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1st grade what do you think?


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Here is my plan for 1st grade but I am kind of lost. My son is a young first grader he will still be 5 until Dec. I have never taught 1st grade my oldest went to ps until 3rd grade so I am trying to make sure I have everything.


Phonics: HOP 2

Handwriting: A Reason for handwriting (1st grade level)

Health, Safety, and Manners 1 Abeka

Singapore Math 1a and 1b



Not sure between Story of the World 1 or Sonlight core K. Any thoughts? I was thinking if I did sonlight I would also use their science but if not maybe Singapore science. Would I need anything else? Would something like spelling or english be necessary?

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It looks like a good start, especially for a younger one. We are doing SOTW and really enjoying it. We do it more as a bedtime read, or sometimes I read during meal times. The kids seem to like the activities. For spelling, we love AAS, but I would start gently if he is really young. I am realizing how much more fun it is to teach with trying to keep it a little "lighter". We are doing a lot more games, etc. I think my young first grader is learning more, the more games we do:).

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Not sure between Story of the World 1 or Sonlight core K. Any thoughts? I was thinking if I did sonlight I would also use their science but if not maybe Singapore science. Would I need anything else? Would something like spelling or english be necessary?


I would recommend STOW (consider the audiobook version to go with the book -- it is so easy to listen in the car) and Singapore's science over Sonlight. STOW is much easier to execute, I found, and I liked the flow much better. Sonlight's science is fun for the children, but folks report not having much retention and I'd agree with that assessment.


If you _are_ going to pull Sonlight in for that age, consider the literature.

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Especially in those younger years, Sonlight is terrific for history/lit choices. You get to read good books, and he will absorb so much.


As for spelling, I used phonics teaching as spelling and never did any work bookish stuff that early. You can point out the phonics patterns in words as you do reading, but unless you really want to have something else for him to work on, you don't have to worry about spelling being a gap because the phonics parallels the spelling at that age.

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My personal favorite would be to do SOTW and still do many of the read alouds from Sonlight. I would also start to add in spelling once a first grader is reading.

For science, I'm not sure what I would choose between Sonlight or Singapore. Singapore looks better to me at the 3rd grade level than at first. Sonlight looks fun, but it doesn't get too many wonderful reviews here. I honestly don't think you can go wrong with first grade science, though. Mainly you want something interesting and that can easily get done!

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I would say get SOTW, and the Activity Book, and just go with that. Use the library for any extra books.


For science, have a look around Elemental Science site. I love her stuff :) We are using it this year for 1st grade, it follows the basics of WTM, with a CM feel. But theres even a couple of preschool/overview programs that would be just as fun for 1st :)


With Abeka Health 1- Its really just literally a reader (book). I was excited when I saw it too, but after a friend lent it to me to look at, I was really disappointed. We've made up our own Health, Safety & Etiquette curriculum for this year. There is links and ideas on my blog if you want to think about other options.


HTH xxx

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