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Endometriosis and nutrition? Dealing with pain?

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Hi...ob thinks I may have endo, after ruling out anything gi through a colonoscopy with my gi doc (he presumes ibs which I understand is often concurrent with endo).


I suppose I will have a laparoscopy at some point but given that I will have to pay out of pocket, it's just not feasible right now. Ob, for the time being, has recommended I go on birth control pills to see if that helps my symptoms, which right now consist of severe pain up to 7 days prior to my period, vomiting, nausea, extreme fatigue, backache and stomach issues. This doesn't happen every month; some months I have virtually no symptoms, so I am trying to figure out why that is. she has also prescribed Diclofenac for the pain but it doesn't help, and I can't take opiates (which do help) as they exacerbate my ibs and also make me very tired (obviously).


I have quit coffee and have reduced gluten a lot. I am going to eliminate gluten starting today, all alcohol, chocolate (!!) and see if there is a reduction in symptoms next month. I have Mills book on hold at the library.


Thankfully the boys have been in spring camp since Monday, as i am useless right now. Movement makes the pain worse so I have been staying in bed with a hot water bottle. Today however is their last day so I really hope I am improved by tomorrow.


Advice from those who have btdt appreciated.

Edited by Halcyon
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I found the alcohol and gluten do make it worse. I have been gluten free for several years. My endo is coming back. I have had 2 surgeries for it. Having kids helped for awhile, lol. Anyway, avoiding chocolate never made a difference for me. I don't eat it much now anyway but it wasn't a huge difference when I was younger and having more pain. The alcohol was the big pain maker for me. But I am feeling much better gluten free.

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Try naproxen sodium-- I think Alieve is the brand name.


I'm allergic to most pain medication. Back in high school before I knew I had endo. These were what I was given for menstrual pain. 2 still help.


Wish I could do something more:grouphug:

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Try naproxen sodium-- I think Alieve is the brand name.


I'm allergic to most pain medication. Back in high school before I knew I had endo. These were what I was given for menstrual pain. 2 still help.


Wish I could do something more:grouphug:


Thanks. Allege doesn't help but right now it seems as tho the prescription meds plus 400 of ibuprofen make the pain manageable. Wonder if I should call doc to confirm those are safe to take together?

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I Just posted this on another thread yesterday:


Unless you have a very serious reason not to, I would consider a trial course of BCPs before considering surgery. I had severe endometriosis a few years ago (long after my last child wass born). I am talking about kidney stone/child birth levels of pain, blood pressure through the roof. It was for about three to five days a month around the time of ovulation. My dr. did several U/Ss and he did find a small cyst but said something that small should not be causing that kind of pain and certainly not in that kind of pattern. My dr. started me on a very low dose BCP which I took for about a year. It got rid of the pain entirely, the very first month and it is still gone several years later. It also cleared up my acne (still gone) and helped even out my mood a bit. Plus, tons cheaper and easier to recover from.

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I Just posted this on another thread yesterday:


Unless you have a very serious reason not to, I would consider a trial course of BCPs before considering surgery. I had severe endometriosis a few years ago (long after my last child wass born). I am talking about kidney stone/child birth levels of pain, blood pressure through the roof. It was for about three to five days a month around the time of ovulation. My dr. did several U/Ss and he did find a small cyst but said something that small should not be causing that kind of pain and certainly not in that kind of pattern. My dr. started me on a very low dose BCP which I took for about a year. It got rid of the pain entirely, the very first month and it is still gone several years later. It also cleared up my acne (still gone) and helped even out my mood a bit. Plus, tons cheaper and easier to recover from.

Thank you. I would venture to say that the pain level has indeed reached childbirth pain levels, and I am starting bcp at the end of this cycle. I really hope it helps. Thank you.

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I Just posted this on another thread yesterday:



Unless you have a very serious reason not to, I would consider a trial course of BCPs before considering surgery. I had severe endometriosis a few years ago (long after my last child wass born). I am talking about kidney stone/child birth levels of pain, blood pressure through the roof. It was for about three to five days a month around the time of ovulation. My dr. did several U/Ss and he did find a small cyst but said something that small should not be causing that kind of pain and certainly not in that kind of pattern. My dr. started me on a very low dose BCP which I took for about a year. It got rid of the pain entirely, the very first month and it is still gone several years later. It also cleared up my acne (still gone) and helped even out my mood a bit. Plus, tons cheaper and easier to recover from.




I was diagnosed when I was 13. I tried two different bcp, the first didn't work but the second worked amazingly well. Previously I had been bleeding for 2 weeks-2 months at a time and it cut it down to 3 days. I was wearing these huge almost diaper-like pads, usually 2 at a time prior to the pill. Afterward I could use a regular pad. The pain was cut down to almost nothing as well. The pill was a miracle worker for me.

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I went throught this years ago and after several surgeries for Endo and removing an ovary (among other parts), I fixed my pain by regulating my blood sugar.

I had lots of pain, especially the 4 days before my cycle.

I couldn't be physical with DH without lots of pain.

I would have back pain so bad (as if I were in back labor).


all this went away with regulating my blood sugar (lots of protein, all day long) for about 6 weeks, then maintainence.


BTW, when I mess with my sugar all the pain comes back.

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Thank u all. This is very helpful. I had taken progesterone cream on my own before but to be honest it felt sorta haphazard. I wasn't following any protocol. I am an acupuncturist and am going to start taking Chinese herbs which hopefully will help too.

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