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Speaking of weird dreams....wanna know mine?? (yeah, you do)

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I'll share my latest dream. Weirdest dream I ever had. And...yet...it seemed so real. :001_smile: I'm NOT making this up....this was the dream:


I went into a public restroom. I must have really, really had to go bad....because for some weird reason, I took my shirt off before walking down by all the stalls. :confused: Apparently I didn't take my shirt with me into a stall. So, I find an open stall and just as I am about to walk into the stall, I notice that there are two men talking in the farthest stall, with the door open. So, I quickly scurry into the stall and shut the door behind me. Oddly enough....all the stall walls and doors are very short...about up to my neck. So, while I'm standing....I can look out. All the stalls begin to fill up....and lo and behold....my stall has....no toilet. :confused: Now I'm trapped in there because I don't want to exit that stall with no shirt on....there are men in there! As I'm standing there, with my head looking over the stall door (can you picture all of this?? Believe me, it's all quite vivid in my mind)...I see a rather large woman walking my direction. I ask her if she would please turn back and grab my shirt and bring it to me. She agrees....but it takes her like forever to get back. When she does, she stops in front of my stall door and begins talking to one of the men...who is now also standing there. I'm horrified when I see that the woman is wearing my shirt (which is now stretched out) over the top of her shirt. She stands there chatting to the man until I finally say....."can I please have my shirt?" She proceeds to take it off...lifting it over her head. And just then........wait for it...........she DROOLS on my shirt. :blink: :eek: :sneaky2: :cursing: I don't remember much of what happened after that....except I do remember thinking that now my shirt was junk!


Why in the world would I dream of such a thing??? And.....dare I even mention that......I had no bra under my shirt!! :eek:


OK....so tell me what you think this dream means??


Do you have a funny or odd dream to share??

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Um. . . Wow. Can't even begin to interpret that one. :lol: I don't know anything about dreams, but isn't there some meaning to fear of public nakedness in dreams? I'm sure there is some sub-conscious thing that you are feeling vulnerable about that is manifesting itself in your dream. No ideas on the drool, though! :tongue_smilie:

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I went to my husbands office. He took me into his friends office to show me his giant orange plant. It was a little weed growing out of a pot with several oranges bigger than basket balls. I wanted to show the kids so I moved it across the room by just picking up the little container it was growing out of.


Well of course all the oranges broke off. This made my husband very angry since we were just suppose to be cleaning his friends office.


Then we were at a big room and his friend was about to win a prize for solving all the worlds problems with his giant orange plant. According to the person giving the speech this plant solved among other things, "World hunger, crime, people being mean in all ways... It even fixed all earth problems, hurricanes, volcanoes, ..." But since I just broke the plant the worlds problems couldn't be solved. Dh was very mad and me and wouldn't talk to me.


His friend wasn't mad since in his words, "It's just the world's problems. No big deal" He was not sarcastic and meant it, and couldn't figure out why my husband was mad and me since it was just a weed.

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My guess:


You feel that you have shared too much or "exposed" yourself somehow lately.

The feelings that you shared may or may not be taken the right way or you feel they are being "worn" wrong.


Anything like that happen lately?


Is there a couch here I can lay on and talk to you about it? :lol:

I don't think anything like that has happened lately. When you said, "you feel that you shared too much"....I immediately thought, "Yeah...this dream".


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I went to my husbands office. He took me into his friends office to show me his giant orange plant. It was a little weed growing out of a pot with several oranges bigger than basket balls. I wanted to show the kids so I moved it across the room by just picking up the little container it was growing out of.


Well of course all the oranges broke off. This made my husband very angry since we were just suppose to be cleaning his friends office.


Then we were at a big room and his friend was about to win a prize for solving all the worlds problems with his giant orange plant. According to the person giving the speech this plant solved among other things, "World hunger, crime, people being mean in all ways... It even fixed all earth problems, hurricanes, volcanoes, ..." But since I just broke the plant the worlds problems couldn't be solved. Dh was very mad and me and wouldn't talk to me.


His friend wasn't mad since in his words, "It's just the world's problems. No big deal" He was not sarcastic and meant it, and couldn't figure out why my husband was mad and me since it was just a weed.


How interesting....and how sad. Now this must have something to do with you carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and you feel that all kinds of problems are your fault. But...then again, what do I know?? I just go in public bathrooms and take my top off. :001_smile:


Ewww....that sounded gross. :ack2: :blush: Belive me....I DO NOT do that. :lol:

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I must have really, really had to go bad.... ...and lo and behold....my stall has....no toilet. :confused:

Whenever I have to go really bad and I dream, I dream of some difficulty that prevents me from being able to go...no toilet, clogged toilet, a stall with only a hole in the floor, a chair that's supposed to be a toilet but is just a chair, etc. :tongue_smilie:

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How interesting....and how sad. Now this must have something to do with you carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and you feel that all kinds of problems are your fault. But...then again, what do I know?? I just go in public bathrooms and take my top off. :001_smile:

Ewww....that sounded gross. :ack2: :blush: Belive me....I DO NOT do that. :lol:



I don't believe you, You are likely really like my boys. When they were younger they needed to strip down to nothing before going for a poo. As in even taking off socks. ... This of course has happened in a public restroom. :glare:

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Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :lol::lol:


My eyes are watering, this is so funny. I have no idea what it means, but it is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. hahahahahahahahah!!!:lol::lol:


I'm glad I provided you some entertainment today. :D



Whenever I have to go really bad and I dream, I dream of some difficulty that prevents me from being able to go...no toilet, clogged toilet, a stall with only a hole in the floor, a chair that's supposed to be a toilet but is just a chair, etc.


Wow....you really dream about having to go alot, don't you? :lol:


I don't believe you, You are likely really like my boys. When they were younger they needed to strip down to nothing before going for a poo. As in even taking off socks. ... This of course has happened in a public restroom.


Funny too because I don't think I have ever done that.


Even socks?? :lol:


Whenever i have a dream and can't go to the bathroom for some reason, I wake up needing to peee. Often there are bathrooms with no stalls or stalls with no doors. Never took my shirt off, though.


Never say never. :001_smile:

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It does? Where did that come from? I wasn't drinking. Honestly!


Sure...that's what they all say.

When you said "it does" instead of "I do".....I figured you were a wee bit tipsy already this evening. :willy_nilly:


Just kidding. To me.....this: :cheers2: = root beer.


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I have no idea what your dream means. I don't even try to interpret dreams, but I'm sure glad I don't ever walk into bathrooms without my shirt on.


Ok, I had a weird dream this morning too:


I was at our pastor's house for Thanksgiving where the Superbowl was on TV. (Yes, I know they don't usually fall on the same day.) Outside for the entertainment of guests, there was one of those 1 foot deep, hard blue plastic kiddie pools set up in the street up against the curb. There was also a high dive set up. I watched an adult male jump off the diving board into the pool, panicked a bit, and ran out to find out that the pool was actually 5-6 feet deep. I went back inside to find that the furniture in two rooms had been swapped in preparation for dinner. One dish being served was chicken and meal worms in a spicy red sauce. The other main dish was a kind of beef pot roast prepared with a 14 inch long, 2 inch diameter worm cut into slices and some medium-sized worms. Then I woke up just as everyone was sitting down with their food to eat and watch the game.



On very rare occasions, I dream that I'm sitting on a toilet and peeing. I hate those dreams. :blushing:

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I have no idea what your dream means. I don't even try to interpret dreams, but I'm sure glad I don't ever walk into bathrooms without my shirt on.


Ok, I had a weird dream this morning too:


I was at our pastor's house for Thanksgiving where the Superbowl was on TV. (Yes, I know they don't usually fall on the same day.) Outside for the entertainment of guests, there was one of those 1 foot deep, hard blue plastic kiddie pools set up in the street up against the curb. There was also a high dive set up. I watched an adult male jump off the diving board into the pool, panicked a bit, and ran out to find out that the pool was actually 5-6 feet deep. I went back inside to find that the furniture in two rooms had been swapped in preparation for dinner. One dish being served was chicken and meal worms in a spicy red sauce. The other main dish was a kind of beef pot roast prepared with a 14 inch long, 2 inch diameter worm cut into slices and some medium-sized worms. Then I woke up just as everyone was sitting down with their food to eat and watch the game.



On very rare occasions, I dream that I'm sitting on a toilet and peeing. I hate those dreams. :blushing:



I think your dream means you shouldn't go to your pastor's for Thanksgiving. :lol:

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I have no idea what your dream means. I don't even try to interpret dreams, but I'm sure glad I don't ever walk into bathrooms without my shirt on.


Ok, I had a weird dream this morning too:


I was at our pastor's house for Thanksgiving where the Superbowl was on TV. (Yes, I know they don't usually fall on the same day.) Outside for the entertainment of guests, there was one of those 1 foot deep, hard blue plastic kiddie pools set up in the street up against the curb. There was also a high dive set up. I watched an adult male jump off the diving board into the pool, panicked a bit, and ran out to find out that the pool was actually 5-6 feet deep. I went back inside to find that the furniture in two rooms had been swapped in preparation for dinner. One dish being served was chicken and meal worms in a spicy red sauce. The other main dish was a kind of beef pot roast prepared with a 14 inch long, 2 inch diameter worm cut into slices and some medium-sized worms. Then I woke up just as everyone was sitting down with their food to eat and watch the game.



On very rare occasions, I dream that I'm sitting on a toilet and peeing. I hate those dreams. :blushing:





I posted it on Facebook and copied my pastor in the post. His response was, "They were good. Sorry you missed them."




Drink and Drive


;) Gotcha.

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I don't believe you, You are likely really like my boys. When they were younger they needed to strip down to nothing before going for a poo. As in even taking off socks. ... This of course has happened in a public restroom. :glare:


Yep, my youngest ds. It always looks like he evaporated, disintegrated and only his clothes are left...in a pile...in the hallway.....:glare:

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That's hilarious!


The most recent dream I can remember just involved sitting around an outdoor picnic table with a bunch of people, and this plump little toad started hopping by on the table in front of us, and I reached out and caught it, and it turned its head and bared its teeth at me and it had human-like teeth. It was kind of scary. That's all I remember about that one. Nowhere near as entertaining as yours! :D

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