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Teacher's Lounge 3-22-2012

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Breakfast - some yummy sourdough bread we bought at an island bakery while on vacation, 2 eggs, water


Lunch - not sure what I have in the house. Something!


Dinner - I am craving a really good knock-your-socks-off vegetable beef soup. I plan to make one today once I find a good recipe!


What are you doing today? Post vacation entry into life. This means laundry, laundry, laundry, going grocery shopping, and going to the library. And cooking vegetable beef soup!


If your dh is on vacation do you still try to do school? Since dh's view of an ideal vacation at home is to study in his office, we often do. But today I'm unleashing the kids on dh to help him with his honey-do list.;)

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I am sitting here waiting for my kiddos to get dressed. WE are doing a light week for spring break. Only the 3 R's and some history today. But they are taking that to mean, do nothing but have fun. And I am having trouble reigning them in :) We plan to hit the library soon. We will get some work done there I hope.


Breakfast was fend for yourself: yogurts, cereals, and fruits to your heart's content.


Lunch: hmm? Haven't thought about it. We have sandwiches or baked potatoes and salad available.


Dinner: I want to use some leftover chicken and some leftover rice from last night. So I will throw together a stir fry.


Do we school when dh is on vacation? What is this vacation of which you speak? With dh's job he doesn't really get any vacations. If he can manage to get 3 or 4 days off in a row (once a year maybe), we will not do school. We will actually go somewhere with him instead of without him.

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Good morning everyone! I missed you while I was on vacation.


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


What are you doing today?


If your dh is on vacation do you still try to do school?


Didn't know you were on vacation! where did you go??


Breakfast: eggs and bacon and coffee, made by dh ;), which he often does

Lunch: I know I had plans for that. Maybe I need more coffee.:tongue_smilie:


Dinner: don't know.


Doing today: straightening up the living room, along with our other schooling.


Vacation?????????? HA! Every time I ask dh to just go away for ONE day, he tries to postpone it and have us go camping overnight on a weekend somewhere. I will go camping when I don't have to sleep on the ground in a tent - not if he wants me to actually be able to move in the morning!:D

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Welcome back from your vacation! I hope you had a good time!


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Breakfast was simple, just Trader Joe's honey nut O's. Lunch will be leftover chicken pie, and I have no idea about dinner yet... possibly eggs, bacon, home fries, fruit... I need to get to the grocery store, so we're low on some things that could make a more exciting meal.


What are you doing today? We finished school, and the boys are watching the BBC Beatrix Potter Peter the Rabbit cartoon on DVD. I still need to shower. My sister and her kids will be over to play in a couple of hours.


If your dh is on vacation do you still try to do school? I always think we'll get school done, but it never happens since the boys usually want to be with their dad. So, we usually school lightly or take that time off (if it's a day or two at a time). If dh gets a week or more, then we are usually traveling somewhere as a family which often involves educational stops/attractions along the way.

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

I had an english muffin with butter for breakfast. The kids had cereal or waffles. For lunch, we had salad with hard-boiled eggs and chicken on top. (Jean, I thought of you while we ate it!). I'm not sure what I'm going to serve for dinner. I did not start the pork in the crockpot early enough for it to be ready tonight, so I'm going to make that tomorrow instead.


What are you doing today?

Heavy load of school this morning, chores and lunch, followed by dropping off the middle kids at a friend's house for the afternoon. DD14 has dance this evening and I have some errands to run. Between lessons this morning, I did manage to get dd14 registered to take the ACT in June. I am also doing some research and publicity for a food co-op that some friends are starting in our town!


If your dh is on vacation do you still try to do school?

Vacation? What is that? (need I say more?)

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Good Morning everyone - I'm in the midst of changing up our HS program yet again since we were given a Sonlight Core yesterday.



Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Toast for me, dinner will be leftovers.


What are you doing today? Resting with my foot up. I have joint issues with my feet and something popped out of place yesterday. Also working on school a bit.


If your dh is on vacation do you still try to do school? No dh here, so doesn't apply to us. I work from home myself.

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Jean -- hope you had a good vacation!! Sourdough bread..YUM


Scrap -- bacon...YUM I love bacon. Don't get it often but love it. :D



Breakfast? coffee & a banana for me, ds had chips & salsa, not sure what dh and other kiddo had


Lunch? leftovers - hot wings & mac & cheese. I gave kiddos my portion. They were still hungry by the time I got around to heating mine. I need to find something for me.


Dinner? Soup sounds really good


What are you doing today? Right now as little as possible. Rainy and cooler. I just want to nap and read ;) but I need to work on decluttering.


If your dh is on vacation do you still try to do school? Nope :D Dh is on spring break this week so we are taking the week off too. Supposedly to clean and organize.

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Breakfast -- nothing because the kids slept in after a crazy week (dd Irish Dancing A LOT of places last week, plus my sister was in town/staying w/ us & left yesterday)


Lunch -- had an early lunch because we have tennis; ate sandwiches & fruit


Dinner -- no idea, dh will be fixing something or getting a pizza


What are you doing today?


Normally, we have tennis, but it got rained out at the very last minute. Dutch class this afternoon. Ds & I will hang out at Starbucks while dd is at Dutch. :D Looking forward to my latte & reading time.


If your dh is on vacation do you still try to do school?


Ha. Like we could get school done w/ him hanging around. ;) So, usually, no, we don't do school if dh is on vacation/home from work.

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