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Anyone ever do a triathlon?

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I am in the midst of training for a triathlon, but I don't know anyone who has done one. The tri is in mid-May. I can swim 400m in about 12 minutes (depending on if I get interrupted by one of my kids. LOL!) I can bike the 12 miles right now in about 45 minutes, and my average 5K time is 35 minutes. Am I doing okay considering I have 6 weeks to before race day? I just don't know how to judge these things. Today I rode by bike 13.5 miles at an average speed of 15mph and then jumped off it and ran 2 miles for my "brick" training day. I am now doing 2 types of training a day 5 days a week, taking 1 full rest day, and one easy swim-only day.That feels pretty good, but I just don't know what I should be doing. The books I read are for much more hard-core athletes and not for us 40yo still a bit overweight women. Anyone done one and willing to lend me some advice?



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Yes! I have done three now. Two very low key sprint triathalons that I loved and one Olympic distance that was an Olympic qualifier that made me feel very bad about myself. I really hope to some day work up to half iron distance, when I have 20 or so hours a week to spare. It sounds like you are pretty well prepared for the race. I am in my mid 30's, on the high end of normal for my BMI, and am very slow and ploddy. Feel free to PM if you want to trade encouragement anytime soon!

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I've never done a triathalon, but my son did two last summer and is doing more again this summer. Your training sounds good to me. In fact, it's probably more than he did, in terms of the two-a-day training, and he did fairly well. The thing that ate up his time on the first one, being that he hadn't done one before, was his transition time. Things we learned: get laces for your running shoes that don't have to be tied (can't remember what they are called, but got them from a tri shop, probably could find them online), wear your bike shorts under your wetsuit and use them for running too (pulling on clothes is hard when wet), don't strap your timing chip over your wetsuit, buy a CO2 canister and have it on your bike and know how to change a bike tire (he didn't get a flat, but a couple other people did), have a towel at your first transition area to dry your feet with, if it's a huge event visibly mark the spot for your bike in the second transition area before the event (like tape a colorful sign there), use a product like Body Glide under your wet suit to prevent chafing and to make it come off easier.


He didn't learn all these things the hard way, because we have a friend who has done several tris before. I hope this info was helpful! I wish you a wonderful race experience!

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I've done about 5 of them and hope to do at least one short one this summer. It sounds like you are doing great. I'm 41 and slow and could definitely stand to lose some weight too. All mt tris have been sprint distance and done in a very recreational way( I do not have a wet suit!).


Good for you! The harder thing for me is transitioning,mso that's a good thing to practice.

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I've done about 3 - all sprints. I'm hoping to do another one this summer. But the bike scares me. It's on a busy road. I know it won't be bead Sunday morning, but still.


I think you are doing great training. I think I've done one brick period. And the transition from bike to run to me is the hardest. My legs just do not want to move!


I agree with what Hikin' Mom said about the stuff in the transition area. Just make sure the bike is nice and secure on the rack when you turn to go run. I thought it was up there good and it knocked every single bike on the rack off. Someone who finished as I was trying to leave told me he'd take care of it for me. Yes, I was that far back. Of course he probably also started in the first wave, so about 1/2 hour before I did.



Good luck and have fun!

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I've done several, all sprints. It sounds like you're doing well. Just wanted to reiterate preparing for the transitions. Even practice them. I was really frustrated with myself after my first race b/c I compared my transitions to others and was so slow in that area. I think I even watched something on you tube that shows how to speed up transitions. It helped and I improved. Also, remember to hydrate throughout the race. I'm bad about not drinking, especially on the bike where I just like to hammer. I'm much better on the run if I've hydrated on the bike. Have fun and good luck!

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I just did my first one last weekend, at age 50. It was a mini-sprint, 500 m swim, 10 mile ride and 3K run. It was fun. It sounds like your training is right on target. Besides, the goal is to enjoy yourself and get through it the first time! My swimming still needs a lot of work, though. Is it an open water swim or in a pool?

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I just did my first one last weekend, at age 50. It was a mini-sprint, 500 m swim, 10 mile ride and 3K run. It was fun. It sounds like your training is right on target. Besides, the goal is to enjoy yourself and get through it the first time! My swimming still needs a lot of work, though. Is it an open water swim or in a pool?


Pam, it is a pool swim, which will make it easier than learning a wet suit. I am struggling with the swim leg in terms of getting a good time in. I can bike pretty strong, and my runs seem slow but steady. How much "brick" training do I need to be doing?

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Don't worry about your time/speed for your first tri. Just enjoy it! Your training sounds great, and you should have no problem.


It's nice to have the swim in a pool. If you ever do one with an open water swim, I would highly recommend doing a few outdoor swims first for training. There's a panic factor that happens with OWS for triathletes. Even experienced ones.


Have a lot of fun!

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