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Anyone else into target shooting/competitive shooting?

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I have recently started to look for competitive shooting opportunities for my husband and I. I love to shoot targets (we don't hunt...not that we wouldn't, but we know we wouldn't EAT the kill, so we don't do it just for sport). I would just love to hear from some other "gun totin' mommas." LOL My friends here think I am nutty and half of them are scared of the guns I own and refuse to even think about shooting with us. I do have one or two friends who shoot, but would love to hear from more like me.


Also, if you know of any really great training or classes...or even competition options, please share! Obviously, we are in the USA.

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I used to shoot in Combat Pistol competitions, but that was more than 30 years ago, around the time I moved from Pennsylvania to North Carolina. I figured that since North Carolina was more rural there'd be more ranges and other facilities, but it turned out to be the opposite. There's a skeet/trap place not far from us, but for pistols we're pretty much limited to indoor ranges. Most of those have bizarre rules like bullseye-only targets rather than standard KD silhouettes (because they're afraid of offending someone).


When we were dating, my wife was scared to death of firearms. She finally got to the point where she'd pick up one of my pistols, but she'd pick it up with the grip between her thumb and forefinger, like it was a dead rat. I finally convinced her to go to the local range and take firearms safety and basic gun handling courses, and she found that she really enjoyed it. The heavy-caliber stuff (.44 and .45) that I prefer to carry just has too much recoil for her, but she's now quite competent with her Ruger .357 revolver. I'd hate to have her really mad at me.

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I'm just now getting into shooting and finding that I LOVE it! I never pictured myself as a gun totin' momma 20 years ago, but I'm just waiting on the permit now. (Wearing my pistol as we speak. ;))


I'd like to start taking classes that would make it possible for me to TEACH same classes in the future. Especially to women. I figure if *I* can learn to handle a gun, any woman can.

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Not right now, especially pregnant, but I hope to. I have a baby glock all my own, and my husband has several other guns. My son seems to be a natural and I would really like to find opportunities for him. i'd love to learn more about how to get him involved in competitive shooting.

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