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Teachers Lodge 3-1-2012

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HAPPY MARCH!!! My birthday is this month. I'm going to see Wicked! next week. I've never seen it or heard any of the music; just know many, many people have seen it and loved it!



When is your birthday (year not needed :D)? March 11


Do you have a puppy/dog? Our new doggie is almost 11 months old and boy does she ever need to CHEW. So we're going to PetSmart this morning to get her a supply of chewables!


Has your child ever "shadowed" a friend at their school? My daughter is shadowing a friend at a local, private Christian school. It goes through high school and since she wants to go to high school "with other people" I'm giving her many chances to see what that's like. But she had to be there at 7:30AM! Ugh. We are not early risers! But, amazingly, she didn't grumble or complain about it this morning! However, when I initially told her to wake up she responded, "But it's not even light out.":lol:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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When is your birthday (year not needed :D)? Middle of August


Do you have a puppy/dog? I have two dogs that are both thankfully past the chewing stage.


Has your child ever "shadowed" a friend at their school? My older dd shadowed for two days at the classical charter school she'll be attending next year. She loved seeing a room full of girls excited about history.

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I can't believe it's already March! Yay! We've survived the Jan/Feb doldrums. The weather is beautiful here today...sunny and approaching 80. It feels like SPRING! I have my windows open and am hoping to send the kids outside later this afternoon!



When is your birthday (year not needed :D)? Jan 7th.


Do you have a puppy/dog? We have a 2 year old beagle named Rudy.


Has your child ever "shadowed" a friend at their school? No. My oldest went to kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades before we started homeschooling. My ds went to preschool, but never to public school. My younger two have never had any school experiences outside of the home.

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When is your birthday (year not needed )? November 19


Do you have a puppy/dog? I have two English Springer Spaniels. Rocky, 10 years old, is still a chewer:confused: But then he still has puppy ADHD too.


Has your child ever "shadowed" a friend at their school? No. All of our friends are at PS and I've never been brave enough to ask.

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I'm going to see Wicked! next week.


Enjoy! I loved that musical and absolutely love the music. All you really need to know is that it is a story about the witches in the Wizard of Oz. Their backstory really.



When is your birthday (year not needed :D)? March 11


May 13

Do you have a puppy/dog?


Two puppies. They'll be a year old in mid-April. They are huge chewers. The best (longest lasting) we've found are tennis balls, kongs and old jean legs tied in knots.


Has your child ever "shadowed" a friend at their school?


A few weeks ago my youngest (dd7) shadowed my oldest (dd15) at her public high school for the day. Dd was so excited about the day and really enjoyed herself. She was exhausted when she got home and commented that she was glad she didn't have to do that every day.

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Happy March! We have a windy, cold day in the desert today.


When is your birthday (year not needed )? June 10, Gemini.


Do you have a puppy/dog? No. Our kids dream of one, but until we find a cure for the many animal allergies in our home, we'll have to stick with our little pet mouse,Gouda (her friend died last week), Steve, our snake, and our fire-bellied toads.


Has your child ever "shadowed" a friend at their school? No. I never even thought of this! I think I will look into the possibility. Ds11 is probably going to go to one of the public school magnets for science and tecnology, if I can get him in. It's a lottery based system. Our plan B is to enroll him in something like K12 for 9-10 grades, then switch him over to the community college for their dual enrollement program. He's never been to school though. It would be a great experience for him.


Tonight, we all get to go see Blue Man Group performing at the Venetian. The best part is that we got free tix! I love living in Las Vegas sometimes! The kids are going to love it!


Still no news on the dh's job. His friend who works there says they haven't hired anyone yet, so we're still hopeful.

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Happy March!



When is your birthday (year not needed :D)? All our Birthdays here are in September - DD is the 12th, I'm the 19th, and my mom's is the 29th.


Do you have a puppy/dog? I do have a dog, but I am really trying to find it a new home. It was my dad's and it's a little taco dog who isn't trained.


Has your child ever "shadowed" a friend at their school? Nope, but she did talk with the lawn guy's son about school {boy is in K but 3 months older than DD}. She was shocked at how long school takes and that he doesn't get any recess!

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When is your birthday (year not needed :D)?


Mine is in October, but I'm really not into my birthday.


Do you have a puppy/dog?


I have a wonderful (crazy, but wonderful) three-year-old mixed breed who will always be a puppy as far as I'm concerned. I cannot describe to you how much I love this dog.


Has your child ever "shadowed" a friend at their school?


Nope. Neither of mine has ever had much interest in attending school prior to college. So, that's not something we've ever explored.

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She's back! She said she really enjoyed it. It's a local, private Christian school here. When I asked her what she liked best about it, she said, "The lunchroom." :D Then I asked, "Besides that?" She's really taken with the fact that they have chapel and when the kids are in high school, they are all required to go on a one week mission trip each year.


Then I said, "Okay, between that and the other high school you tried, which do you like more?" She liked this one more. So I said we needed to pray about it. So we'll be praying about it. But as I looked at the website, I saw there are a bunch of FEES in addition to the annual tuition. Plus, I know a gal whose kids go there and I've heard her talk, on occasion, about additional money they've had to contribute: such as towards field trips, parties, etc. My question to the school, I think, is going to be: then what does the annual $10k tuition cover exactly?

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Happy early birthday! I'm not sure if I'll be online next week, so I wanted to get that in now :D


My brother and I have birthdays a week apart, and we always celebrate together; last year we flew out to San Francisco to see Wicked for our birthday celebration. We do a lot of plays/shows, and this was one of a few we BOTH enjoyed. We're usually on opposite ends of the spectrum LOL.


I don't have a puppy or a dog. We've had lots over the years, though, and know all too well that desire to chew. Ask me how many pairs of shoes I've unwillingly donated to the cause ;)


Yes, we've done shadowing at school. I have nephews in our local schools, and I spend a significant amount of time volunteering for them - sometimes during the school day, in the classrooms. We're not morning people, either! That's a serious motivator for them wanting to stay home.

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OOOOO have fun at Wicked!! I've never seen it, even though it was in town a year or so ago. I hope you have a blast!!


When is your birthday (year not needed :D)? April 17. And you said year not needed, but I'm gonna kinda share, anyway. I turn the big 3-0 this year. How scary is that??


Do you have a puppy/dog? Two, but they aren't puppies. Gizmo the Schipperke is probably about 9, and Speed Bump the Corgi is probably 4 or 5. ;)


Has your child ever "shadowed" a friend at their school? Nope. :)

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