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Wordpress or Blogger?

Wordpress or Blogger, or?  

  1. 1. Wordpress or Blogger, or?

    • Wordpress
    • Blogger
    • Other
    • Don't do it!

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Which one, and why?


I'm thinking of starting a blog where I can review dessert recipes and dessert recipe books, because people so often ask me about those things. It might be easier to point them to a blog than to recycle my thoughts every time someone asks me. Trying to figure out where to start. :bigear:

Edited by Julie in CA
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Wordpress allows more customization. I also know of people who go from blogger to Wordpress, but I've never known anyone to go the other way. That said, blogger is usually easier to set up. If you're happy with the standard blogger site, it'll work for you. I switched many years ago because I couldnt get pics like I wanted on blogger.

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I started out on blogger but switched to Wordpress. It was just more intuitive for me. I have no blogging or website experience so I wanted something user-friendly.

And for some reason, to this day I have a very hard time leaving comments on Blogger sites. That captcha things NEVER works for me... :glare:

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I voted for Wordpress as well. I've never used Blogger, so I don't have personal experience to draw from in comparing the two. However, I did a lot of research on blogging platforms before selecting Wordpress - all the reviews I came across seemed to give the edge to Wordpress so that's why I went with it.


What I love about it:

- WordPress has hundreds of great customizable themes to choose from.

- My blog is a business blog - if I recall correctly from previous threads, you're starting up a bakery business, right? If you choose to use your blog as your business website moving forward, Wordpress is perfect for that. It has tons of plug-ins that support various business needs, making it easy to create a great looking, quality business website. If you think you might want to do this down the road, I would recommend buying your own domain name, and setting up your blog through your own webhost, rather than going with the free ".wordpress.com" option.


I don't have any formal web development training and found Wordpress very easy to work with. I had my blog up and running in less than an hour (and it only took that long because I spent so much time looking at all the theme options). ;)

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I've tried both and blogger is so much more user friendly. At least for me. I couldn't figure out wordpress.


That's really funny because I've tried both and find Wordpress to be the easier one. LOL!


Other than that, I love the templates and the customization possibilities available with Wordpress as well.




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I am going to be pesky and vote "other"


I have had blogs on both. Overall- I like wordpress (self hosted not the wordpress.com address) because you can so easily do so much with it, add plugins/widgets to your site.


But - if you are looking for easy to set-up and you don't want to spend money (you have to pay monthly for hosting on wordpress self-hosted) then I would vote for blogger. Blogger has gotten more professional looking and is really easy to use.


if you are hoping for your blog to eventually become big and maybe charge for advertising, then I would say to bite the bullet and start on wordpress, because you will eventually want to change over.


I have my main blog on wordpress and love it, I had to migrate over from blogger and it has been a pain and I still have some issues with it.


I do have a smaller, fun blog also on wordpress, but I am actually thinking of moving it to a blogger blog - because I do not do much with it and I'm wasting money. It's pretty rare to move from wordpress to blogger.


I would caution you against wordpress.com because you cannot put 3rd party widgets on it, which I'm thinking would include maybe the hive web ring, I know you can't put the blogfrog widget on it.

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