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I had no idea that mommy wars would run rampant...

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in the library of all places. :glare:


Up until this point the library has been my "safe place" where I didn't have to worry too much about appearances, could be more relaxed in my conversations and not have to deal with mommy drama.


Geezch... dealt with some out and out snobbery today at the library that just makes my head hurt thinking about it. Why do some people feel like they are better than everyone else?


I'm a good mom and I'm confident in our parenting choices, so people just need to seriously pass the bean dip.

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Ok then!!!!Say no more :lol::lol::lol:


It was the moms that were there that were just meeting up on a Friday morning and "discovered" story hour that were the worst. There's always one or two drop-ins but today was pretty bad. The ones that had actually signed up weren't that bad except for "charter school mom" - but I see her around the library a lot and know to stay away - which is sad really because her DD has really taken to my DS, but she doesn't let them "hang out" together. DS never goes anywhere without his red backpack and a handful of Pokemon cards - her daughter was drawn to him for that reason since they have Pokemon as a common interest, but whatever. lol

Edited by NotAVampireLvr
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Our story hours are wild. The kids are loud and wild and young, so the librarian has to practically shout while she reads. Even my active little guy didn't enjoy it when he was story-time age. Then they let loose in the children's section of the library. I just avoid it and am glad that families are using the library.

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Aw, sorry for your experience.

We like our story hour, haha, but I never notice any snobbery. (I'm the one in the corner, in sweats and a ragged tee, reading a novel or checking through the big stack of book the kiddos picked out. ;))


Our town is pretty laid-back and artsy. Eclectic collection of people make it to our story time.


Our only drama is everyone is bringing their reusable bags to check out tons of books....gotta race to get the good new ones on display. :D

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Our story hour is actually really good - the librarian knows to handle the kids well and she's creative with her activities. She also sings a TON of songs with them between each story.


I also normally order online and pick up at the desk. We do our book browsing at a different library with a better children's book selection (although my library is larger)


I was never the story hour type, but when DS2 was in preschool he used to go every Friday and really enjoyed it. It was his favorite part of the school week. So I signed him up for his age group.


It was such a weird vibe yesterday though.

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Oh yeah...BT. The library is actually NOT our safe haven. I go at odd hours (best to avoid early morning).


Friday is our library day - we do story hour at our local library and then head over to the next town (not far) and spend a couple hours (literally) at their library. Its that awesome. I can get work done there while the kids read/play. Friday afternoons are always dead because we show up at noon time and the library closes at 2. They like seeing us too because the play area is almost always trashed when we arrive, but when we leave its all cleaned up.


I do my pickups at night usually and bring my oldest with me and we usually have some time together playing games or whatever is going on.

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