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Exercise Thread ~ 3/25-4/1

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Just finished my 20 mile run, then did weight training for 2 hours followed by....


Back to reality :lol:


This week I've hit the treadmill a couple times, did JM NMTZ with dh (he whined about his legs for 2 days :D), then last night it was Bar SS II. Fun, fun!



Today...still undecided.




Omg, I just freaked out. The 20 mile run needs to be followed by 24 hrs on the couch . . . At least that's my plan for the weekend!

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Omg, I just freaked out. The 20 mile run needs to be followed by 24 hrs on the couch . . . At least that's my plan for the weekend!


I read some of the workouts and felt like I needed to step it up...in my mind anyway! A 20 mile run for me would end in an ambulance call at mile 4 :lol::lol:

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Friday so far: weight lifting. I pulled a muscle in my arm trying to get my rear end up into the air during a reverse crunch. But the good news is while I was sitting panting during a rest period, I looked down and spotted a calf muscle! Haven't seen that old girl in many years!! :)


updated to add: and 5K running.

Edited by Tracy in Ky
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Friday - BBL Sculpt

Saturday - Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training


It's been interesting reading about those who like to plan v. those who don't. I am very much a planner by nature, so I suppose this personality trait leaks into my exercising as well. If I just did what I felt like doing I would NEVER do any cardio stuff. I am tolerating it more than I used to, but I will never embrace it.


Anyone heard of Leah Sarago for bar work? I am trying to decide if I want to get some more of the Bar Method DVDs or look into this person instead. The latter is broken down by area (upper, core, and lower) whereas the former seems to be allover body in all videos. Since my main *problem* is my legs, I was wondering if I should just try the Leah Sarago lower body one.

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But the good news is while I was sitting panting during a rest period, I looked down and spotted a calf muscle! Haven't seen that old girl in many years!! :)


Isn't that the most fun super feeling?


A few weeks ago, I was shaving my legs the way I always do in the tub . . . sitting on the floor of the tub with my heel propped up on the side of the tub. Except for that this time I started having difficulty shaving my calf, b/c when my leg is sitting that way, my calf is flexed. In the last 20+ years, this has never been a problem, but now, my calves are so ripped with muscles and free of fat that the various little flexed muscles are TOO POINTY to safely shave while flexed. :001_huh:




I've had to change the way I shave by getting my leg in a non-flexed position. I was/am ridiculously pleased with and proud of my pointy calves. Now I'm always on the lookout for new muscles. :D

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Isn't that the most fun super feeling?


A few weeks ago, I was shaving my legs the way I always do in the tub . . . sitting on the floor of the tub with my heel propped up on the side of the tub. Except for that this time I started having difficulty shaving my calf, b/c when my leg is sitting that way, my calf is flexed. In the last 20+ years, this has never been a problem, but now, my calves are so ripped with muscles and free of fat that the various little flexed muscles are TOO POINTY to safely shave while flexed. :001_huh:




I've had to change the way I shave by getting my leg in a non-flexed position. I was/am ridiculously pleased with and proud of my pointy calves. Now I'm always on the lookout for new muscles. :D


That is just awesome!!! Yay for you!!:lol:

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I started exercising about 6 weeks ago, very gradually. I try to mix it up and basically, just get moving. Walking, biking, running a little, hiking, etc.


Today, my 12yb and I did a 11mile bike ride, my longest so far this spring. (in the rain and cold too)


Lisaj, who exercises with three kids who are just starting to like it

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We must be two peas in a pod with our personality types!

Yes. :lol:


I probably just need to accept the fact that my legs are NEVER going to look the way that I want them to no matter what I do.

:grouphug: Try to not be so hard on yourself. :grouphug: You're beautiful.

ETA: You already know this, but it's a good reminder for me anyway. Try to avoid comparing yourself or your legs to others, particularly those in DVDs, magazines, etc. Many of these ladies (including Burr Leonard) haven't had children, haven't gone through what we've gone through, and, most importantly, have completely different lifestyles. Fitness and exercise are their full-time jobs. I know it's hard to remember that. Hope I'm making sense here. :grouphug:


If I plan my workouts ahead of time, I get grumpy because then I feel restricted and I have to force myself to workout.

Yes, you make a good point. Although I plan like mad, I don't always stick to it. I like to plan because I'm super-organized and just that way. But I also plan because now that I have so many choices, I get overwhelmed otherwise. I sometimes miss my pre-DVD days when I used to alternate running and swimming. I no longer run, so that would be out of question anyway.


If I plan my workouts ahead of time, I get grumpy because then I feel restricted and I have to force myself to workout.


I never workout the first two days of my period. It just doesn't feel good on my body.

Yes, I agree. I hardly ever workout in the first day of my period. I'm usually super-tired and sleep then.


If I just did what I felt like doing I would NEVER do any cardio stuff.

Yes. I need to plan to hopefully have a balanced system. I like to plan most things in my life. I've learned to be very flexible about my planning. I might plan a workout but not get it done for days due to a whole host of reasons. It's not the end of the world if it doesn't happen. These days, my plans often fall through anyway. :glare:


Anyone heard of Leah Sarago for bar work? I am trying to decide if I want to get some more of the Bar Method DVDs or look into this person instead. The latter is broken down by area (upper, core, and lower) whereas the former seems to be allover body in all videos. Since my main *problem* is my legs, I was wondering if I should just try the Leah Sarago lower body one.

Cynthia, I was very close to getting some of her stuff, but after viewing her clips, I decided not to. Not really my type. DVDs are so subjective.

There are several others. I like The Dailey Method also.

There are some others and I can post all my info if you're interested. You've probably heard of them all anyway. I just don't want to overwhelm you. Total Fitness DVDs is great, but they don't offer them all. Those forums I linked earlier are very helpful also. I don't post much there, but I do lurk and learn a lot.

Let me know if you need any more info. :)

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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