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Ok -- all you AAS people are killing me :-)


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So...I bought How to Teach Spelling, but haven't used it yet. I think I prefer something more scripted to teach with. I have heard so much about AAS that I finally went looking at it.


I have a couple of questions for the AAS experts :-).


I have twins finishing up 1st grade. One is a natural speller -- can spell words like unique, abundant, etc. This does not mean he knows the spelling rules -- it's just how he is. His twin is not as natural at spelling as his brother, but does pretty well for a 1st grader. We are most of the way through OPGTR and are on Book 4.5 of ETC if that helps with where we are at.


I'm wondering how long it will likely take me to get through Level 1 of AAS? Level 2 as well? Should I just order both at once? I will be teaching them spelling separately. I'm also trying to decide if I should just buy the extra set of student packets and divider cards or if I should start my natural speller on Level 1 and then start his twin on Level 1 when "natural speller" starts Level 2. Will I make it too hard on myself to do it this way? Do I need 2 sets of tiles if I teach them separately? Approximately how long does it take to do a lesson?


Sorry for all the questions. I'm mostly set on our 2nd grade year, but now ya'll got me thinking about spelling. Thanks for your help :-)!

Edited by mlktwins
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I would buy levels 1 and 2 for sure, maybe even 3. Start them both in level 1, and yes get two student packs. The phonogram cards and sound cards move up through the levels with each kid. Unless you come up with a system to know who needs to review what cards they'll each need their own set. You don't need two sets of tiles, but I made up a chart for myself so I know which one of my children have learned what tiles so they don't have extras on the board confusing them.


Here's what I would order to get started


Level 1 TM/student kit, 1 extra level 1 student packet

Level 2 TM/student kit, 1 extra level 2 student packet

1 basic interactive kit

2 spelling card boxes (you can buy sterlite boxes but typical index card ones don't work well with the dividers so make sure you get them from the home organization section, not the office section)

1 extra set of dividers


Unless you want the bag that comes with the deluxe interactive kit, then you'd get that and one extra card box and 1 extra set of dividers.



let me know if I was confusing at all, I'll do my best to clarify.

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I have heard of people who can use one set of cards and one divider box for multiple kids. I suppose it IS possible but knowing me, I would rather get two and make it less confusing for myself. Sometimes, for me time is money and I don't mind spending a bit extra if I save myself a bit of hassle.

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I bought HTTS first too but was lost. This open and go curric (AAS) really does make it easy for mom, fun for kids, meaningful (both my kids are natural spellers but needed to learn the rules so that we could build the lesser-known words.


I'd buy at least the first 2 levels for next year

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Just FYI--last I checked, Sonlight was still using this and you can buy without paying shipping. They have free media mail shipping on items over 25$ and the aas levels are 29$. So you could order later without paying shipping if you don't mind media mail.

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Thanks for the great info ladies! I think I'll just splurge and get what I need for both of them.


Do you guys use a 2'x3' magnetic dry erase board for this (as recommended on the ASS site)? I have a white board on my wall I can use, but I think I want this to be more portable if we choose.


Thanks again!!!

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Thanks for the great info ladies! I think I'll just splurge and get what I need for both of them.


Do you guys use a 2'x3' magnetic dry erase board for this (as recommended on the ASS site)? I have a white board on my wall I can use, but I think I want this to be more portable if we choose.


Thanks again!!!


Yes, I use a 3'x2'. I started with a smaller one, but quickly found we preferred the larger one. The tiles stay on it and there's plenty of room for writing in the center (for AAS and other things). In the very beginning of level 1 we used his desk, but the large whiteboard works best overall.

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Yep, I use a 2x3 ft one I got at walmart or target for under $20.


They will be coming out with an iPad app that looks like the spelling tiles board, but that won't be released until summer. It's also something that you'd have to decide if you have an iPad would your kids get more out of that then the actual tiles you can pick up/feel. For my son he loves the tiles, even at age 12.5, as does my youngest son, but my dd can't wait for the app, she hates putting the tiles back and has been saying for about a year that she wished the had an app for AAS.

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Yes, I use a 3'x2'. I started with a smaller one, but quickly found we preferred the larger one. The tiles stay on it and there's plenty of room for writing in the center (for AAS and other things). In the very beginning of level 1 we used his desk, but the large whiteboard works best overall.


We got a big white board (maybe 4x3?) from Costco for under $20. Make sure it is magnetic :)


We absolutely love AAS and moved my natural speller into it, starting at Level 1, after the success I had with my dysgraphic dd. I love the phonograms, rules, instruction, tiles...everything! I have learned so much!


We don't always spell out every word they say to do with tiles but instead out loud. We are doing Level 1 with my 9 yo ds at 2 to 3 steps a day. My 11 yo dd is doing 1 step a day of Level 3.


Good Luck!

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If the other one is even half as good as the first one, I think you might be able to start both in Level 2, and just get a L1 materials packet for the sound and phonogram cards that are reviewed throughout the program. (They'll know all the basic ones & the long & short vowels, but may not know the multiple sounds for some--O actually has 4 sounds, CH has 3, S has 2, and so on). If they do know that, you could skip that purchase.


Here's a link for deciding bt. 1 and 2.


I think they'll go through 1 and 2 quickly, and you might even get to 3, depending on how quickly they cruise through some of the steps. You don't have to make them spell words they have already memorized--use the lessons to teach the concepts and then have them teach the concept back to you with the letter tiles. They can demonstrate on several words, and then if you know they've memorized all the words, you can go on to the next step. If you aren't sure, then go through them all. Have fun with it if you decide to use it! Merry :-)

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