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A tiny brag: so proud of my 14yo dd

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My dd got herself a job that pays decent money (especially for a 14yo), works 6 hours a week, gives 10% to any charity or non-profit group important to her, saves 50% for college or a car, and out of the remaining 40%, she saved her money and just bought herself an iPad. She was so excited!!


She is also pulling an "A" in Lukeion Latin, TOG online lit, and most (but not all) of her classes at home. I'm so pleased at the young woman she is becoming. :party:


I've never done a "brag" post before, but I share in her joy today!

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Congratulations to her!!!


Thank you! This girl has literally wanted to work since she was four years old. She used to always go up to that high captain's booth at Trader Joe's and ask when she could have a job. They were always so sweet to her, and told her to apply back when she was older. She used to also straighten all the shelves at Bath & Body Works and ask for a job - as a 4 and 5 yo. Everyone humored her and she's never forgotten!

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She works at a church (not ours) cleaning the children rooms, sterilizing toys, helping the preschool director get stuff ready for Sunday, making sure pens work in all the pews, etc. A regular gal Friday! :001_smile:


Well that is just awesome. How great for her!

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She works at a church (not ours) cleaning the children rooms, sterilizing toys, helping the preschool director get stuff ready for Sunday, making sure pens work in all the pews, etc. A regular gal Friday! :001_smile:


Wow, good for her! I'm impressed!!! Thanks for sharing -- I love stories like that. This young lady is going places!! :)

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It's wonderful to read posts like this.


KUDOS and big pat on the back to all of your family.......especially you!:)


Thank you!! You know, when they're little and so full of potential, you always wonder how they're going to turn out. She's only 14, but I'm breathing easier about this one. :D

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