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Pet sitting Nightmare

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My parents are on vacation this week. They dropped off their cat and puppy on Monday evening.


My mom told me her cat wasn't feeling well the past few days, and had been vomiting. She said she didn't feed it on Monday due to it's "upset" stomach. Okay....


Cat continued to vomit, and refused all water and food. So yesterday I decided the cat looked horrible, and was obviously a sick kitty. She hadn't used the litter box in over 24 hours, hadn't moved at all from under my sink, and when I pet her she couldn't meow although she tried. I took her to my vet. She needed emergency surgery for obstructed bowel. The vet called me yesterday evening, and said there was no obstruction but that he had to remove 8 inches of her intestine because it was diseased. He is sending a sample to the lab to find out what it is. The cat will remain at the vet until next week. Poor cat. My parents just lost two dogs this past 6 weeks. One due to congestive heart failure and the other due to cancer. Now this with their cat.


The puppy is 4 months old and not house trained. Oy. So far he has managed to sneak out of my sight (actually it was my DH who was supposed to be watching him while I folded laundry in the other room) and he pooped on my wood floor. I cannot get the smell off my floor!


I have cleaned it with Nature's Miracle which is supposed to remove pet odors. That didn't work. I've used baking soda but I don't want to ruin the finish on my floor. Can I use bleach? Would that work? Dilute it with water?


My living room stinks because I can't get my floor clean of the nasty poop smell.


This is the worst pet sitting week ever!

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My parents are on vacation this week. They dropped off their cat and puppy on Monday evening.


My mom told me her cat wasn't feeling well the past few days, and had been vomiting. She said she didn't feed it on Monday due to it's "upset" stomach. Okay....


Cat continued to vomit, and refused all water and food. So yesterday I decided the cat looked horrible, and was obviously a sick kitty. She hadn't used the litter box in over 24 hours, hadn't moved at all from under my sink, and when I pet her she couldn't meow although she tried. I took her to my vet. She needed emergency surgery for obstructed bowel. The vet called me yesterday evening, and said there was no obstruction but that he had to remove 8 inches of her intestine because it was diseased. He is sending a sample to the lab to find out what it is. The cat will remain at the vet until next week. Poor cat. My parents just lost two dogs this past 6 weeks. One due to congestive heart failure and the other due to cancer. Now this with their cat.


The puppy is 4 months old and not house trained. Oy. So far he has managed to sneak out of my sight (actually it was my DH who was supposed to be watching him while I folded laundry in the other room) and he pooped on my wood floor. I cannot get the smell off my floor!


I have cleaned it with Nature's Miracle which is supposed to remove pet odors. That didn't work. I've used baking soda but I don't want to ruin the finish on my floor. Can I use bleach? Would that work? Dilute it with water?


My living room stinks because I can't get my floor clean of the nasty poop smell.


This is the worst pet sitting week ever!


Odoban is a miracle worker here. With a 9 month old puppy and 5 boys--yeah, I love Odoban. I get it at Sam's Club.


And :grouphug:. You deserve an award!

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Dog continued pooping and peeing in my house. I finally ended up putting him in the crate for most of the time. He was getting used to the crate, but my parents will not continue crate training. It's so nice to not have to worry about a puppy sneaking off to pee or poop somewhere.



As for the cat, she is doing much better. The lab results came back. She had an infection due to her intestines being perforated. At some point she must have eaten something that punctured her intestine. The vet said if I had waited another day to take her in she would have died.


So, I saved the cat's life because my parents didn't think her "upset stomach" was serious. Plus, I have cleaned more dog pee and poop off my floors in the past week than I have in the past ten years that I've owned my dog.


I hope my parents don't ask my to pet sit again any time soon.

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For a puppy that age, some baby gates can confine them to a kitchen or area with a floor that is easy to clean, while giving them a little more room to run around.


My kitchen layout is not one in which I can use baby gates. It's an open floor plan of the living, dining, and kitchen all combined with no wall separation.


Doesn't matter anyway because the puppy is gone now. :001_smile:


Will my parents actually train it? Probably not.

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Good for you, as well as the cat. You get to be the hero! And, since your heroism involved great personal sacrifice, you should get extra good daughter points.


The vinegar can be hard on wood floors if the finish is in poor shape (like ours), but that's probably a chance worth taking.

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Thank you.


I'll try vinegar because I have it here. If that doesn't work I'll go to my local grocery store and see if they have Odoban.


I wonder if Bac Out would work. Although I don't have that here either.



My understanding is that vinegar will take of the odor so that you can't smell it, but make it more attractive to the pet so he/she will continue to use that spot.


We used to use some kind of enzyme activator odor remover. We found it in the pet care aisles. Sorry, can't remember the name, but it has to have enzymes in it.

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My understanding is that vinegar will take of the odor so that you can't smell it, but make it more attractive to the pet so he/she will continue to use that spot.


We used to use some kind of enzyme activator odor remover. We found it in the pet care aisles. Sorry, can't remember the name, but it has to have enzymes in it.


:iagree: I can't remember the name either, but that is what we used.

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