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Just a tiny vent

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I just want to say that it is extremely hard to curb the baby fever when you work in your church's nursery and there are EIGHT babies in the 8-9 month range there that make your 21 month old look like she is quite nearly full grown. :( It is even harder when most of said babies' mothers are first time mothers and start chatting with you about their plans for more.




DH has said that he's pretty sure he's done and at the very least wants to wait several years before discussing it again (but he's happy with just our three).


That is all.

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For several years I would not go near babies. It was just too painful. It took jumping through hoops to get pregnant with dd (infertility). We would have liked to have had another. sigh


We are now guardians to ds. He will be with us until...well, forever (even though he is not actually adoptable.) We did not go looking for him but he found us anyway :tongue_smilie:. I am content, even if I never get to be pregnant again.

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