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What, besides pregancy, could cause this?

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Last night and tonight, at around 6 o'clock, I have fought massive nausea. Tonight I threw up, and I almost never throw up.


AF has recently come and gone, so I'm 99.999% sure I'm not pregnant.


It's not extreme hunger, either.


What else could cause this? :confused::confused::confused:


ETA: It was literally like: I'm feeling just fine to... oh my gosh, I'm sooo sick to my stomach. It's like a switch was flipped. And TWO nights in a row. Weird.

Edited by shinyhappypeople
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Are you on any new medications? I was on a couple of new (to me) Rx drugs a couple of months ago and got very sick to my stomach (throwing up multiple times a day, starting with just once a day for a couple of days, and then some really bad days). It turned out I was allergic to something in the medicines.




I am baffled.


And I feel like crap.


The ONLY silver lining is that my kids are "secretly" making me Get Well cards right now :D

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I have gotten this a few times in the past several weeks. HORRIFIC nausea. I even wake up with it sometimes. I'm 49, BTW, and if I were pregnant it would be the end of me.;)


I really think I have an ulcer.


Have you tried any fresh ginger to make you feel better? Steep some in boiling water, cool, drink.

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That's exactly how one of my daughter's migraines began. She became nauseous and shaky every evening around dinner time. It happened every evening for a week or two. I finally brought her into the doctor, and he told me about headache-less migraines. I guess he suspected it because my husband had chronic migraines (WITH the headache), as well as another child of ours.


Her spell of nausea finally went away, but then a couple months later she began getting the headache migraines, at around the same time of day.

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That's exactly how one of my daughter's migraines began. She became nauseous and shaky every evening around dinner time. It happened every evening for a week or two. I finally brought her into the doctor, and he told me about headache-less migraines. I guess he suspected it because my husband had chronic migraines (WITH the headache), as well as another child of ours.


Her spell of nausea finally went away, but then a couple months later she began getting the headache migraines, at around the same time of day.


yes! You can have migraines in your stomach!


My dd12 even gets migraines in her eye. Poor thing feels like her eye is going to explode. :sad:

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That's exactly how one of my daughter's migraines began. She became nauseous and shaky every evening around dinner time. It happened every evening for a week or two. I finally brought her into the doctor, and he told me about headache-less migraines. I guess he suspected it because my husband had chronic migraines (WITH the headache), as well as another child of ours.


Her spell of nausea finally went away, but then a couple months later she began getting the headache migraines, at around the same time of day.

Was hypoglycemia considered? That can include nausea, shakiness & headaches.

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Was hypoglycemia considered? That can include nausea, shakiness & headaches.




My dad had this same problem. He would get a horrible pain in the back of his head and feel nauseous. He had hypoglycemia, but now has diabetes.

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That happened to me last month. For 3 weeks in a row I would get terribly nauseous in the evening, and be exhausted to the point of napping daily. I took a pregnancy test, and tried everything else I could think of.


THe only thing I could think of was my diet. I was stressed and not eating well at all, and not drinking enough. I started drinking 8 glasses/day, eating my veggies and fruits and cut out all but natural sugars as well as all soda.


I now feel so much better! No more nausea and only the normal exhaustion that comes from homeschooling 5 kids ;)


I think I was just run-down and not nourishing my body correctly. Good luck.

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