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S/O wisdom teeth

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Anyone still have their wisdom teeth? My oldest ds's are coming in and don't seem to be causing any problems other than the normal teething stuff but everyone is saying "oh, he needs to have those out". :confused: The dentist hasn't said anything about them so I'm thinking it's kinda crazy to just assume they need to come out cause they're coming......in.

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I still have all of mine, and they need to come out. Two of them are all the way through, and the other two are mostly through. I wish I had had them out earlier, so I wouldn't need to deal with them while caring for little kids (and when I didn't need to work anesthesia and pain meds around pregnancy/nursing), but I didn't even have them appear until well into my twenties.

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I had mine well into my twenties as well. Mine came most of the way through, but stalled out. It left deep gum pockets over part of the teeth that would get food stuck in them.


However, they were a breeze to have removed, and I had very little pain. (which I know isn't always the case)


If they aren't causing any issues, I would leave the decision up to him.

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I am in my late 50's and still have 3 of my wisdom teeth. THose 3 have never come in. The 4th one had come in and about 15 years ago, it started hurting just a little, my regular dentist pulled it and there were no problems at all. My remaining 3 have never caused any problems. My dh's cousin is 60 and still has all 4 of hers, never have come in and have caused her no problems. I just reread your post and saw that your child's wisdom teeth are coming in. In regards to that, my 4th tooth that did come in, cracked (but very little pain) that is why my regular dentist pulled it, no problems with pain other than the shots to numb the area.

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Makes you wonder why we even have those teeth if the majority of people have so many problems with them and need them removed. :confused: Guess I'll ask the dentist about it the next time we go.


I only ever had 3 of them. My brother had 6. :blink: Two on the both sides on top.

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