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Is this wrong? Problem with teacher

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I'm so frustrated. My kids have had a substitute teacher for this semester in classes that I pay 100s of dollars a month for.


The quality of instruction has been awful. He decided the work they were doing was too hard/college level, so he has been dumbing it down.


I've begged my two oldest to just drop their classes. I've already paid for the year, but I don't care. They would be much more productive at home.


Miss Good has spent weeks preparing for her debates. I have an email from the sub saying that after Spring Break, they will just be doing debates.


The first thing that she asked him when when they were choosing topics was "Are we going to be debating both sides?" he said yes, so she has been researching and taking notes for both sides.


Last week she debated one side, and was so disappointed in the number of students who had done zero preparation. They said they were just going to "wing it"


She wasn't sure if they were debating the other side this week or the next, so she has sent the sub multiple emails asking for clarification.


Today he writes and says that "there were no plans and no assignments. No one was interested in debating the other side, so in class, we will be discussing what to do next."


For real?


High school students were not interested in doing their work?


I've printed the whole email exchange, and I want to bring it in and make a formal complaint about him even though he is just a sub, and not teaching next year.


Is it wrong for me to share his email with the manager of the program, or is email between a student and teacher assumed to be read by other people. If the manager tells me to drop it, I will.


I would not know the sub if I saw him, and based on other behaviors, I do not want to address him personally.


I do have a good relationship with all of the other teachers and everyone on the board.


So, does he have a right to privacy concerning his admitting incompetence, or am I within my rights printing it and sharing it with a representative whom I trust?

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You are paying for a service that is not being provided. I would definitely complain to someone in a higher position. It sounds like the guy is there as a babysitter. He is teaching the kids to have that "just wing it" personality. I would definitely complain and even ask for a refund for the class.

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I'm so frustrated. My kids have had a substitute teacher for this semester in classes that I pay 100s of dollars a month for.


The quality of instruction has been awful. He decided the work they were doing was too hard/college level, so he has been dumbing it down.


I've begged my two oldest to just drop their classes. I've already paid for the year, but I don't care. They would be much more productive at home.


Miss Good has spent weeks preparing for her debates. I have an email from the sub saying that after Spring Break, they will just be doing debates.


The first thing that she asked him when when they were choosing topics was "Are we going to be debating both sides?" he said yes, so she has been researching and taking notes for both sides.


Last week she debated one side, and was so disappointed in the number of students who had done zero preparation. They said they were just going to "wing it"


She wasn't sure if they were debating the other side this week or the next, so she has sent the sub multiple emails asking for clarification.


Today he writes and says that "there were no plans and no assignments. No one was interested in debating the other side, so in class, we will be discussing what to do next."


For real?


High school students were not interested in doing their work?


I've printed the whole email exchange, and I want to bring it in and make a formal complaint about him even though he is just a sub, and not teaching next year.


Is it wrong for me to share his email with the manager of the program, or is email between a student and teacher assumed to be read by other people. If the manager tells me to drop it, I will.


I would not know the sub if I saw him, and based on other behaviors, I do not want to address him personally.


I do have a good relationship with all of the other teachers and everyone on the board.


So, does he have a right to privacy concerning his admitting incompetence, or am I within my rights printing it and sharing it with a representative whom I trust?

It does not matter that he is a sub. The school choose him to fill in for the class, a class that has certain criteria to meet. If he is not doing the job then I would present the proof.

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So, does he have a right to privacy concerning his admitting incompetence, or am I within my rights printing it and sharing it with a representative whom I trust?


No, he does not have a "right to privacy" here. Either party to an email exchange may publicize it, just like a letter.


I would be tempted to ask for a refund, if he is not teaching the class as advertised.

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I would bring it to the directors attention and I would be very clear that I am an upset that I paid x number of $ for a class that was supposed to be xyz and with this sub you are not getting what you paid for. Regardless if he is just a sub or not, they need to know not to hire him again. Deciding to change the plans of the class because he deemed it too hard (which is obviously the level that the students were working at, and that parents wanted when they paid) should not have even been allowed. Now to see he is not even teaching anything, letting the kids determine whether or not they want to do the work. The kids are not going to say "give us homework" they want a cake class. Definitely bring it up, emails, course syllabus if you were given one at the start of the term, even the write up of what this class is supposed to be vs what it is etc.

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You are paying for a service that is not being provided. I would definitely complain to someone in a higher position. It sounds like the guy is there as a babysitter. He is teaching the kids to have that "just wing it" personality. I would definitely complain and even ask for a refund for the class.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: And ask for a refund too, at least partial.

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The money is really not the issue to me. I'm frustrated because he is wasting my children's time.


I'm going there in a minute to sign up and pay for next year. All of my wishes have come true because a teacher I adore has agreed to tach the classes we need for next year.


There are only a couple of weeks left with the sub, but I do want to bring it to their attention that he has done nothing constructive at all.

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I would bring it to the directors attention and I would be very clear that I am an upset that I paid x number of $ for a class that was supposed to be xyz and with this sub you are not getting what you paid for. Regardless if he is just a sub or not, they need to know not to hire him again. Deciding to change the plans of the class because he deemed it too hard (which is obviously the level that the students were working at, and that parents wanted when they paid) should not have even been allowed. Now to see he is not even teaching anything, letting the kids determine whether or not they want to do the work. The kids are not going to say "give us homework" they want a cake class. Definitely bring it up, emails, course syllabus if you were given one at the start of the term, even the write up of what this class is supposed to be vs what it is etc.


:iagree: I would be horrified at what you describe. At the least you can make sure this guy is not rehired in future.

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It is okay to bring this to the attention of those who are hiring the teachers and subs. You are paying for the class, and should be getting what you paid for, including the level of instruction. If no one says anything, the leadership will assume all is well. The only way they will know what is really happening is if someone speaks up. So inform them.

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The money is really not the issue to me. I'm frustrated because he is wasting my children's time.

Yes, but there are probably families for whom it is an issue...even if there kids are happy to do nothing, the parents are getting what they are paying for!


I hope you do bring it up!

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I did bring it up, this morning, and was told that they know it is a huge problem. I was not the only parent who has complained. They are just trying to get through the next few weeks of class, and have teachers I already know and trust under contract for next year.

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