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What do you believe happens after death?

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I part with the biodegrade/decompose crowd only in finding solace knowing that we are made of immortal stuff. The elements that are made from go on to make other things. Forever. And that's sort of cool.


A poem on the theme:


Inscription for a Gravestone




I am not dead, I have only become inhuman:

That is to say,

Undressed myself of laughable prides and infirmities,

But not as a man

Undresses to creep into bed, but like an athlete

Stripping for the race.

The delicate ravel of nerves that made me a measurer

Of certain fictions

Called good and evil; that made me contract with pain

And expand with pleasure;

Fussily adjusted like a little electroscope:

That’s gone, it is true;

(I never miss it; if the universe does,

How easily replaced!)

But all the rest is heightened, widened, set free.

I admired the beauty

While I was human, now I am part of the beauty.

I wander in the air,

Being mostly gas and water, and flow in the ocean;

Touch you and Asia

At the same moment; have a hand in the sunrises

And the glow of this grass.

I left the light precipitate of ashes to earth

For a love-token.

Edited by Spy Car
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I believe that the soul will go on after our death and that we will be called to give account for our deeds in this world. In the end, all of us will bank on God's mercy :). Nonetheless, the soul will continue its journey to draw ever nearer to God.

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I definitively without doubt believe in eternal life, I believe in a reuniting with our Creator in a new body. Energy is neither created nor destroyed...I imagine what makes us 'who' we are is moved from this world to Heaven. I believe Heaven is a literal place and that time happens much differently there. I am convinced beyond reason that angels exist, they walk among us..and that God is supernatural, omnipotent, everpresent.

I have seen and experienced so many proofs of His presence, that my spirit knows there is a Heaven. In my experience, the Holy spirit in me is directly linked with His and I get glimpses of how it is (heaven) but at the same time, some of the 'visions' are indescribable by earthly standards. I had a vivid and distinct dream of my grandmother speaking with he angels...I could not see the angels, but my grandmother spoke to me with her eyes with such an intensity I knew she knew they were enaging her...she was so happy to be discovering their revelations...she passed two weeks later to the day.

God does reveal..I will say when I saw Akiane's paintings of Heaven, those came closest to what my visions have been...not quite exact but definitely the light and color display is close.

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