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Yikes! Job interview next Friday!

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Today, I filled out a job application for The Goddard School. I haven't worked in 7 years and have no personal references to list. The asst. director who took my application scheduled me to come in and talk with the interviewer next friday morning. I'm going to be stressing out about this for an entire week!


I don't have a college degree or daycare experience so I have no idea if I'll be hired. I know lead teachers need a college degree. I just hope to have a chance to explain my application which probably looks pitiful. Do you think I have any chance??

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Hey, it's not like you've been twiddlin' your thumbs for seven years! You've been running your homeschool and your home and been a million things to a million people! You've been perfecting your multi-tasking skills! You've been passing down civilization to the next generation of Night Elves! You're AMAZING!


Try not to think about it until at least Thursday.....but if you do, think positively!


Sending lots of positive vibes your way!


P.S. Umm.....what's "The Goddard School?"

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You absolutely have a chance. You never know what an employer is *really* looking for, and you may fit the bill perfectly! Sometimes it isn't about degrees or experience; sometimes it's about your work ethic or organizational skills or personality compatibility or some other intangible factor. And the one they need may be YOU!

Go get 'em!

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Thanks! The Goddard School is a preschool, or daycare center, or whatever you want to call it. I saw a sign saying they had immediate openings for teachers, but didn't say what age group. I'm hoping to either be in the infant room or with the 3 yr. olds. I love babies, but I also really love telling stories, reading books, playing games, doing art stuff, and math stuff, and oh just all that little kid stuff that my children have completely outgrown.

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You know, Beth, I bet that if you repeat what you said:


I love babies, but I also really love telling stories, reading books, playing games, doing art stuff, and math stuff, and oh just all that little kid stuff that my children have completely outgrown.


And talk about your joy in teaching and seeing children grow....


They're gonna fall all over themselves hiring you!!!



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I've found that most preschools require you to have a pulse. That's it.


Most states allow them to hire people without degrees or whatever certification the state likes, but then you have a certain time period during which to attain their requirements. I used to be a preschool director, and I tell you, you really wouldn't believe the applicants that came through the door. Seriously, you'll be fine. Good luck!

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You know, Beth, I bet that if you repeat what you said:


I love babies, but I also really love telling stories, reading books, playing games, doing art stuff, and math stuff, and oh just all that little kid stuff that my children have completely outgrown.


And talk about your joy in teaching and seeing children grow....


They're gonna fall all over themselves hiring you!!!


:iagree: Sending some good vibes your way. I'm sure I'll think of you every time I drive by one of their locations in the next week! :001_smile: Good luck & don't sweat it -- I'm sure you'll do great during the interview.

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Yeah, I think I'd like to work there. I helped out in the toddler room of the daycare where my children attended way before I ever heard of homeschooling, and didn't do so well. I don't remember the circumstances but it was a different season in my life. Looking back, I enjoyed the 3 year olds, which was where my youngest daughter was at the time. And of course now that I've enjoyed doing early childhood education things with my kids over the past 7 years, I really love and miss all those preschool type activities.


With the high prices of food and gas, our "comfortable" way of life has been stretched. I can't imagine what families who were already on a tight budget must be enduring. The daycare is only 2 miles from my home, so gas won't be a huge issue. And I won't need to buy a new wardrobe because the daycare workers dress extremely casual and relaxed. Any money I bring into the house will be welcome!

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