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Charlotte Mason'ers and Writing program


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Even though I recently have found CHarlotte Mason, I did manage to do narration ala CM way (not knowing I was doing that). When my son was in 1st grade, I did narration with him, speaking what is important to him from a chapter read to him. In second grade, we added, after narration, he dictated to me a summary and then I had him copy his summary into his book.

This we continued in Grade 3.


He hates writing. It's a chore. So I am concern on how to proceed.


Recently I have been reading about WWE and all the writing threads that have popped up recently. I looked into WWE and found we have not done dictation. I really like what SWb says in WWE and how laid out the program is in steps. In CM, I think she started dictation in 8-9 yrs old, correct? I have attempted the to do alittle "studied" dictation with my ds ala Simply Charlotte but I noticed the sentences I have chosen are too diffficult for doing first time dictation with ds.


So, I was wondering if there a detailed program like WWE (open and go) that is for the CM way? Also, if you used WWE or another writing program and fitted to be more CM, I would love to hear your experiences.


I am trying to figure out what to do next year for Grade 4-- start at the beginning w/ WWE 1 (because he would love the Laura Ingalls and Pooh passages) and adjust to CM way, where needed or something else.


I am really need a hand holding program and open and go program, atleast for the 1st year, before I can use the writing program across the curriculum, which is my ultimate goal.


Any and all experiences, advice, etc. appreciated :bigear:

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This might not be much help, but just in case. . . ;)


We are using WWS for 5th grade. I disagree with some of CM's thoughts on language arts, so take this with a grain of salt. Also, I know you're asking about 4th grade, but maybe this will still help--or maybe not. ;)


In my mind, WWS is "CM friendly" because it has the students working with real works--not nonsense stories.


It is "open and go" and hand holding. I think it will be a fantastic bridge to writing across the curriculum.


Hopefully someone who has used the first four levels can give you some advice on where to start.

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There is a writing program called The Writer's Jungle. I haven't used it yet, but really want to buy this for my girls. It is a CM writing program, and focuses on the child enjoying writing. I think the website is called Braver Writer. Maybe someone who has used this will chime in.


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In my mind, WWS is "CM friendly" because it has the students working with real works--not nonsense stories.


It is "open and go" and hand holding. I think it will be a fantastic bridge to writing across the curriculum.


Hopefully someone who has used the first four levels can give you some advice on where to start.


This is a program that you start in Grade 5, correct? So, I wondered what I needed to do in Grade 4 to catch up to WWS for Grade 5? :001_unsure:


Thank you ladies. I will look into all the different avenues suggested and mull it over. :)

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Technically, Spelling Wisdom (Simply Charlotte Mason) is a spelling program, but it is studied dictation. The sentences are already picked out for you, open and go. I'm not using it, but it looks great.

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Anyone know how long it's on 50% sale for? I didn't see an expiration on the page?


I saw an old post that someone contacted Homebuyers Club and they said that is didn't have any, yet. It is up to the seller whether they put an expiration date or not. It can change at anytime!



Question: Brave Writer looks good for getting the child to write their own stuff BUT will they be able to write arguments in High School. Ok the word escapes me at the moment. It's what SWB says about learning to write thru the school year in public school where they write and write but they can't write coherently in College. Sort of like me, doing now :lol:


I want better writing from my son.


So, now I understand WHY some people are using Bravewriter AND WWE. WWE for writing coherant arguments and Bravewriter for creative writing. I think I am graviting that way, too. These boards are dangerous :lol:

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I saw an old post that someone contacted Homebuyers Club and they said that is didn't have any, yet. It is up to the seller whether they put an expiration date or not. It can change at anytime!



Question: Brave Writer looks good for getting the child to write their own stuff BUT will they be able to write arguments in High School. Ok the word escapes me at the moment. It's what SWB says about learning to write thru the school year in public school where they write and write but they can't write coherently in College. Sort of like me, doing now :lol:


I want better writing from my son.


So, now I understand WHY some people are using Bravewriter AND WWE. WWE for writing coherant arguments and Bravewriter for creative writing. I think I am graviting that way, too. These boards are dangerous :lol:


From what I undesrstand the author of Bravewriter ( or the writing jungle) suggests using a seperate dictation, narration, and copywork program. I think the one sold by them is the arrow level one. That's how she described it to me when I called. However when I told her we had used PLL and were happy with it she suggested we stick with that and just use the writing jungle, so I could see people using WWE along with the program pretty well acorrding to what the author stated to me over the phone.

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From what I undesrstand the author of Bravewriter ( or the writing jungle) suggests using a seperate dictation, narration, and copywork program. I think the one sold by them is the arrow level one. That's how she described it to me when I called. However when I told her we had used PLL and were happy with it she suggested we stick with that and just use the writing jungle, so I could see people using WWE along with the program pretty well acorrding to what the author stated to me over the phone.


AH, I see!!!! Thank you! That makes it much clearer. OK back to square one--- which program WWE, HOD, Simply Charlotte...... Atleast now I know where I am going. :D


Thank you everyone for helping me see what I need to do :)

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OP, I think you could start with WWE2 or maybe 3, if you take some time to split up the dictations since you are just starting with those. There is an assessment on the PeaceHillPress site that you can use for placement.


I don't mesh with BraveWriter myself but have read it a couple of times, and, while it does use narration, copywork, and dictation (a little different than CM or WWE dictation) for the early years, I wouldn't say the approach is otherwise CM, from what I understand of CM.

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Hi Sagira -- I would love to hear more of how you are incorporating WWE to make it more CM.....I think you said you were going to use it across the your curriculum??? I saw you mention this another writing program thread ;)




You know, I have to change my siggy soon :) I have reverted to using CM style narrations exclusively, but I used WWE 2 as a springboard so to speak, to get me used to the daily narration, copywork, dictation. Now I pick my own passages from ds' reading, literature, poetry, and history books. I simply pick a worthy collection of sentences, or long sentence, sometimes I let ds pick a favorite passage, and have him either copy it or I dictate to him. I use studied dictation, and it helps with vocabulary and spelling too. I work on all these, including grammar, at the same time. It's been working for us, and I like that all the passages are relevant to what we are studying/reading.


We also use PLL, so I feel that covers our bases pretty well.


I apologize for mistakes, because I have a wriggly little toddler trying to wrestle me for the computer keyboard and mouse :P

Edited by sagira
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I also have a 3rd grade Nicholas and we are CM'ers:) Have you looked at Intermediate Language Lessons? I'm revamping my writing plans after much angst:) We're already using Writing Tales, so I plan to continue those levels for 3rd/4th. I plan to use Intermediate Lang. Lessons in 5th/6th (but is set up for 4th/5th/6th). I really like http://www.edudps.com/WWTB.html for middle school writing...just started with mine. It uses classic literature samples and has short lessons...very CM. You can actually start it in 3rd, but it's working well for middle school.


I'm not sure yet for h.s. Haven't gotten there yet! But I'll probably use the research paper program from Epi Kardia. I'm also considering a year or two of Lost Tools of Writing...hear it's great to make them think. And just lots of essays in h.s. HTH some:) Gina

P.S. I also have heard good things about Spelling Wisdom for dictation from Simply Charlotte Mason.

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You know, I have to change my siggy soon :) I have reverted to using CM style narrations exclusively, but I used WWE 2 as a springboard so to speak, to get me used to the daily narration, copywork, dictation. Now I pick my own passages from ds' reading, literature, poetry, and history books. I simply pick a worthy collection of sentences, or long sentence, sometimes I let ds pick a favorite passage, and have him either copy it or I dictate to him. I use studied dictation, and it helps with vocabulary and spelling too. I work on all these, including grammar, at the same time. It's been working for us, and I like that all the passages are relevant to what we are studying/reading.


We also use PLL, so I feel that covers our bases pretty well.




Thanks. This is where I was thinking of doing, using WWE 2 as hand holding for the a year, or half a year, and then I will be able to see what I need tweaking on my own.


I like the idea of my ds picking a sentences from what he is reading for studied dictation. I might try that next. So far, I don't really see retention of spelled words. Even ds says he forgets how to spell the word after we do the studied dictation BUT, I have NOT done it alot to be sure. I might just be freaking out too soon because I feel we are behind in some things (mainly math and LA and Spelling).


I also have a 3rd grade Nicholas and we are CM'ers:)


Too cute. I did buy "Stories Starter" but have not used it yet. I will look at this during my planning and see how I will use it. I will look into Spelling Wisdom but I think in the Fall I want to use AAS AND some studied dictation and see how that goes. I have been looking to see if someone is selling Spelling Wisdom in the For Sale.


Believe it not, I have Simple Grammer, MCT Island, FLL, English for the Child, WWE: Complete Writer (waiting to receive it in the mail) and now I bought Brave Writer! This is how mixed up I am :lol: I really need to see see these different things in my hands to know if it will fit in our schooling.


This is happening because I chose to go outside a boxed curriculum AND I am changing my philosophy of homeschooling and realizing now that I need to do more nitty, gritty "schoolish" stuff in a non-conventional manor and be more consistent across the curriculum. I feel like I am starting over with homeschooling as I plan by Grades 4-6 stuff. The early grades was fun but now I have to dig in deeper with the schooling.


You could also look at Queen's Language Lessons


And Yes, I have this one, too! I am not impress with Queen's stuff. It seems more dumbing down stuff compared to Simple Grammer and MCT Island. BUT it could be because I bought "Queen's LL for the YOUNG ones" :lol:


I'm not sure yet for h.s. Haven't gotten there yet! But I'll probably use the research paper program from Epi Kardia.


This is my struggle, according to SWB, learning to write persuavely and writing research papers in high school are two different things. Learning to write research papers won't make you necessarily write good persuasive papers in English or Philosphy classes. To me, I think that does NOT mean one is better than the other. I think BOTH are important. This is my struggle on how to get there.........


But all this is wonderful things to think about :) Thank you for more links to check out.

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Nicholas' Mom (sorry about red ink!)....the paragraph below is from the Lost Tools of Writing website. I'm considering using it for 1 or 2 years in h.s. to cover persuasive essays. The few writing samples people have posted of their kids are impressive (they have a helpful yahoo group). It does not cover research papers. I'm thinking of Epi Kardia for that (hear it's easy to teach, written to the student).



I was using Classical Writing Homer and loved how CW was going to lead up to the persuasive essay. However, Homer just added too much stress to our homeschool. So, my tentative plan for writing is:



Intermediate Lang. Lessons for 4th-6th (w/some Writing Tales, which we have, but I'll not use everything of both)

Write with the Best for Jr. Hi. for essays, descriptive writing, etc.

Lost Tools of Writing in h.s. for thinking/persuasive writing

Epi Kardia in h.s. for research papers



Also plan on getting Teaching the Classics this summer to start applying lit. analysis to books we read (some, not all). Hope you get it figured out....I know this topic has caused way too much angst in my own life:) Blessings, Gina




How is Level 2 different from Level 1?

Level 2 is different from Level 1 in a few ways. Most simply, Level 1 teaches the persuasive essay and introduces the comparison essay while Level 2 divides the persuasive essay into the judicial (to do with the past tense) and the deliberative essay (to do with the future tense). Level 2 also includes a four lesson unit on story-telling and it develops the comparison essay further. And, finally, it adds a descriptive essay.

Level 2 also adds to additional topics of invention: the advantageous and the honorable. It also adds 12 new schemes and tropes.

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Stuart....sorry, I didn't see any samples either. I bought it based on the high recommendation of an online CM friend. Here's a brief sampling of Lesson 1. It takes 10 days (2 weeks) per lesson, each taking only 15-30 min. or so.


Day 1: Read the passage from 20,000 Leag. Under the Sea. Discuss w/parents why he/she thinks this is an ex. of 'good' writing. Read 3 characteristics that make the best writing the best in appendix.

Day 2:Learn parts of speech (noun, verb, adj., adverb). Review above characteristics. Discuss the parts of speech and their importance in descriptive writing. Name at least 5 ex. for each one.

Day 3:Review parts of speech. Underline descriptive adj., adverbs, verbs in dif. colors. Circle specific nouns (also paint word pictures). 3rd-5th graders aren't expected to find them all.

Day 4: Use a thesaurus (explain what it is, if needed). There's a list of 10 words, repace ea. with at least 3 substiture words.

Day 5: From a book in the house by a well-known author and see how they describe an object. Write down all the descriptive words you can find. Close your eyes and have your teacher read it. Can you see, feel, taste, hear it? Take dictation from this passage.

Day 6: Learn 5 requirements of a paragraph. Topic sentence, at least 3 supporting sentences, concluding sentence.

Day 7: Student picks an object to write a descriptive paragraph about. Write down as many descriptive verbs, adverbs, adj. and subject nouns as you can for your object. Paint word pictures.

Day 8: Write your paragraph (some guidelines).

Day 9: Proofread your paragraph by using their proofreading schedule at back of book. Underline all grammar words in dif. colors again.

Day 10: Rewrite or type your paragraph w/corrections.


There's some more instruction, just didn't type EVERYTHING:) HTH some. I'm so thrilled to have this program. Though we've just started:) Writing is so much more enjoyable and interesting than with our previous program. Blessings, Gina

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Thanks. This is where I was thinking of doing, using WWE 2 as hand holding for the a year, or half a year, and then I will be able to see what I need tweaking on my own.


I like the idea of my ds picking a sentences from what he is reading for studied dictation. I might try that next. So far, I don't really see retention of spelled words. Even ds says he forgets how to spell the word after we do the studied dictation BUT, I have NOT done it alot to be sure. I might just be freaking out too soon because I feel we are behind in some things (mainly math and LA and Spelling).


Too cute. I did buy "Stories Starter" but have not used it yet. I will look at this during my planning and see how I will use it. I will look into Spelling Wisdom but I think in the Fall I want to use AAS AND some studied dictation and see how that goes. I have been looking to see if someone is selling Spelling Wisdom in the For Sale.


Believe it not, I have Simple Grammer, MCT Island, FLL, English for the Child, WWE: Complete Writer (waiting to receive it in the mail) and now I bought Brave Writer! This is how mixed up I am :lol: I really need to see see these different things in my hands to know if it will fit in our schooling.


This is happening because I chose to go outside a boxed curriculum AND I am changing my philosophy of homeschooling and realizing now that I need to do more nitty, gritty "schoolish" stuff in a non-conventional manor and be more consistent across the curriculum. I feel like I am starting over with homeschooling as I plan by Grades 4-6 stuff. The early grades was fun but now I have to dig in deeper with the schooling.


This is my struggle, according to SWB, learning to write persuavely and writing research papers in high school are two different things. Learning to write research papers won't make you necessarily write good persuasive papers in English or Philosphy classes. To me, I think that does NOT mean one is better than the other. I think BOTH are important. This is my struggle on how to get there.........


But all this is wonderful things to think about :) Thank you for more links to check out.


Gosh, I think we are in the same boat. I am deeply interested in ds' writing ability, and as a result have also collected a number of things. I have also started out without a boxed curriculum.


I'm still piecing together what we're doing, but so far it looks like I'm going with Serl's Intermediate Language Lessons, CM narration, dictation, and copywork across the curriculum, and either Killgallon or Wordsmith Apprentice somewhere in between. I also have Galore Park Jr. Books 2 and 3, but I don't see it jiving with my philosophy, and ds is not doing so well either. Who would have thought piecing together your own LA is so involved? I have Natural Speller for guidance, and for Literature we're continuing with the whole books, but using Critical Conditioning for guidance. I'm thinking of using Kathryn's Stout Composition book too. I haven't bought it yet :)

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If you are following CM, you would add written narrations at about age 10 after a couple of years of doing dictation (both studied and not) and several years of doing copywork. Written narration is similar to oral narration. They are expected to write in the correct order of the literature as well as use proper punctuation, etc. When I am ready for formal writing, I plan on using Bravewriter. It isn't a workbook, but a method to teach you how to teach writing. :D

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Just incase you wanted to take a look at Interediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl. You an get it as a free download on googlebooks. That is my top pick at the moment. We have been using PLL off and on since second and LOVE it. I haven't found anything else that comes so close to CM philosophies. I agree with the other poster who is using her own narration, copywork, and dictation from literature her child is reading. That is kind of the way I am leaning too. According to the Writers Jungle that is what she recommends as well. But if you can't or don't feel comfortable doing it on your own her Arrow program has 10$ downloads from literature selections for a month to try and see if you like it. So basically you would get the book from the library and while reading it or your child reading it you would ggo through the passages in the arrow download and do those simultaneously with your reading. Does that make sense? I might try a few of these or maybe just one to get the idea and then start doing it on my own.


On spelling, have you looked into Spelling Power? I don't know if it is considered CM or not but I find it is a great addition to studied dictation. AAS was a flop here. Just sent it bback yesterday. It was entirely too easy for both my kiddos 8 & 6 yrs. That doesn't mean it won't work for you though. The studied dictation in PLL and Spelling Power has been workng wonders for our 8yrr old and our 6yr old will start in a few months after she is 7.


All the typo's are because I am gettin used to a new much smaller keyboard and my nails are too long lol Sorry.

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Stuart, I'm with you. I do feel more confident with a program telling me exactly what to do, but not in an overwhelming way:) I don't really feel that there's a whole lot of need for a formal writing program in elementary....but had already started down that path. If I had it to do all over again I think I'd just use PLL and ILL through 6th grade. But who knows. I've been all over the place w/writing.....just glad to have some peace for the moment:) Gina

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Thank you Gina (momto2blessings), joyfulhomeschooler, kristinannie.


I was looking at Brave Arrow on the Homeschool Buyers club. It's 5 for something but I think I would like just one for $5.00 to try it out. I really like the idea of reading the book we are using for all the studied dictation, copywork, narration, etc. instead of having an excerp of a book like you do in WWE.


the paragraph below is from the Lost Tools of Writing website. I'm considering using it for 1 or 2 years in h.s. to cover persuasive essays. The few writing samples people have posted of their kids are impressive (they have a helpful yahoo group). It does not cover research papers. I'm thinking of Epi Kardia for that (hear it's easy to teach, written to the student).


I like "easy to teach and written to the student" :D

ok so now I need to check our Spelling Power, Interediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl, Spelling Wisdom, Epi Kardia. :001_unsure:


Oh, why did I have such a complicated question to ask :ohmy:

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Thank you Gina (momto2blessings), joyfulhomeschooler, kristinannie.


I was looking at Brave Arrow on the Homeschool Buyers club. It's 5 for something but I think I would like just one for $5.00 to try it out. I really like the idea of reading the book we are using for all the studied dictation, copywork, narration, etc. instead of having an excerp of a book like you do in WWE.


I like "easy to teach and written to the student" :D

ok so now I need to check our Spelling Power, Interediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl, Spelling Wisdom, Epi Kardia. :001_unsure:


Oh, why did I have such a complicated question to ask :ohmy:

:lol: Makes your head spin doesn't it! I am still undecided on writing myself.

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So, I was wondering if there a detailed program like WWE (open and go) that is for the CM way?


I don't think so. CM wouldn't use an open-and-go, detailed writing course.


From Volume 1

"In fact, lessons on 'composition' should follow the model of that famous essay on "Snakes in Ireland"––"There are none." For children under nine, the question of composition resolves itself into that of narration, varied by some such simple exercise as to write a part and narrate a part, or write the whole account of a walk they have taken, a lesson they have studied, or of some simple matter that they know. Before they are ten, children who have been in the habit of using books will write good, vigorous English with ease and freedom; that is, if they have not been hampered by instructions. ... They should narrate in the first place, and they will compose, later readily enough; but they should not be taught 'composition.'"

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I don't think so. CM wouldn't use an open-and-go, detailed writing course.


From Volume 1

"In fact, lessons on 'composition' should follow the model of that famous essay on "Snakes in Ireland"––"There are none." For children under nine, the question of composition resolves itself into that of narration, varied by some such simple exercise as to write a part and narrate a part, or write the whole account of a walk they have taken, a lesson they have studied, or of some simple matter that they know. Before they are ten, children who have been in the habit of using books will write good, vigorous English with ease and freedom; that is, if they have not been hampered by instructions. ... They should narrate in the first place, and they will compose, later readily enough; but they should not be taught 'composition.'"


This is great! Thanks for the reminder.

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Thanks so much for the sample lesson. I really appreciate it. I'm putting it on my possible list. Writing is one thing I wish I felt more confident with. I need a lot of hand holding.


On the website, if you go to Free Downloads, there is a sizable sample of WWTB.

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