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This Bodes Well!

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Wolf just got a call from the guy who'll be his supervisor.


The guy called to give him a head's up about some areas for moving, finding a place to rent, the name of a real estate agent, more in depth info re: reimbursement for moving, etc.




Never had this experience before, a supervisor calling to offer help like this.

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Congrats on the job! I just caught your thread.



Well, my hsing area no longer looks like it should be condemned, or a special on Hoarders.




Less than a month to get everything sorted through, tossed or packed, find a place...


Can I just go cry in a corner now? The adrenaline rush of hearing, "Yes!" and having paperwork in our hands has bled off, and now looking at the work to be done, I feel completely overwhelmed.

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Congratulations! Stressful...good stress, but stress nonetheless.

Unfortunately, RSD doesn't care if it's good or bad. It just flares w/stress :glare:

Can't go over it. Can't go under it. Can't go around it.


Must go through it.


But a wonderful adventure awaits on the other side. :D You can do it!


What a nice gesture by the supervisor. I hope Wolf has many more like that one.

My new mantra! I know that it'll all be worth it, please don't think that I'm regretting this or anything (although, when I picture what it'll be like w/out SpecialMama 10 mins away, it gets close...) I know it's the best possible thing for our family, that'll all be worth it...


I'm just feeling like we're on a tightrope w/out a net. We haven't found a place to go, Wolf goes next wknd to see what he can find, and praying he nails something down then.


It freaks me out, not having a place to live nailed down, when we have 4 kids at home, a 5 hr move, and have given notice.


And, it's not camping weather. :lol:

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You know, the funny thing is, sometimes things do just fall into place, and the world is a bit brighter. I know your family has had to push hard for this, and it has been an uphill battle. Don't forget to stop and just enjoy the moments without the stress taking over.


You still have a lot of this hill left to climb, pace your self and allow yourself some down time to process it.


:party: This for what you have already accomplished.


:grouphug::auto: This is for what is still to come.

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Unfortunately, RSD doesn't care if it's good or bad. It just flares w/stress :glare:


My new mantra! I know that it'll all be worth it, please don't think that I'm regretting this or anything (although, when I picture what it'll be like w/out SpecialMama 10 mins away, it gets close...) I know it's the best possible thing for our family, that'll all be worth it...


I'm just feeling like we're on a tightrope w/out a net. We haven't found a place to go, Wolf goes next wknd to see what he can find, and praying he nails something down then.


It freaks me out, not having a place to live nailed down, when we have 4 kids at home, a 5 hr move, and have given notice.


And, it's not camping weather. :lol:



I know that feeling. We spent 3 weeks packing to move across state (6 hours away) for hubby's job. It's fun with a 5 y.o., 3 y.o., 2 y.o., and an 8 month old. We had no idea where we were going to live until 3 days before the moving van showed up. You can do it! I can't explain it except God works everything out, sometimes at the very last minute. (That didn't help my stress level and heart palpitations, though).


Thinking about you and praying for y'all! I am so excited for y'all!

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