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Please list Biology curriculum for aprox 5th grade....


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I'd like Dd to study Biology next year since that will be older brother's science next year. What are my options? Feel free to comment on your experiences with curriculum too.


So far I have listed as options...


Noeo - but looks a little too simple

Classicquest - somehow doesn't appeal -- not sure why

Real Science for Kids - looks a little simplistic

Christian Kids Explore Biology

Elemental Science


Anyone know of any others I missed?

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No one has any further suggestions?


I did some more searching and found:


Science Shepherd Life Science

Easy Classical: Animals, Human Body & Plants


If I've missed anything I could possibly consider please post. :bigear:

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I'm happily using ClassiQuest with a couple of 5th graders. It is simple to use, the labs work, and the kids are getting good at researching and writing lab reports. They don't think it is the most exciting thing in the world if you ask them about it, but they both get excited about the things they've learned.

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I'm happily using ClassiQuest with a couple of 5th graders. It is simple to use, the labs work, and the kids are getting good at researching and writing lab reports. They don't think it is the most exciting thing in the world if you ask them about it, but they both get excited about the things they've learned.


Thanks! I'll take another look.

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I am planning a mixture of Memoria Press's 5th and 6th grade science sets, adding in a microscope unit, and dissections when we get to the biology book (from the 6th grade set.) I will have to do my own planning for the History of Medicine, the micoscope unit using a book I already own, and the Biology book, but I am excited about it. The bird unit looks like it will be easy enough, but go more in depth than we have before on any animal.

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Oh yes, I looked at that Sonlight Science E. That set looks really good. It uses the same History of Medicine that Memoria does. It also includes health and uses the American Girl body book (or whatever that one is called.) I am probably purchasing that book for my dd just for her to read through anyway.

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We are using CPO Life Science this year. It's been great for my dd10, 5th grade.


It's a textbook, but she finds it interesting and enjoys it. She has also thrived on the science literature recommended in CPO. Each chapter has book recommendations for various reading levels.


There are lots of options for approaches with CPO. We're looking forward to continuing with CPO Earth next year.

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REAL Science Odyssey Bio Level 2 is coming out soon

Sonlight Science D is life bio, taxonomy, human anatomy, and Science E is Health, Medicine, and Human Anatomy.



Sorry to hijack this thread but I have a quick question. I wanted to study health and anatomy with my soon to be 5th and 6th grader. I wasn't sure what program to use but this Sonlight seems to fit what I want. Can you just buy the Teacher's Plan by itself and order the books through RR or Amazon or do you have to buy the package? Also, has anyone used this - I think it was Sonlight F that had Health, Medicine and Anatomy.



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