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Math Breakthrough for...ME!!!


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First off I want to state that I am not a math/science person, but an arts and humanities kind of gal.


Today Chipette and I were going over her math worksheets. She had missed a couple of word problems. We come across this problem: There are 605 children at a swimming pool. There are 278 girls. How many are boys? She has the problem set up correctly to subtract to find the answer. She had missed it during her computation so we worked through it together.


Me: Can you take 8 away from 5?


Dd: No, so I need to take 10 from the tens, but there aren't any tens. That's the problem!


Me (Miss all-I-know-is-plug-and-chug): Well, you make the zero a 9, and then add your 10 to the ones place.


Dd: Why?


Me: Why what?


Dd: Why do you put a 9 in the tens place when there weren't any tens there?


Me: (long pause) I don't know. Finish the rest of these word problems and let Mom figure it out.


So I get down our set of base 10 blocks and use the blocks to work out the problem. I realized the reason you put a 9 to replace the zero is because you have to skip the tens place and move to the hundreds place. Take one of the hundreds away (or 10 tens), put 9 of the tens in the tens place, and move 1 of the tens to the ones place making the new problem: 5 hundreds, 9 tens, and 15 ones - 2 hundreds, 7 tens, and 8 ones.


I was so excited that I figured out why you replace the 0 with a 9!!! I'd never thought to ask that question in all my years of ps. I just followed the formula and it works but I never thought about why :001_smile:


I just wanted to share my "eureka" moment with people who would understand.


And dd thought it was very funny that mom had to get out the math manipulatives to figure out a 2nd grade math problem :tongue_smilie:

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Congrats for your Ah ha moment! I love when that happens. And your daughter is better off seeing that when you don't know the answer to something that you take some time and figure it out. You set a good example for her future. Give your self a pat on the back! :)

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Me: Sure you can, it is -3 :D


You've got to read Liping Ma's Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics, you will love it.




:lol: I knew somebody would call me on that. We have actually touched on negative numbers using MEP, but she knew what I meant. :001_smile:

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You had to know I would :D


Snickerdoodle got lucky I didn't call her out on the "borrowing" thing, that word gets your mouth washed out with soap around here :tongue_smilie:




I already knew that one! I always say regrouping. My dh and my mom look at me like :confused:, and they say, "Oh you mean borrowing/carrying."


Ugh. ;)

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I already knew that one! I always say regrouping. My dh and my mom look at me like :confused:, and they say, "Oh you mean borrowing/carrying."


Ugh. ;)


Now that you've figured why a 9 goes in the tens place there will be no living with you :D



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First off I want to state that I am not a math/science person, but an arts and humanities kind of gal.


Today Chipette and I were going over her math worksheets. She had missed a couple of word problems. We come across this problem: There are 605 children at a swimming pool. There are 278 girls. How many are boys? She has the problem set up correctly to subtract to find the answer. She had missed it during her computation so we worked through it together.


Me: Can you take 8 away from 5?


Dd: No, so I need to take 10 from the tens, but there aren't any tens. That's the problem!


Me (Miss all-I-know-is-plug-and-chug): Well, you make the zero a 9, and then add your 10 to the ones place.


Dd: Why?


Me: Why what?


Dd: Why do you put a 9 in the tens place when there weren't any tens there?


Me: (long pause) I don't know. Finish the rest of these word problems and let Mom figure it out.


So I get down our set of base 10 blocks and use the blocks to work out the problem. I realized the reason you put a 9 to replace the zero is because you have to skip the tens place and move to the hundreds place. Take one of the hundreds away (or 10 tens), put 9 of the tens in the tens place, and move 1 of the tens to the ones place making the new problem: 5 hundreds, 9 tens, and 15 ones - 2 hundreds, 7 tens, and 8 ones.


I was so excited that I figured out why you replace the 0 with a 9!!! I'd never thought to ask that question in all my years of ps. I just followed the formula and it works but I never thought about why :001_smile:


I just wanted to share my "eureka" moment with people who would understand.


And dd thought it was very funny that mom had to get out the math manipulatives to figure out a 2nd grade math problem :tongue_smilie:


I have learned and awful lot, and still learning, with homeschooling.


So, now....when you have a problem like this, if there is a zero there...you just immediately cross off the 60 together and make it a 59 and bring the 1 over by the 5. At least that's how I've always done it.......otherwise you have more steps if you go to the zero and nobody is home and you go to the 6 and borrow 1 and make that a 5 and bring the 1 over to the zero and make it a 10 and then you can cross the 10 off and make it a 9 and bring the 1 over to the 5......whew! Just cross of the 60 and make it a 59 and be done with it. :D

ETA: Same thing if you have more 0's. Like it it were 6,005 - 278. Cross off the 600 and make it a 599 and bring the 1 over to the 5.

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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