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If you were only going to cover logic for one year....

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in high school, what would you use? Would you use a specific curriculum or book, or would you use an online class? Any Logic books that could be used as a one year course and stand alone without a follow up book?


Ds has studied informal logic using Bluedorn books and some other books I have around the house. I'd like him to cover logic in high school, but would prefer it as a lead in to Rhetoric materials he will be using which cover logic as related to writing and speaking (which are 2 of his strong areas).


I've searched the boards for options, but haven't been able to find anyone else thinking of doing this. What I've found are people who opt not to cover logic as a subject, and feel that there is enough logic contained within their writing and math courses. With everything else Ds would like to study I may become one of those people. :D

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We did Introductory and Intermediate Logic by Nance and Wilson for a year course in 9th grade. I also added the ARt of Argument Teaching Company lectures. He was taking Geometry that year as well, so it was a good combo.


I can see how that would work well. Off to check online samples again! Thanks.



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We've used Material Logic and Traditional Logic to cover both. They have volumes 1 & 2 for both courses, so you might do 1 semester of each, or a year of one.

From Cothran; "While formal logic studied the "how" of reasoning, material logic studied the "what."


I haven't spent much time looking at Material Logic. I'm not sure why, but I'll take a look again. Thanks for the suggestion. It's an interesting approach.

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We've used Material Logic and Traditional Logic to cover both. They have volumes 1 & 2 for both courses, so you might do 1 semester of each, or a year of one.

From Cothran; "While formal logic studied the "how" of reasoning, material logic studied the "what."


We are doing Traditional Logic right now and plan to continue on to Material Logic eventually.

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