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Missions, orphans, money, making changes... (strongly CC)

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I have a question for those of you who have a heart for missions/evangelism and a heart for orphans and people, in general, who live in third-world countries. If there has been a point where you felt that God was seriously dealing with you in regards to this, what changes have you made? I have recently read a couple of books by K.P. Yohannan as well as "Kisses from Katie". I'm just not at peace with the status quo but am having a hard time knowing what to do about it beyond a few small steps we have already taken. I am also suffering from some guilt in regards to the amount we spend on curriculum, but I just don't know what to do with that either. I feel we are using what is right for us...I'm just struggling to know the lines of too much!! I am probably viewing much of this in a wrong light, and that is something more God will have to work out in me. I'd love to hear from others who have been down this road with the Lord and what you did with it.

Edited by FiveOaksAcademy
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Love K.P. Yohannan and Gospel for Asia.


We also dearly love the ministry Heaven's Family, and have been able to personally get to know it's ministry leaders. Check them out if you have time.


Dh and I find that supporting orphans and widows is a very important call for a Christian.


I can TOTALLY identify with what you're going through in regards to concern over how much you're spending on curriculum. Dh and I are continually praying over and discussing the use of our finances. To whom much is given, much is required. And most if not all of us living in the US have MUCH, compared to many others in the world. I think it's a good thing for believers to struggle with this, honestly. We live in such ease here in our country, that it's easy to become complacent in our excess.


One of the things that was brought to our attention as we studied the scriptures is that it is our responsibility as believers to support widows in our own family. We do have a widow in our family, and have taken to making sure she is cared for.


Blessings to you as you and your husband pray for the Lord's direction. He is faithful. :001_smile:

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I totally understand where you are coming from. I, too, have been long time supporters of GFA and other missions organizations. I think that the first thing we all need to remember is the story of the widow's mite. Truly, God does look at the heart, not the amount. If our hearts are giving out of guilt, I don't believe that is what God wants. Should we give? Of course! But our hearts need to be in the right place as well. I do believe that God wants us to give generously, but also joyously. I know that I didn't give any really practical points, but I just wanted to share what I have learned as I have gone through the same questions.


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This is not exactly what you asked, but I had an experience last year that might be relevant.


I became greatly concerned about a situation effecting a faithful church that does a great deal of excellent sustaining and missionary work in the context of campus ministry.


After a lot of prayer, I started to support them financially, making a commitment to do so as God prospers me. This is entirely in addition to support for my own local church and other charity commitments--not taking away from any of them.


I started out by sacrificing purchases that I would otherwise have made--real, genuine sacrifices, not 'excuses,' not things that I really wouldn't have bought, not things I was kidding myself about. Things like shoes at an outlet store that were exactly what I had been looking for at an excellent price. I started to ask myself before each one, Would I feel better about spending this money now or about sending it to this church? And the truth is, making these donations honestly felt better than even a luxury purchase or a great bargain to me.


I tend to discount feelings as a guide for doing what is right. But these feelings started me on a path to becoming a regular supporter in this situation, and now I no longer wait to skip purchases to justify this. I just do it, every month except one for the last 6-7 months, as best as I can.


I don't advocate using feelings as your guide, but I do suggest that being intentional about your spending, and prayerfully considering your purchases is good no matter what and especially good when your feelings and convictions support you on this. Maybe starting by asking yourself that question, and answering it honestly, would be helpful--"Would I feel better if I spent this money on this or used it for this charity about which I have a conviction?"


Having said that, don't guilt yourself into shortchanging your family. Walk that line precisely. God calls you into your vocation as a parent, and it's important to do right by your children. I wouldn't question curriculum very much in this regard, personally.

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... I am also suffering from some guilt in regards to the amount we spend on curriculum, but I just don't know what to do with that either. I feel we are using what is right for us...I'm just struggling to know the lines of too much!!....


This may help you: I buy curriculum with my eyes on recycling it to missionaries who are a few years behind me in homeschooling. I have found it very gratifying to send off a load of books and teacher manuals to folks I know will use and devour it. Also, I have started to buy new so I can pass along better copies so they will last longer. I choose quality materials and am happy people will get some use out of it after me, and that it will be passed around to others after they finish.


Also, we support (for the most part) a specific area of the world we believe God has led us to support. There are other missionaries/missions we support in other places, but Northern Mozambique is our place to pray for and invest in, and it has been a lot of fun helping and following several missionaries in that region with differing missions (Bible translation, public health, church planting, education etc). It makes me feel like we are impacting a nation from afar. I just had the tremendous pleasure of seeing a two-year Eagle Scout project culminate in sending a library into Northern Moz for an English language school. One 13-14 year old boy decided to go for it, and now a whole lot of kids will reap the benefit of his dedication for years to come. When you begin to support, you never know how God will use you as a little cog in his machine. It's very exciting.

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Thanks, everyone, for your posts. Each one helped me. The idea of passing on our curriculum to missionaries...I had never thought of that!! Fantastic idea!! :) I, too, have been feeling a strong push to Uganda and Kenya...we have an orphanage where we feel drawn to give in Kenya.


On making sacrifices and thinking through the purchases, that was good too. I know small things right now that I can do, small changes I can make. I'm not a spendy person anyway, but I live in America...I definitely have some small areas I could change that would wind up making an impact!!


The heart issue, yes, I agree. I want this to be done out of being a cheerful giver and NOT out of guilt. I'm going to pray through any wrong motives and ask that God change them.


Bethany, I will look at that ministry you shared.


It is really neat to me that each response had a different theme/feel to it that I really think I needed to pay attention to. God is funny that way!! Thanks for all of the responses. :) I feel like I kind of have a game plan now...something to make changes on. It's small, but God will honor it. :)

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I was exactly where you are and we made some big changes in our lives because of it. We have adopted two children and fostered 7 others. Then we decided to give up our big salaries and move here to work at a missionary school.


The best thing about it is that we wanted to do these things to be a blessing to others and God has turned it into a blessing for us!!! We have had so many challenges and learned so much and grown in our faith through all these things. We are forever changed.

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