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My triathalon is tomorrow morning!

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Have you tried timing yourself as you put on your running shoes with wet feet? My dd did her first triathlon last summer and she took *forever* in the transition area. They were new runners and she had the hardest time getting them on. Of course, she didn't spend a lot of time drying her feet, either so her socks were damp. Dh and I stood at the fence and watched as all the other kids (who were slower in the swim than she was) breezed through the transition area and still, dd was trying to get her shoes on.


My dd was hooked after the first one and spent all fall, winter, and spring working and saving for a racing bike. I posted some pictures of her on her new bike on our weekly report.


Good luck with your race!

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Have you tried timing yourself as you put on your running shoes with wet feet? My dd did her first triathlon last summer and she took *forever* in the transition area. They were new runners and she had the hardest time getting them on. Of course, she didn't spend a lot of time drying her feet, either so her socks were damp. Dh and I stood at the fence and watched as all the other kids (who were slower in the swim than she was) breezed through the transition area and still, dd was trying to get her shoes on.


My dd was hooked after the first one and spent all fall, winter, and spring working and saving for a racing bike. I posted some pictures of her on her new bike on our weekly report.


Good luck with your race!


Yes, I know about getting those darn socks on! We are allowed to bring in a towel and I plan on drying myself off, putting my shoes on at the pool deck and THEN high tailing it out of there. I've been told that I will be allowed to do this {I thought for logistics reason I might not be able to do this and would be required to do all changing in the transition area, but I've been told there is no rule, so we'll see what *actually* happens!}.


Congrats to your daughter! How fun is that? She seems highly motivated! :)

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I always ran from the swim to the transition area and put my shoes on there. Of course my last one had frigid water so I spent my run trying to peel a wet suit off my body as much as possible. Dry off, even your suit. DH never wears socks when he races, just puts those bike shoes on and goes. Make sure everything is where you can reach it easily, if you will need it. The water bottle(s) already on the bike, any power bars easy to put into something you'll ride with. Check out how the people around you set up their stuff, many will be experienced. Don't eat or drink between the swim and bike. You can do that while you ride. Don't knock other people's bikes over. I did that from bike to run. Thankfully I was so slow that someone near me was already finished and he said he'd take care of it for me. Drink every chance you get. Run in a baseball hat or a visor. Don't forget waterproof sunscreen. Know where the bathrooms are.


Take stuff to shower and change into. Everyone of dh's tri's have some sort of shower set up so you can at least wash your hair. Changing may be a bit harder.


And keep in mind what finally hit me when I ran my first (and only) marathon - it doesn't matter what your time is, it will be your PR! Have a great time!

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-Make a written list of what should go in your bag to take with you to the race site in the morning.

-Pack according to your list and check if off as you go. In the morning when you are stressing about "is this in there", you can just look at the paper.

-Get to the site early but don't stand around most of the peolpe talking. You can get REALLY intimidate by some of the chatter that goes on before the race.

-Line up for the port-a-potty early. There is almost never enough of them.

-Don't eat or drink anything that is out of the norm for you.

-Make sure and warm up a bit before your wave. Just because you are standing there with your heart beating out of your chest, doesn't mean you have warmed up.

-Make sure and walk the transition area and visualize coming from the swim, going to your transition area, and walk to the mount line. Then look where you will being coming back into transition and where the run exit. Just visualize the whole thing.

-When you put your helmet on, go ahead and buckle it, don't risk a DQ.

-Bring a photo ID with you to packet pick-up. Sometimes they want one.

-MOST IMPORTANT!! Have a great time! Let me know if I can help with anything else.

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