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Ugh! It finally happened.

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We have made it almost an entire year and have heard nothing but praise about our decision to homeschool. I guess the nahsayers have kept their mouths shut. Last week we took off for Spring Break. Since March 23rd we have spent our time outside from morning until night. We have been building our chicken coop, planting our garden, cutting back bushes, playing in the blow up pool, swinging, etc. The kids have spent a lot of time at my elderly, yet incredibly active neighbors. They teach them all about plants, trees, birds, bugs, construction, old time activities and are always telling them stories. We love our neighbors! They are like walking encyclopedias. He was a chemist and she was a nurse. So despite this being our 2nd week of not hitting the books I felt like the kids were still being taught and enriched. It has been wonderful to be outside so much. The summers get unbearably hot so I figured we should enjoy it while we can and then do some book work in the hot summer if needed.


But of course everyday this week my mother has asked, "Are you doing school today?" I say not really and update her on what we have been doing. She stops in today and questions me again and this time says what I know she has been thinking all week. "I just don't want her to get behind." Ugh! Why did I let this get to me. She then tells me I need to cut my hair short again because all I do is wear it in a pony tail. When I asked her if she came over just to criticize me she said no and from now on she wouldn't say anything. I told her that was probably best. :D she wasn't expecting that.


My mom and I are very close and I know she had no ill intent. She said she just knows how hard it is to get started again once you stop. I know, I get that. I guess part of the problem is I'm trying to let go of my own guilt and just be relaxed about school and know it will all come together weather we are in the books or just living life. KWIM?

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Urgh. The well-intentioned meddling. My dh and I dealt with it for awhile a few years back until I finally had to say something along the lines of "Look you raised your kids- now it's my turn to raise mine. Back off."


I love my parents but being critiqued by them really bothered me.


Anyway, no real advice for you just some support thrown your way.

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I had to giggle when I saw your oldest is 6. :lol: Good job standing up to your mom. That isn't always easy to do. Hope that she stands by your wishes. Enjoy your spring break! We're having a little break this week too!

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I had to giggle when I saw your oldest is 6.


EXACTLY! I was very tempted to say, "I think she's learned enough this year." I didn't because I believe that learning is an ongoing natural process. Instead I just said that I was looking at the end of the year cummulative math test last night and we only have a couple of topics left to cover. So, we're good, thanks.

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Behind what? Is she (your mother) current on local public school curriculum enough to be able to accurately assess and compare? Has she seen your stated goals and schedule for the year?


I agree with everyone else. She's 6! I think what you've done in these past 2 weeks is well worth the time and is an experience that she is more likely to remember than 2 regular weeks of school that she can do when it's too hot outside. :chillpill:


And I will never understand a mother's obsession with a grown daughter's hairstyle. :confused:

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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Ummmm - hello!!!! You DID school all week.


That's the whole point of homeschooling - that "learning" does not = paperwork. Learning means LEARNING - however it happens.


6 year olds pretty much never need to be sitting down doing "work". They just need to BE. Try stopping a six year old from learning!

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That's the whole point of homeschooling - that "learning" does not = paperwork. Learning means LEARNING - however it happens.





I need to frame this on the wall. Or send it to my mother IFKWIM. She is always shoving "standards" down my throat and my oldest is 3! I am just teaching him his letters...which is what (I think) any good-even-non-homeschooling parent would do.

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Well, I can certainly understand your mother's concern. Two weeks off from school will lead to educational setbacks for your child. It is quite alarming! Just think of all the learning opportunities she has missed. Sigh! There goes Harvard. I know that there has to be a Tiger Mom out there drilling her child right now as yours falls by the wayside.


Obviously the above is severely sarcastic. It is hard to balance the need for a life that you can enjoy vs. the traditional mindset of school, school, school. I have caught myself several times this month saying "No" to things at first because I didn't want "to lose the days." Then some glimmer of rationality would hit and I would change my mind. Hopefully my husband will not get whiplash from all the 180s I am making. I forget to have confidence in what we are doing. I know that we are doing a lot more than what a brick and mortar school would do.


Hang in there! Enjoy spring while it is here.

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