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Parties, time-lines and food

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I'm having just a few people on Friday for dd's B-day. It will be at 5 pm, due to church and our own preference I prefer not to do weekends. The party will be 5-7. I am making a light meal- chicken, potato salad, baked beans, salad, fruit and a flourless chocolate cake w/ strawberries. My mil seems to think it offensive that I ever cook for b-day parties. She said you never have to cook anything for b-day parties- cake and maybe finger food.


I think it is rude to invite people over during dinner time and not provide some food. Also, think it horrible to feel kids full of carbs/sugar without real food on their belly Especially as with our location people generally are driving 20-45 minutes to get here and thus the same to get home. I know that they will have to leave their houses by 4:30 to get here and not be home to 7:30. I know that I wouldn't want my kids to be out that long without real food and wouldn't want to have to cook after getting home that late and in order to get supper before that means starting to cook no later than 3:30p. What say you?

Edited by soror
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Well, mil is not ever quite happy with anything I do in regards to party. I shouldn't have it at the house. You should have ordered cake and such. I would just not invite her if I could as she always has to try and take over in some way to fix all my wrong doings.

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Tell mil to butt out. Your party sounds perfect!




Mil could take all the children to Chuck E.Cheese from 5-7 and then drive each child home, all by herself and her opinions. You could stay home and have a restful two hours to yourself. :D


Well, that would probably be ideal for her. She thinks as it is I should have it at her house, I believe she thinks ours is too small and humble or such. However, with our food limitations it doesn't work. Did I mention I have a hard time being loving towards her- UGH. In my family a party like this is normal but it is never good enough or right.

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On the contrary, it is rude in the extreme to invite guests for a standard meal time and then not feed them a meal.


That is what I said to her when she started telling me how it is a b-day party and I didn't need to serve food. For whatever reason, that I fail to understand, she thanks it is horrid to serve food, I'm not sure if it is just me that is not allowed to serve food or anyone. I do notice that my sil doesn't ever serve food(other than cake) and I get grumpy when I have to be at her parties w/ nothing to eat and it is mealtime w/ 3 small kids.

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