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If your child has lice, please leave them at home!!!!

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Is this not common courtesy???


Is this not common sense???




Soooooooooo, if you have dealt with this please advise. Some say treat, others say treatment doesn't work.


Dd12 was giving a little girl piggy back rides. Then I learned she was the one who was originally seen with bugs crawling on her head. :svengo: another girl is not being treated but is checked regularly.


Iwas at the hairdresser today. It was a blessing! I wouldn't have seen them. She picked out one egg and one bug. She said dd is in the very beginning.


We are stripping beds, soaking brushes and combs in boiling water. I have never dealt with this before. Please advise.

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We put a few drops of tea tree oil in shampoo and for a week just washed everyone's hair with that vs. the chemical solutions. Sorry you are having to deal with this. Yes, it should be common courtesy to keep children with lice or sickness away from other people. :mad:

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I cannot do it anymore -- I did it with older dds many years ago, and now I call the Lice Professional (Lice Happens) -- you can google them and search in your area.


I submit the bills to my flexible spending plan. and if I couldn't, I thank

G-d that I can write a check to her.


I honestly do not have the stamina, patience, mental health to do it anymore.


Oh, hints from the lice professional: lice hate peppermint oil -- wash, braid, coat with peppermint oil or lavender oil or tea tree oil.


Lice hate dirty hair -- they like clean hair so they can move easily to the scalp -- I wash, braid and coat with hair spray.

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We treat!! We go a first round with the herbal stuff. Of course what you get here is not regulated so who knows what is in it!! You put it on, go to sleep, and in the morning all the little dead critters are on the towel on your pillow! This freaks out dd however. She cannot stand the idea of them continuing to crawl and die on her head while she sleeps. She prefers the chemical route. You apply like a conditioner to wet hair, wait and comb out. Again, who knows what is in this stuff but it does the trick.

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I cannot do it anymore -- I did it with older dds many years ago, and now I call the Lice Professional (Lice Happens) -- you can google them and search in your area.


I submit the bills to my flexible spending plan. and if I couldn't, I thank

G-d that I can write a check to her.


I honestly do not have the stamina, patience, mental health to do it anymore.


I can't even tell you how ANGRY I am!!! I am SO stressed right now. I was overwhelmed BEFORE this happened. This has sent me over the edge. I have so much to do, not even considering this, that I want to cry. And I slept only two hours last night.

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I can't even tell you how ANGRY I am!!! I am SO stressed right now. I was overwhelmed BEFORE this happened. This has sent me over the edge. I have so much to do, not even considering this, that I want to cry. And I slept only two hours last night.


Two years ago when dd came home from a b-day party with the critters and ALL three kids got them, I sobbed -- dh was on travel, and I knew what I had gone through years ago with olders and I COULD NOT go through it again. And, then they start talking about resistance to current products and I was literally in a fetal position on the floor trying to figure out what to do.


I will tell you that the cetaphil soap method does work especially in the beginning stages.


Our LP tells us that the mammoth cleanings that folks do are not necessary in most of the cases she sees.


Wash the bed linens, bag the stuffed toys, vacuum, sweep, spray the interior of the car or wipe the leather clean -- wash things on HOT -- or put things in the dryer on VERY HOT for an hour.


Have a glass of wine, or a xanax or something to make yourself calm down -- Long ago I told dh (before we had kids) that the worst thing we would ever have to deal with would be head lice -- I wasn't totally kidding.

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Dump a bottle of Cetaphil soap (its face soap, found at drugstore) on her head, comb through and blow dry. Leave on overnight and wash out in the morning. Repeat a week later.


Its the only thing that worked for us and we tried everything (including a $500 visit from lice ladies).

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Along the same lines, our district does not send kids home with lice. They reason that it's only a "nuisance". :glare: My sister has dealt with lice numerous times due to this policy. If this is the case across the country, perhaps that is why I am hearing of more lice than in the past. So aggravating!



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Along the same lines, our district does not send kids home with lice. They reason that it's only a "nuisance". :glare: My sister has dealt with lice numerous times due to this policy. If this is the case across the country, perhaps that is why I am hearing of more lice than in the past. So aggravating!


This is the policy that exists where my grand daughters attend school and where my dd and her dh teach. So ridiculous!

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We went through h*ll and back with our nightmare with this. It was awful. Really put a dent in my friendship and respect with said individuals. Very inconsiderate. And to use my dd's hairbrush, etc. just in case we weren't exposed enough as it is. :glare:

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