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Teachers Lodge 2-27-2012

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Welcome to Monday! :glare:


My son is continuously whiney this morning, and we're supposed to be going to a friend's house for a playdate in a bit. *sigh* His shoes, doesn't matter which pair, continue to bother and frustrate him. I'm about ready to make him go barefoot!:tongue_smilie:


So, how is it in your part of the world this morning?



Going anywhere today? Here: see above.



Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break? Here: this week is a "sort of" spring break since, after today, we'll only be concentrating on science and my daughter's research paper. Other than that, they'll have to fend for themselves as I work on other things that desperately need my attention! However, during the ps school district's spring break here, I'm really tempted to sign up BOTH kids for a Spring Break Camp!


Talk to me!

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Good to see you, Scrap!


So, how is it in your part of the world this morning? It is beautifully sunny but everything is covered by frost. One step outside would convince your son to put his shoes on:001_smile: (BTW - my kids tend to go barefoot when it is warmer.)



Going anywhere today? Nope. Not until we go to the Y tonight.


Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break? Yes, I just booked two nights at a motel on San Juan Island. I think it is the cheapest accommodation on the island (everything tends to be expensive there) but the pictures didn't show any roaches so I think we're ok. I hope! That won't be until next month, though.

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Good Morning!


So, how is it in your part of the world this morning?

My world is bright and sunny. It is nice so far. I haven't even pretended to start school yet, but I will. Really. I'm just going to enjoy the morning a little bit more first.


Going anywhere today?

Yes. Already been and lots more to do. DH is out of town on business this week so I have to do all the running around that is normally divided. I already dropped older dd off at school from which I have to pick her up at 3:30 to get her to cello from 4-5 then from 5:30-6:30, younger dd has tap daincing. In between, I'm supposed to work, educate, make dinner and make cupcakes for tomorrow.


Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break? Talk to me!

I was talking to the girls about that this morning. The whole county gets out for the same week. They were wondering if they got a spring break too. I was tempted to sign them up for spring break art camp or zoo camp, but realized that would mean a whole week of dropping off and picking up every day during the day. That doesn't sound like it would be worth the 4 hours of quiet I would get in between. Maybe just a week of me ignorning their education and them playing and reading would be a better break for me.

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So, how is it in your part of the world this morning?

It's a typical Monday. We're trying to "recover" from a busy weekend. I'm on my 3rd load of laundry already. We have a full day of school work planned. Actually, it's well under way already! The weather is dreary, rainy, and chilly.



Going anywhere today?

I already took one little girl (that I babysit) to her preschool. I'll have to pick her up at 1pm. This evening, the kids and I are going to my grandparents' house for dinner.


Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break?

Yes. My husband is a ps teacher, so we take spring break at the same time as his school. This year, spring break is April 1-8th. He and the kids are going camping for 2 nights with two other dads and their kids. I'm staying home this time so I can get some planning and cleaning done. My youngest will probably only go camping for one of the nights.

Edited by MamaAkins
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So, how is it in your part of the world this morning? Bright and sunny. Snow on the ground. Yesterday was incredibly windy with blowing snow and drifts across the roads (thought I was going to get stuck going to pick up our milk!) Today is calm and bright.

We cleaned for 1 1/2 hours this morning so the kids are taking a break. The notsolittles are watching Bio 101 as their break. The 17 yo went to write. :lol:



Going anywhere today? No. But later this week my 2 older kids and I are taking a quick trip to Chicago to visit my 95 yo Grandma.


Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break? Our on-line classes are on spring break- a relief for my 17 yo who is feeling very behind this semester! Tutoring Center keeps going so we have deadlines still.


I've got to get stuff planned for while I'm gone. Dh will be working from home but he wants the kids directed for part of the time.


Jean- how wonderful!!

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Ahh, so glad to see the lodge today. I'm in need of a break already.


So, how is it in your part of the world this morning? It's sunny now, but the clouds to the SW looked ominous earlier and apparently there's a good chance of rain later today, which is frustrating because I had hoped to get outside and paint the back porch. Maybe I'll touch up some of the rooms inside instead.


Going anywhere today? Nowhere except taking DD to and picking her up from school. My goal is home improvement. I also need to call our realtor and get her scheduled to come take a look at the house so she can tell us what else needs to be done to it (other than painting, decluttering, and cleaning).


Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break? Yes. We'll have two weeks off here in March when DD's school has their spring break.

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Good morning everyone!


So, how is it in your part of the world this morning?

It is overcast outside, but I'm assuming it'll clear up soon. Utah seems to have missed the memo that it is winter.


Going anywhere today? No, Digby is really sick and I'd rather keep him home.



Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break? Ummm...no. We've still not really recovered from Christmas, which is technically ok, since Kindergarten isn't required here. I'm also trying to figure out how to keep the littles occupied. So maybe our winter break will turn into a spring break :lol:

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So, how is it in your part of the world this morning?




We had a VERY busy weekend, and my son just could not get going today. He slept late, dawdled over breakfast and his shower, and I found him sketching costume ideas when he was supposed to be doing math. His defense was that he can't find his math book.


I was supposed to make an appointment to take my car in for service today, but decided I had better stay home and sit on him, instead.


After that drama, he seemed to be ready to kick it into gear. He sat down to do Spanish, only to discover that FLVS is down.


Meanwhile, my daughter is in a yucky mood. She came out just long enough to collect her breakfast and take it back to her room. I haven't seen her in over an hour.


Going anywhere today?


My son has choir rehearsal and a dance class tonight, and my daughter has the first tech rehearsal for the show she's opening this weekend. So, it'll be another evening of running to assorted points in Orlando for me.


Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break?


Nope. We're so far behind already, and between them the two kids have four shows either already running or opening in the next couple of weeks. We invariable lose school time when they are in the thick of tech rehearsals and opening weekends, and I just can't justify taking off any time on purpose.

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So, how is it in your part of the world this morning? We are slow moving today and not getting much done. Not the best way to start the week.



Going anywhere today? Suppose to have gotten together with others to finish a project this afternoon but others had to cancel (emergency in family). Tonight is a basketball thing.



Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break? We might take a break but won't be going anywhere.


Talk to me! Just had a nice suprise. :001_smile: I had popped the kiddoes a very small pizza in the oven. I knew they were still gonna be hungry and was looking for something else to feed them. Kiddos yell "someone's here." It was good friends of mine. They had been to eat at the local chicken place and the lady gave them each an extra chicken breast. Well they never touched them so they boxed up the 2 pieces and dropped them by here. Said they thought the kiddos might like them. Lunch problem solved. :D

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So, how is it in your part of the world this morning?

It's windy! There is an 80% chance of blowing snow today. My boys are baking cakes for the Blue & Gold banquet tonight. It's a good day to be baking. I'm in a reaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllly extra super-duper bad mood and would rather not try to train my precious children today. :glare: I am trying to just smile and sip my coffee, and be very careful with my tone.



Going anywhere today? Just the Boy Scout B&G shin-dig. There was a field trip scheduled for today with my homeschool group, but we would have been out from 8 AM till 3 PM, then the BS party tonight. I'd rather do Scouts!



Are you taking, or planning on taking a spring break? We need to keep working. We will probably school 'light' while my niece and nephew are here during their spring break. It's highly motivational for my kids to work hard if they know they can play with their cousins as soon as their work is complete. ;)


Have a great Monday, everyone!

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