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2yo killed sensitive ds' hamster...no words right now. nt

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So sorry. This happened to us a few years back when, you guessed it, dh was watching the dc's. It was really sad but eventually they began to joke about it. It took a long time though before they were able to move on.


On the bright side, my dd that did this turned out to be our animal lover and is extremely gentle now.

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Thanks, everyone. We had a lot of tears this afternoon. Ds 2 does not understand and I'm rather relieved about that. Ds (8) is sad, but not at all mad at his younger brother. I worried that he would really be upset with himself for leaving his ladder next to the hamster cage (cage is up high and normally littlest one wouldn't be able to get to it) but after mentioning it once he didn't bring it up again.

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