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S/O Young Earth creationists-what was your number 1 reason to go YE?

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I see no reason to doubt the historical account as given in Genesis. I guess you could say it goes back to my view of Scripture. Also, I think Christian theology comes apart if you lose a literal Fall with a literal Adam and Eve. I can't remember who said this, and I'm probably paraphrasing it badly, but I heard a theologian once say, "If I can take the Fall from you, I can take take all of the Gospel from you as well." That has sort of stuck with me. No matter what you believe on any topic in history, at some point you have to place your trust in someone giving you a reliable and truthful account of what happened. I choose to trust the God who was there, and who does not lie.

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Special Creation (which is what it was called 40 years ago) as described in Genesis makes much more sense scientifically than the idea that we all came from the same slime on the rock.


....or that an exquisite, beautifully ordered universe came from a big BANG. Except that God spoke and BOOM--it happened :)


I have no reason to doubt the Bible. If you start piece-mealing it out, how do you ultimately know which parts to believe and which ones not to?


Ducking out now, because I can smell all the arguments coming.......

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I'm not necessarily young earth, but I'm not NOT-young earth either. I absolutely believe that every word the bible says is Truth. BUT I think that there is more to it than we have the capacity to comprehend....kindof like how we can understand "forever" but we can't truly grasp eternity. I also believe that we're supposed to believe on faith, not because we can prove something scientifically. But I also believe that we'll never be able to disprove God either......


I'm curious as to why you feel you have to make a choice. Whether I'm YE or not doesn't influence my daily life at all. It doesn't change how I behave or anything.

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i wasn't raised in church and didn't become a christian until 1996 (when i was 25). i tread with caution answering you because someone else will take my experience and assume i am saying something about their own experience, which i'm not. for *me* though the creation story was beautiful and and simply made perfect sense. i realize science says it's completely ridiculous. but so is adam & eve. noah's ark. jonah and the whale. david and the giant. feeding five thousand with a few fish and loaves. jesus raising from the dead. salvation. it's all ridiculous in the eyes of science. but for me, they're all miraculous events. i believe in all of them whole heartedly.

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Just your NUMBER 1 reason; Scriptural reason, if possible. I am YE but getting shaky all of a sudden :tongue_smilie: and trying to find my feet again. Thanks!


Because my God is big enough to do anything. He has the power to create trees fully grown so why wouldn't He?

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....or that an exquisite, beautifully ordered universe came from a big BANG. Except that God spoke and BOOM--it happened :)


I have no reason to doubt the Bible. If you start piece-mealing it out, how do you ultimately know which parts to believe and which ones not to?



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i wasn't raised in church and didn't become a christian until 1996 (when i was 25). i tread with caution answering you because someone else will take my experience and assume i am saying something about their own experience, which i'm not. for *me* though the creation story was beautiful and and simply made perfect sense. i realize science says it's completely ridiculous. but so is adam & eve. noah's ark. jonah and the whale. david and the giant. feeding five thousand with a few fish and loaves. jesus raising from the dead. salvation. it's all ridiculous in the eyes of science. but for me, they're all miraculous events. i believe in all of them whole heartedly.




Although I was raised in the church, and my parents were OEC. Mom was a bio teacher. She is also YEC now. OEC was something I hadn't questioned until well after college. We have an extended family of professors and MDs. DH has a PhD. in inorganic chemistry. Honestly, there was and still is a lot of pressure in our family, and location to be OEC. YEC is considered not as intellectual. After much study, and several complete readings of the scripture, YEC just seems to make sense to me. The pieces fit together.

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Thank you so much for sharing-it means a lot to me. Please keep responding!


I also believe that God could have done it any way He wanted. And that there are many things in the Bible that defy scientific explanation. They don't bother me at all. "Thy Word is Truth" is the bottom line.


I'm not as sure anymore if we can totally be for sure either way, OE or YE, but I want to flesh it out for myself from Scripture as much as I can.

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I'm not necessarily young earth' date=' but I'm not NOT-young earth either. I absolutely believe that every word the bible says is Truth. BUT I think that there is more to it than we have the capacity to comprehend....kindof like how we can understand "forever" but we can't truly grasp eternity. I also believe that we're supposed to believe on faith, not because we can prove something scientifically. But I also believe that we'll never be able to disprove God either......


I'm curious as to why you feel you have to make a choice. Whether I'm YE or not doesn't influence my daily life at all. It doesn't change how I behave or anything.[/quote']


:iagree:I'm fairly new to the Christian walk (about 8 years), and prior to then I had never even heard about YE or OE. I'm still trying to sort it all out, but this is where I am currently in my thoughts.


I'm definitely open to hearing more! :bigear:

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