. If ds3 get too distracting, I'll finish his stories and send him off to his own room before doing the olders. I would like to start earlier but it doesn't work for our schedule. Sometimes I don't finish reading until after 9. Then, the boys still want to read on their own. It's not surprising that we are late risers :D. I try to give them only 30 mins to read to themselves but usually cave to the "one more chapter?" pleading.


I like the idea of a full-family read aloud time but my littles have such different needs than their older brothers. As they mature, that will be more likely.


My boys love sharing a room and we haven't had any trouble with bedtime beyond the typical messing around after lights out. I could see rearranging the pairings later based on sleeping habits but the boys are learning to be considerate of their differences (ds8 is a night owl, ds6 and ds3 are early(er) risers). The bonding of sharing rooms is our biggest reason for doing it and so far we are very pleased with the results.

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I wouldn't worry about it. Obviously you care about giving your children special care and attention. There are a million moments in a day where you can give a child 100% of your attention. Just do the read aloud to all of them at bedtime and appreciate the great time where the family shares the love of books together before bed.

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My DD2 is only 14 months old and she has been taking part in our read alouds at bedtime since she was born simply as I do not have any help at that time. Since she has started showing more interest in books I read her one or two stories first and DD1 (4.5 years) knows that is DD2s time and that she gets to sit on my lap though both listen. I then put DD2 on the floor or on the bed and give my attention to DD1 and read her a few books. They get individual attention at other times in the day - bedtime stories are shared.

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We read all together, usually in my bed or the playroom couch but occasionally we take turns in their rooms. It is one of the highlights of their day and I LOVE snuggling up with all three for that time. Such precious memories we will all have together. I could not dream of reading to each individually, but that is just me. :tongue_smilie:

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I wouldn't worry about it. Obviously you care about giving your children special care and attention. There are a million moments in a day where you can give a child 100% of your attention. Just do the read aloud to all of them at bedtime and appreciate the great time where the family shares the love of books together before bed.


:iagree:My kids all share a room, so they get one bedtime story together, or we might do a couple picture books for the little one and then a chapter book. Just depends on my mood. The big boys enjoy the little one's picture books anyway. ;)

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We usually read to the youngest and then work our way up to the oldest. I read to ds1 out in the family room because ds3 loves to listen also. Then I put him to bed. The other 3 share a room, so I read to ds3, then dd6, then ds8 in their room. They are all listening, but as a get to the older children, the youngest has usually fallen asleep. I think it has been great practice for ds3 to be a good listener! And they all fall asleep very easily this way. The days that we don't read they take much longer to fall asleep!

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My 3 year old gets read to 1:1 because he goes to bed first. Then we do individual reading time with the other two either downstairs or in our bedroom. They don't share a room but it's just more comfortable to snuggle up on the couch or in our big bed. If they don't want to listen to the book their sibling chose, then can go play quietly until it's their turn.


I do love the 1:1 time. My oldest has been enjoying the Harry Potter series and we've been reading that for several months at bedtime. I enjoy it, too, so it's a nice bonding time for us.

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I read books mostly at the request of the younger child of the two I read to. If the older child wants to listen (which is usually the case), fine. Otherwise, the older one can read whatever he would like on his own. The books are not necessarily easy, but they are aimed at the interests of the younger, which includes avoiding the bloodcurdling or frightening right before bed. The older is not so picky.

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I'm wondering how you all approach bedtime read alouds with multiple kids. I like the idea of everyone all together for the family aspect. However, I also like the individual time for each kid to read a book at their level and also to have time to connect one on one with that child. I usually read to the twins together (sometimes dd5 joins) and then read to dd5. However, we are going to switch rooms and move dd2 twin in with dd5 which will disrupt dd5's usual one on one attention time. Looking for thoughts on this. How do you handle bedtime when they are sharing a room? I feel like dd5 is going to miss out on "our" time together and neither of my girls will get that one-on-one time with me at night. I could spin this positively and say that they will get shared bonding time with each other and me which is awesome too, but I'm still not sold. ;)


What do you do?


All of the above. :)


We read aloud as a family (including our 16yo and 13yo all the way down to the baby and the 2yo.) before bedtime. At bedtime, everyone goes to their own rooms.


Two of my girls often choose to then read aloud to younger siblings in their rooms a separate book. (They do not do this every night.)


All that can read do then read until lights out.


If I could convey ONE thing it would be this:




:P ;)


I have a 16yo who will regularly request picture books as gifts or spend $$ on them because they are beautiful to look at and lovely to read. I have an 8yo who is currently enjoying Cheaper by the Dozen and the little ones are still getting so much more than people realize from just hearing words read aloud. Read good books aloud. Read above their level, read below their level, and read books YOU enjoy. Then read more.

Edited by BlsdMama
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