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favorite childbirth class?

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I did Bradley classes back when I was pregnant with my now 12 year old son. I ended up with a c-section, but handled labor very well until then...45 hours of it. I did hypnobabies homestudy with my daughter 2 years ago. It didn't work at all. AT ALL. So...thinking about taking a class this time around, if finances and time permit.


So...Bradley refresher class? My dh wasn't my dh with my son, so he never got any of that. But, he also is kind of hands off in labor, which works for me. He stayed out of the room most of the time with my daughter, and watched from the doorway. (homebirth). He did prepare food, heat water for the tub, that kind of stuff.


Other option is Birthing from Within. But I'm not very artsy and I hear those are very focused on art.


Any other thoughts or options you know of?

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I did Bradley. I did get an epidural because I was having twins and one was breech, and that was the trade-off to avoid a c-section (dr. wouldn't attempt without the epi). But I got all the way through transition before I got it, because apparently I was handling things so well the nurses on the antenatal floor (where I was because water had broken days before) refused to believe I was in labor, even though I said I wanted the doctor to come. :glare:


I vote for the Bradley refresher.

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I did Bradley and had a doula, since my DH is a bit squeamish. (Disclosure - I did end up with a Csection after 2 days of labor, and it turned out that baby had the cord around her neck).


I found Bradley helpful, though each instructor varies.

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Hypnobabies is my favorite (will be using it for the 5th time). If that's not your thing, Birthing from Within seems to meet the needs when hypnosis doesn't. The classes themselves are based on what the couples want. The mentor (teacher) customizes things for the group she has. So it may not be particularly artsy. I went to one class of a BFW series and there was no art. It was a lot of discussion and a pain coping technique or two. Read the book and see what you think. :) The BFW mentors in my area are really awesome ladies. If I weren't so happy with Hypnobabies, I'd look into BFW.

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I usually just lurk, so I hope you don't mind me jumping in here. I did Hypnobabies twice and loved it, but I know it's not for everyone. I also read all of the Bradley books, and that seems the most husband-involved to me. I don't think you'd go wrong with the Bradley refresher if you were happy with it, as long as you think it will still work for you if DH's preference is still hands-off. I personally think that no one class or program works for any mom, and you have to combine the best of what your taught with what you know from your own past experiences.

Edited by sbelmar
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Bradley. It's what I used with all four of my unmedicated, vaginal deliveries.


I tolerated labor and transition so well that with my last two babies the nurses didn't believe me when I said baby was coming. right. now. A nurse ran back just in time to catch dd. We had called her in to tell her that baby was coming, she laughed and said to let her know when I needed to push. I told her that baby was coming with the next contraction. She didn't believe me and turned to leave. She was at the door when dh shouted that baby was crowing! He grabbed a towel to catch babyand the nurse ran over and grabbed the towel from him just in time to catch dd!

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I don't know what method it was, but I did whatever prenatal class was offered by the hospital with my 1st. No refresher courses etc for me for the rest. I did read a lot before my last 2 and used stuff I learned in my readings to make my labours easier to handle than my first 2. It is not common out in my region to do more than the 1 set of classes with your first born

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I used Hypnobirthing with my first birth, but I took an in person class and my instructor made us extra tracks in her home recording studio. So in some ways it was more like Hypnobabies becauase I had more variety.


I used Hypnobabies with baby #2 and #3. Hypnosis worked very well for me. Bummer it didn't work well for you last time.



I also did a lot of reading on active laboring, and used a lot of the Bradley positions, etc. as well. I like Penny Simkin's info on labor positions.

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Another vote for Bradley. I think it's a good system for dealing with birth in a very practical way. Take this with a grain of salt, through. My Dh and I did not take a Bradley class for any of our births, but we read a Bradley book (and discussed and practiced). IOW, we made our own class. Probably not as effective, but it was cheaper and more convenient. I wouldn't say I handled labor particularly well, but I did make it through - the first two were non medicated births in a hosital with a doctor who lacked appreciation for a woman in labor. (He wanted to discuss labor and episiotomy issues while I was having contractions :glare: ). The third was supposed to be at a birth center with a midwife. I would have liked to have seen how I handled that, but baby was in a hurry and my husband delivered her in the car on the way to the BC. The Bradley study helped me know what stages my body was in and that my Dh had to pull over immediately.

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Thanks everyone! I asked on my moms' group for a referral and it turns out one of the women in it actually teaches Bradley classes. I told her what I am looking for and she is going to go through the lesson plans and tailor something to my needs. How awesome is that?


I'm happy, because I'm REALLy nervous about the pain this time around. My first labor was a breeze, but it was 45 hours long and I hear longer labors are easier to deal with, as things build gradually. I later used the same relaxation techniques for other medical issues, dental work, etc. Then with my last birth I did the hypnobabies stuff, and although it helped me have a nice relaxing pregnancy it did NOTHING to help me with labor. I had a shorter labor by far, 9 hours, and it was very intense. I was not able to get into hypnosis at all. I really don't want that much pain again this time, and think Bradley will help me. In good news my midwife says she thinks the birth will be even faster this time.

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