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Well. In her defense, she wasn't raised Christian LOL!!!

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So, we're studying Buddhism and Hinduism at the moment for SOTW. Yesterday, we were reading from My Friends' Beliefs, A Young Reader's Guide To World Religions, covering the sections on those two religions.


We read a line that said:


"There is a story of a follower of Buddha walking on water, as Jesus reportedly did at a later time."


To which my 11 y/o daughter commented, "I thought that was Criss Angel who walked on water."



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Nance, your daughter's funny. :lol: :D




Great pic! I'll have to show this one to her!


Of course, I didn't find my daughter so "funny" today when I read her a paragraph for science, then asked her if she could tell me a single thing she'd just learned in that paragraph, and she gave me a blank stare.


"Can you tell me ANYTHING I just said?" I asked her.


"The?" she responded.




This afternoon I have to donate blood, have her ready to go to book club (a friend taking her, fortunately), get my son to teeball (overlaps book club), and get ready for a Mom's Night Out dinner (which I'll be late for, due to teeball). We're trying to squeeze in some schoolwork before all that this morning, and meanwhile it's sunny and 82 degrees today and her mind didn't seem to be on science reading (though she's now happily digging up soil from our garden to bury an onion and a potato in a box of soil and getting ready to put a carrot chunk in a dish of water and a piece of bread in a damp, warm place for part of a unit on cell division and sexual and asexual reproduction.


We're all ready for the school year to be over and summer to be here, I think! :D

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