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Attn:Seller-KJDKEK, Please refund me $26!


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I paid for WWE2 & SOTW2 and did as you requested and paid you through personal paypal so that you could avoid fees. You said that you would contact me when items were shipped and I have never heard anything back from you. I have sent you countless emails, personal messages and posts on the board but you refuse to answer me. I know that you have gotten my messages because you have been on here many times in past few weeks. I had given you the benefit of the doubt until I realized you were just refusing to acknowledge me. I really need my money back to buy my school items. I am a single Mom and struggling to do my best to homeschool and money does not come easy these days. Please have the decency to refund me my money through paypal. Please don't keep my money. I really need it.

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Get on your phone and call paypal. That's what I did and I got my $60 back. There were 5 of us got scammed by somebody in this forum, and all of us called paypal and got our money back. I used personal paypal for that particular transaction.


If there's somebody else got scammed by this woman, ask them to report that to paypal also. This will make your case stronger.


Good luck.

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I'm sorry this happened. Are you able to leave negative feedback for them? I don't see them listed as an active user now.


ETA: Never mind. I found her and I see you left negative. Too bad this person is ripping people off.


ETA again: You know...if you do a search for her name.....she has some posts that discuss a medical issue she was having. I wonder if something has happened to her? Maybe she's in the hospital??

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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I also was going to buy something from this seller but I never heard back from her- thankfully no money was involved. I have made it my policy to not purchase from someone who has not responded with 24 hours (which she didn't) when I try to contact them. I hope your problem is resolved and you get your money back! I think from now on I will have to refuse to buy with personal paypal and just pay a few extra dollars to cover fees if it is something I really want.

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She has been logged on many times in past few weeks and sometimes several times a day. If she had a serious medical issue than why would she be spending so much time on the boards and why wouldn't she at least respond to 1 of her many messages? She wouldn't even let me know that she received my money through paypal after I asked her several times over the weeks. It is just hard for me to understand why someone could do this. I guess I am just too trusting and assumed most on here were honest like me. I never even thought twice about sending her money with personal paypal because all of the sellers I have dealt with on here have been honest ones.

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She has been logged on many times in past few weeks and sometimes several times a day. If she had a serious medical issue than why would she be spending so much time on the boards and why wouldn't she at least respond to 1 of her many messages? She wouldn't even let me know that she received my money through paypal after I asked her several times over the weeks. It is just hard for me to understand why someone could do this. I guess I am just too trusting and assumed most on here were honest like me. I never even thought twice about sending her money with personal paypal because all of the sellers I have dealt with on here have been honest ones.


I didn't realize you were the same person who was warning others about her the other day. I see on your other post you said she had logged in. So...I guess my possible theory of being hospitalized doesn't add up. :sad:


I hope you get your money back. Thank you for warning us all.

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I just want others to be careful when paying with personal paypal and also to tell them that feedback is important and often gets forgotten about. Feedback is to our benefit whether positive or negative. I hope I get my money back too and I hope the others get theirs back. I am not an unreasonable person and if she had problems and just told me than I would have understood. I recently had a seller who accidentally sent the wrong item and then was not finished with the item I bought. She communicated with me and I was alright with her sending me the item when she finished a month later. It's the fact that Kjdkek hasn't responded at all after receiving my money and endless messages and then seeing her on here day after day.

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feedback is important and often gets forgotten about. Feedback is to our benefit whether positive or negative.




I buy many things online and always look for feedback before making a purchase. If there has been an issue with a transaction, the buyer or seller should always leave feedback if the issue wasn't resolved successfully so that others can make an informed decision before a purchase.

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feedback is important and often gets forgotten about. Feedback is to our benefit whether positive or negative.




This is something I often do forget about. I have had many positive transactions. I need to try to remember with who so I can give them the positive rating!



So, if your reading this and I have bought or sold something from/to you and I forgot to leave you your deserved feedback please PM me so I can. Sorry!!!

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I only use personal paypal with sellers I know and trust. I don't understand why people don't just use a paypal calculator and factor in the needed fees before they post a price.


But, apparently from the other discussions about this recently...we aren't supposed to use personal paypal unless it's for a gift; giving money to a family or friend.


Posted 1-4-12:


I just got off the phone with Paypal.


It does not matter if you are a huge retailer or a one-time seller of your old dirty socks, if you are accepting money in exchange for an item, the buyer MUST use the "goods" button and you CANNOT ask them to pay your fees.


The "personal" button is for gifting money to family and friends. There is absolutely no buyer protection, because you are stating by pressing that button that you are not buying something. It is free to send money using the "personal" button, UNLESS you use a credit/debit card, in which case, the same fees apply as do to a "goods" transaction, but the money sender can decide who pays the fees.



I hope Kathryn doesn't mind me quoting her. :001_smile:


And, Dawn...thanks for posting that calculator.

ETA: Oh poo. I don't know why my quote is showing up as two quotes. It wall all one post. I've tried a dozen times to fix it but it just won't fix.

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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I don't mind the quote ;)


I never even consider buying from someone who asks for a personal payment. Unless I personally knew the person, I just don't trust people. I'm on several sites where people buy and sell used goods, and this forum is the only one I've seen where the moderators don't explicitly state Paypal's rule as a warning to buyers and sellers. I found it really surprising when I came here.

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I called paypal, too, and posted in that very old thread on the sale board when people were first saying it was okay to pay with personal paypal.They at first told me that it would be fine, but when I asked about the buyer protection, they said there would be no coverage through paypal...so it was like a "buyer beware" kind of thing. They have since modified their rules to say this is not an option for buying goods. This is why I have the paypal calculator handy. If someone asks me for personal payment, I often just pass. If I really want the item, I will factor in the fees and offer to pay that price using the default "goods" method. When getting items from friends, I do not feel bad using the personal payment "payment owed" option. And, I am a stickler for rules. :001_smile:

Edited by Dawn E
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This is one of the reasons why I have never bought used from here or any other forum. I know it is not fair to judge everyone by a few instances but at the same time it just isn't worth the aggravation for me. Hope the person is shamed into giving you back your money! Bumping this for you.

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Did you call Paypal and were you able to get your money back?

I am so sorry this happened to you. It has never happened to me here or on homeschoolclassifieds.com I did not buy many things here - maybe 3-4 transactions. I buy much more on homeschoolclassifieds.

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Did you call Paypal and were you able to get your money back?

I am so sorry this happened to you. It has never happened to me here or on homeschoolclassifieds.com I did not buy many things here - maybe 3-4 transactions. I buy much more on homeschoolclassifieds.


It happened to me the one time I bought on homeschoolclassifieds. And if I remember correctly, there was a floor on how low a rating I could give the transaction, so the person's rating still didn't look that bad. Then the same seller became a poster here, did it again and was eventually banned. If KJDKEK has done this more than once, has this been brought directly to the attention of the moderators (other than this thread)?

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