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Flypeople! Today's report. How are ya?

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VBS is kicking my tail! I have managed the babysteps, though. It's a good thing they're easy this week so far. I'm on Day 5. (It's after the Pug post) There are some good emails today. Make sure you take some time to review them. I modified the Home Blessing Hour yesterday. I made my kids do it! I'm going to work in my zone after I rest for a minute. Did I mention that VBS is kicking my fanny? Keep it up, Ladies!

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I'm babystepping right with you.


My sink is shiny, I started my home Blessing (I do it spread out over the week). Today was change the sheets, empty the trash and purge old magazines. I did the morning routine, even the bathroom (which is my hardest). I really wanted to mop my floors, but the kiddos begged me to bake chocolate chip cookies, so I did! They're good too. So I will continue the HB tomorrow.

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Well, I don't have VBS, but we had t-ball early and then ran a bunch or errands, did lunch and I had a headache, so I crashed for a while. The good news is that I didn't leave the house a mess, my sink was shiny, and the house is still very picked up. The bad news is, I didn't really get much else accomplished & haven't done any Home Blessings yet.

Baby Steps, right?

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Well, I don't have VBS, but we had t-ball early and then ran a bunch or errands, did lunch and I had a headache, so I crashed for a while. The good news is that I didn't leave the house a mess, my sink was shiny, and the house is still very picked up. The bad news is, I didn't really get much else accomplished & haven't done any Home Blessings yet.

Baby Steps, right?


Yes definitely take babysteps. I feel like I should be doing more. I am looking forward to putting the Control Journal together. That's where I bailed last time. Keep it up!!!

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I will have to amend my previous post. I don't know what got into me, but I cleaned out this huge cupboard I have that is filled with magazines I'm saving, books, etc.. Then, I did under the bed! Not the whole thing, but still. And I listed a HUGE list of the books on the for sale board. I'm not saving stuff anymore. Yeah! I still have a lot of crap though.

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I don't know if I really did much of anything that I was supposed to. I slept in and by the time I got up to go start week 3 of couch to 5k, it was already 90 outside. The heat kicked my butt. I did manage to clean a little, but probably not what I was supposed to. Then this afternoon, I went over to help a friend move into her new house. Surely the time I spent helping her organize her kitchen cabinets and unpacking should count for my Flylady time today. Right?

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I will have to amend my previous post. I don't know what got into me, but I cleaned out this huge cupboard I have that is filled with magazines I'm saving, books, etc.. Then, I did under the bed! Not the whole thing, but still. And I listed a HUGE list of the books on the for sale board. I'm not saving stuff anymore. Yeah! I still have a lot of crap though.


Well, we finished the laundry!!! All caught up! chores003.gif chores007.gif I tend to get my cleaning done better in the afternoon. Good Work!

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I don't know if I really did much of anything that I was supposed to. I slept in and by the time I got up to go start week 3 of couch to 5k, it was already 90 outside. The heat kicked my butt. I did manage to clean a little, but probably not what I was supposed to. Then this afternoon, I went over to help a friend move into her new house. Surely the time I spent helping her organize her kitchen cabinets and unpacking should count for my Flylady time today. Right?


I'd say so! VBS is jacking my day up, so I'm doing the bare minimum this week. I'm not doing a lot of what the emails suggest quite yet but I am reading them.

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I am happy with my progress. Shiny sink. I haven't done much extra today, but I am treading water, not drowning in my mess, and I got my son to do his washing today which is just as good as doing my own!

I have had a headache all day, which is unusual for me, so I am being kind to myself and not pushing myself much. I have been dressed to shoes all day. I had a walk.

I was always sporadic with the shoe thing. We kind of have a shoe free house, but I am not strict about it. I have worn shoes all day and I do think it helps give me energy. Its winter too and we have marble floors. Shoes keep my feet warm.

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And I kept procrastinating about joining until today when I decided that sometimes confession is the best motivation. I posted pictures of why I need FlyLady on my blog.


Then I went to sign up. Apparently I was already signed up so I went to change my mail status and found that the emails are actually going to my inbox. So, over at my inbox I discovered that "someone" had made a rule about FlyLady emails and they were actually going into a separate FlyLady folder that I have been studiously ignorning for who knows how long. Anyway...now that I know they're there I can spend my 2 minutes reading them.

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